diff --git a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolationValidation.h b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolationValidation.h
index b8e0ccf7cfab63da28f27f18f3246a5eea7bd1fb..45ed62d7d484f7f104292aa41bf66d0260d8b258 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolationValidation.h
+++ b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolationValidation.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -15,10 +15,12 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/IRndmGenSvc.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/RndmGenerators.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
 #include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitives.h"
 #include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitivesHelpers.h"
 #include <string>
+#include "TrkExInterfaces/IExtrapolator.h"
 class TTree;
@@ -29,7 +31,6 @@ class TTree;
 namespace Trk 
-  class IExtrapolator;
   class Surface;
   class TrackingGeometry;
   class TrackingVolume;
@@ -73,81 +74,92 @@ namespace Trk
       static Amg::Transform3D createTransform(double x, double y, double z, double phi=0., double theta=0., double alphaZ=0.);      
       /** the highest volume */
-      const TrackingVolume*     m_highestVolume;
+      const TrackingVolume* m_highestVolume = nullptr;
       /** The Extrapolator to be retrieved */
-      ToolHandle<IExtrapolator> m_extrapolator;
+      ToolHandle<IExtrapolator> m_extrapolator
+	{this, "Extrapolator", "Trk::Extrapolator/AtlasExtrapolator"};
       /** Random Number setup */
-      Rndm::Numbers*            m_gaussDist;
-      Rndm::Numbers*            m_flatDist;
-      bool                      m_materialCollectionValidation; //!< run the material collection
-      bool                      m_direct; //extrapolate directly
-      TTree*                    m_validationTree;            //!< Root Validation Tree
-      std::string               m_validationTreeName;        //!< validation tree name - to be acessed by this from root
-      std::string               m_validationTreeDescription; //!< validation tree description - second argument in TTree
-      std::string               m_validationTreeFolder;      //!< stream/folder to for the TTree to be written out
-      double                    m_maximumR;                  //!< maximum R of the highest
-      double                    m_maximumZ;                  //!< maximum halfZ of the highest tracking volume
-      double                    m_sigmaLoc;       //!< local sigma of start value
-      double                    m_sigmaR;         //!< r sigma of start value
-      double                    m_sigmaZ;         //!< Z sigma of start value
-      double                    m_minEta;         //!< Minimal eta value
-      double                    m_maxEta;         //!< Maximal eta value
-      double                    m_minP;           //!< Minimal p value 
-      double                    m_maxP;           //!< Maximal p value
+      Rndm::Numbers* m_gaussDist = nullptr;
+      Rndm::Numbers* m_flatDist = nullptr;
+      BooleanProperty m_materialCollectionValidation
+	{this, "ValidateMaterialCollection", true};
+      BooleanProperty m_direct{this, "ExtrapolateDirectly", false,
+	"extrapolate directly"};
+      TTree* m_validationTree = nullptr;            //!< Root Validation Tree
+      StringProperty m_validationTreeName
+	{this, "ValidationTreeName", "ExtrapolationValidation",
+	 "validation tree name - to be acessed by this from root"};
+      StringProperty m_validationTreeDescription
+	{this, "ValidationTreeDescription",
+	 "Output of the ExtrapolationValidation Algorithm",
+	 "validation tree description - second argument in TTree"};
+      StringProperty m_validationTreeFolder
+	{this, "ValidationTreeFolder", "/val/ExtrapolationValidation",
+	 "stream/folder to for the TTree to be written out"};
+      double m_maximumR = 0.;                  //!< maximum R of the highest
+      double m_maximumZ = 0.;                  //!< maximum halfZ of the highest tracking volume
+      DoubleProperty m_sigmaLoc{this, "StartPerigeeSigmaLoc",
+	10.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer, "local sigma of start value"};
+      DoubleProperty m_sigmaR{this, "StartPerigeeSigmaR",
+	17.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer, "r sigma of start value"};
+      DoubleProperty m_sigmaZ{this, "StartPerigeeSigmaZ",
+	50.*Gaudi::Units::millimeter, "Z sigma of start value"};
+      DoubleProperty m_minEta{this, "StartPerigeeMinEta", -3.};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxEta{this, "StartPerigeeMaxEta", 3.};
+      DoubleProperty m_minP{this, "StartPerigeeMinP", 0.5*Gaudi::Units::GeV};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxP{this, "StartPerigeeMaxP", 100.*Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-      int                       m_particleType;   //!< the particle typre for the extrap.
-      int               m_parameters;          //!< maximum 3 : start - destination - backward
-      float             m_parameterLoc1[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];    //!< start local 1
-      float             m_parameterLoc2[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];    //!< start local 2
-      float             m_parameterPhi[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];     //!< start phi
-      float             m_parameterTheta[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];   //!< start theta
-      float             m_parameterEta[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];     //!< start eta
-      float             m_parameterQoverP[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];  //!< start qOverP
-      float             m_covarianceLoc1[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];    //!< start local 1
-      float             m_covarianceLoc2[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];    //!< start local 2
-      float             m_covariancePhi[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];     //!< start phi
-      float             m_covarianceTheta[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];   //!< start theta
-      float             m_covarianceQoverP[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];  //!< start qOverP
-      float             m_covarianceDeterminant[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS];  //!< start qOverP
-      int               m_destinationSurfaceType;  //!< destination surface type
-      float             m_startX;      //!< startX
-      float             m_startY;      //!< startX
-      float             m_startR;      //!< startX
-      float             m_startZ;      //!< startX
-      float             m_startP;      //!< startP
+      IntegerProperty m_particleType{this, "ParticleType", 2,
+	"the particle type for the extrap."};
+      int m_parameters = 0;          //!< maximum 3 : start - destination - backward
+      float m_parameterLoc1[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};    //!< start local 1
+      float m_parameterLoc2[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};    //!< start local 2
+      float m_parameterPhi[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};     //!< start phi
+      float m_parameterTheta[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};   //!< start theta
+      float m_parameterEta[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};     //!< start eta
+      float m_parameterQoverP[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};  //!< start qOverP
+      float m_covarianceLoc1[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};    //!< start local 1
+      float m_covarianceLoc2[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};    //!< start local 2
+      float m_covariancePhi[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};     //!< start phi
+      float m_covarianceTheta[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};   //!< start theta
+      float m_covarianceQoverP[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};  //!< start qOverP
+      float m_covarianceDeterminant[TRKEXALGS_MAXPARAMETERS]{};  //!< start qOverP
+      int m_destinationSurfaceType = 0;  //!< destination surface type
+      float m_startX = 0.;      //!< startX
+      float m_startY = 0.;      //!< startX
+      float m_startR = 0.;      //!< startX
+      float m_startZ = 0.;      //!< startX
+      float m_startP = 0.;      //!< startP
-      float             m_estimationX;      //!< estimation in X
-      float             m_estimationY;      //!< estimation in Y
-      float             m_estimationR;      //!< estimation in R
-      float             m_estimationZ;      //!< estimation in Z
+      float m_estimationX = 0.;      //!< estimation in X
+      float m_estimationY = 0.;      //!< estimation in Y
+      float m_estimationR = 0.;      //!< estimation in R
+      float m_estimationZ = 0.;      //!< estimation in Z
-      float             m_destinationX;      //!< destination in X
-      float             m_destinationY;      //!< destination in Y
-      float             m_destinationR;      //!< destination in R
-      float             m_destinationZ;      //!< destination in Z
+      float m_destinationX = 0.;      //!< destination in X
+      float m_destinationY = 0.;      //!< destination in Y
+      float m_destinationR = 0.;      //!< destination in R
+      float m_destinationZ = 0.;      //!< destination in Z
       // ---- output statistics
-      unsigned int     m_triesFront;    //!< events front
-      unsigned int     m_breaksFront;  //!< breaks front
-      unsigned int     m_triesBack;    //!< events back
-      unsigned int     m_breaksBack;   //!< breaks
+      unsigned int m_triesFront = 0;    //!< events front
+      unsigned int m_breaksFront = 0;  //!< breaks front
+      unsigned int m_triesBack = 0;    //!< events back
+      unsigned int m_breaksBack = 0;   //!< breaks
-      unsigned int     m_collectedLayerFront;    //!< collected material layers forward
-      unsigned int     m_collectedLayerBack;    //!< collected material layers backwards
-      //AmgSymMatrix(5) * m_covariance; 
+      unsigned int m_collectedLayerFront = 0;    //!< collected material layers forward
+      unsigned int m_collectedLayerBack = 0;    //!< collected material layers backwards
 } // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolatorComparisonTest.h b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolatorComparisonTest.h
index c61a95fb038938c15d5b2cb37c310026027da1c7..20bf585fd49fd5b9a2f354292b8dba1f7e76188a 100644
--- a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolatorComparisonTest.h
+++ b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolatorComparisonTest.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include "Gaudi/Property.h"  /*no forward decl: typedef*/
 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/EventContext.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
 #include "AthenaKernel/IAthRNGSvc.h"
 #include "AthenaKernel/RNGWrapper.h"
 #include "TrkExInterfaces/IExtrapolator.h"
@@ -118,34 +119,43 @@ namespace Trk
       ToolHandle<Trk::IExtrapolator> m_atlasExtrapolator {this, "Extrapolator", "Trk::Extrapolator/AtlasExtrapolator"};
-      double                            m_sigmaD0;                    //!< Sigma of distribution for D0
-      double                            m_sigmaZ0;                    //!< Sigma of distribution for Z0
-      double                            m_minPhi;                     //!< Minimal phi value
-      double                            m_maxPhi;                     //!< Maximal phi value
-      double                            m_minEta;                     //!< Minimal eta value
-      double                            m_maxEta;                     //!< Maximal eta value
-      double                            m_minPt;                      //!< Minimal p value 
-      double                            m_maxPt;                      //!< Maximal p value
+      DoubleProperty m_sigmaD0
+	{this, "StartPerigeeSigmaD0", 17.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer};
+      DoubleProperty m_sigmaZ0
+	{this, "StartPerigeeSigmaZ0", 50.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer};
+      DoubleProperty m_minPhi{this, "StartPerigeeMinPhi", -M_PI};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxPhi{this, "StartPerigeeMaxPhi", M_PI};
+      DoubleProperty m_minEta{this, "StartPerigeeMinEta", -3.};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxEta{this, "StartPerigeeMaxEta", 3.};
+      DoubleProperty m_minPt
+	{this, "StartPerigeeMinPt", 0.5*Gaudi::Units::GeV};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxPt
+	{this, "StartPerigeeMaxPt", 50000*Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-      int                               m_particleType;               //!< the particle typre for the extrap.
+      IntegerProperty m_particleType
+	{this, "ParticleType", 2, "the particle type for the extrap."};
       /** member variables for algorithm properties: */
-      unsigned int                                     m_referenceSurfaces;
+      unsigned int m_referenceSurfaces = 0;
-      std::vector<double>                              m_referenceSurfaceRadius;
-      std::vector<double>                              m_referenceSurfaceHalflength;
+      DoubleArrayProperty m_referenceSurfaceRadius
+	{this, "ReferenceSurfaceRadius", {}};
+      DoubleArrayProperty m_referenceSurfaceHalflength
+	{this, "ReferenceSurfaceHalfZ", {}};
-      std::vector<double>                              m_referenceSurfaceNegativeBoundary;
-      std::vector<double>                              m_referenceSurfacePositiveBoundary;
+      std::vector<double> m_referenceSurfaceNegativeBoundary;
+      std::vector<double> m_referenceSurfacePositiveBoundary;
       std::vector< std::vector<const Trk::Surface*> >  m_atlasReferenceSurfaceTriples;
       std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr<const Acts::Surface> > > m_actsReferenceSurfaceTriples;
-      int m_eventsPerExecute;
+      IntegerProperty m_eventsPerExecute{this, "EventsPerExecute", 1};
-      ServiceHandle<PropResultRootWriterSvc> m_atlasPropResultWriterSvc;
-      ServiceHandle<PropResultRootWriterSvc> m_actsPropResultWriterSvc;
-      ServiceHandle<IAthRNGSvc> m_rndmSvc;
+      ServiceHandle<PropResultRootWriterSvc> m_atlasPropResultWriterSvc
+	{this, "ATLASPropResultRootWriter", "ATLASPropResultRootWriterSvc"};
+      ServiceHandle<PropResultRootWriterSvc> m_actsPropResultWriterSvc
+	{this, "ACTSPropResultRootWriter", "ACTSPropResultRootWriterSvc"};
+      ServiceHandle<IAthRNGSvc> m_rndmSvc{this, "RndmSvc", "AthRNGSvc"};
       ATHRNG::RNGWrapper* m_randomEngine = nullptr;
 } // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolatorTest.h b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolatorTest.h
index 3d2683309a418e4f78dc137b39fb1832df1dc114..ac5595190caa56173c95df156f85dcca3528fad1 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolatorTest.h
+++ b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolatorTest.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -15,15 +15,17 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/IRndmGenSvc.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/RndmGenerators.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
 #include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
+#include "TrkExInterfaces/IExtrapolator.h"
+#include "TrkExInterfaces/IPropagator.h"
 namespace Trk 
-  class IExtrapolator;
-  class IPropagator;
   class Surface;
   class MagneticFieldProperties;
   /** @class ExtrapolatorTest
@@ -64,40 +66,49 @@ namespace Trk
       Trk::Perigee generatePerigee();
       /** The Extrapolator to be retrieved */
-      ToolHandle<IExtrapolator>         m_extrapolator;
-      ToolHandle<IPropagator>           m_propagator;
-      MagneticFieldProperties*          m_magFieldProperties; //!< magnetic field properties
+      ToolHandle<IExtrapolator> m_extrapolator
+	{this, "Extrapolator", "Trk::Extrapolator/AtlasExtrapolator"};
+      PublicToolHandle<IPropagator> m_propagator
+	{this, "Propagator", "Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/RungeKuttaPropagator"};
+      MagneticFieldProperties*  m_magFieldProperties = nullptr; //!< magnetic field properties
       /** Random Number setup */
-      Rndm::Numbers*                    m_gaussDist;
-      Rndm::Numbers*                    m_flatDist;
-      double                   m_sigmaD0;                    //!< Sigma of distribution for D0
-      double                   m_sigmaZ0;                    //!< Sigma of distribution for Z0
-      double                   m_minPhi;                     //!< Minimal phi value
-      double                   m_maxPhi;                     //!< Maximal phi value
-      double                   m_minEta;                     //!< Minimal eta value
-      double                   m_maxEta;                     //!< Maximal eta value
-      double                   m_minP;                       //!< Minimal p value 
-      double                   m_maxP;                       //!< Maximal p value
-      int                      m_direction;                  //!< extrapolation direction
-      int                      m_particleType;               //!< the particle typre for the extrap.
+      Rndm::Numbers* m_gaussDist = nullptr;
+      Rndm::Numbers* m_flatDist = nullptr;
+      DoubleProperty m_sigmaD0
+	{this, "StartPerigeeSigmaD0", 17.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer};
+      DoubleProperty m_sigmaZ0
+	{this, "StartPerigeeSigmaZ0", 50.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer};
+      DoubleProperty m_minPhi{this, "StartPerigeeMinPhi", -M_PI};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxPhi{this, "StartPerigeeMaxPhi", M_PI};
+      DoubleProperty m_minEta{this, "StartPerigeeMinEta", -3.};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxEta{this, "StartPerigeeMaxEta", 3.};
+      DoubleProperty m_minP
+	{this, "StartPerigeeMinP", 0.5*Gaudi::Units::GeV};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxP
+	{this, "StartPerigeeMaxP", 50000*Gaudi::Units::GeV};
+      IntegerProperty m_direction{this, "StartDirection", 1};
+      IntegerProperty m_particleType
+	{this, "ParticleType", 2, "the particle type for the extrap."};
       /** member variables for algorithm properties: */
-      unsigned int                                     m_referenceSurfaces;
+      unsigned int m_referenceSurfaces = 0;
-      std::vector<double>                              m_referenceSurfaceRadius;
-      std::vector<double>                              m_referenceSurfaceHalflength;
+      DoubleArrayProperty m_referenceSurfaceRadius
+	{this, "ReferenceSurfaceRadius", {}};
+      DoubleArrayProperty m_referenceSurfaceHalflength
+	{this, "ReferenceSurfaceHalfZ", {}};
       std::vector< std::vector<const Surface*> >       m_referenceSurfaceTriples;
       std::vector<double>                              m_referenceSurfaceNegativeBoundary;
       std::vector<double>                              m_referenceSurfacePositiveBoundary;
-      int m_eventsPerExecute;
       std::vector<Trk::Perigee> m_perigees;
-      bool m_useExtrapolator;
+      IntegerProperty m_eventsPerExecute{this, "EventsPerExecute", -1};
+      BooleanProperty m_useExtrapolator{this, "UseExtrapolator", false};
 } // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/RiddersAlgorithm.h b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/RiddersAlgorithm.h
index 9227fa136c808dcdae0766a9a7df520c5d87f062..54ef08c18d190331a95453754f1117f0715afb5c 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/RiddersAlgorithm.h
+++ b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/TrkExAlgs/RiddersAlgorithm.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -14,9 +14,12 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/IRndmGenSvc.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/RndmGenerators.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
 #include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
 #include <string>
+#include "TrkExInterfaces/IPropagator.h"
 class AtlasDetectorID;
 class Identifier;
 class TTree;
@@ -28,7 +31,6 @@ class TTree;
 namespace Trk 
-  class IPropagator;
   class MagneticFieldProperties;
   /** @class RiddersAlgorithm
@@ -64,77 +66,89 @@ namespace Trk
                                            double x0, double x1, double x2);
       /** member variables for algorithm properties: */
-      ToolHandle<IPropagator>           m_propagator;       
-      bool                              m_useCustomField;
-      bool                              m_useAlignedSurfaces;
-      double                            m_fieldValue;
-      MagneticFieldProperties*          m_magFieldProperties;
+      PublicToolHandle<IPropagator> m_propagator
+	{this, "Propagator", "Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/RungeKuttaPropagator"};
+      BooleanProperty m_useCustomField{this, "UseCustomMagneticField", true};
+      BooleanProperty m_useAlignedSurfaces{this, "UseAlignedSurfaces", true};
+      DoubleProperty m_fieldValue
+	{this, "CustomFieldValue", 2.*Gaudi::Units::tesla};
+      MagneticFieldProperties* m_magFieldProperties = nullptr;
       /** The smearing */
-      double                    m_sigmaLoc;       //!< local sigma of start value
-      double                    m_sigmaR;         //!< r sigma of start value
-      double                    m_minPhi;         //!< Minimal phi value
-      double                    m_maxPhi;         //!< Maximal phi value
-      double                    m_minEta;         //!< Minimal eta value
-      double                    m_maxEta;         //!< Maximal eta value
-      double                    m_minP;           //!< Minimal p value 
-      double                    m_maxP;           //!< Maximal p value
+      DoubleProperty m_sigmaLoc
+	{this, "StartPerigeeSigmaLoc", 100.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer};
+      DoubleProperty m_sigmaR
+	{this, "StartPerigeeSigmaR", 0.};
+      DoubleProperty m_minPhi{this, "StartPerigeeMinPhi", -M_PI};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxPhi{this, "StartPerigeeMaxPhi", M_PI};
+      DoubleProperty m_minEta{this, "StartPerigeeMinEta", -2.5};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxEta{this, "StartPerigeeMaxEta", 2.5};
+      DoubleProperty m_minP
+	{this, "StartPerigeeMinP", 0.5*Gaudi::Units::GeV};
+      DoubleProperty m_maxP
+	{this, "StartPerigeeMaxP", 50000*Gaudi::Units::GeV};
       /** To create the first extimations */
-      double                            m_minimumR;
-      double                            m_maximumR;
+      DoubleProperty m_minimumR{this, "TargetSurfaceMinR", 10.};
+      DoubleProperty m_maximumR{this, "TargetSurfaceMaxR", 1000.};
       /** variations */
-      std::vector<double>               m_localVariations;
-      std::vector<double>               m_angularVariations;
-      std::vector<double>               m_qOpVariations;
-      TTree*                    m_validationTree;            //!< Root Validation Tree
-      std::string               m_validationTreeName;        //!< validation tree name - to be acessed by this from root
-      std::string               m_validationTreeDescription; //!< validation tree description - second argument in TTree
-      std::string               m_validationTreeFolder;      //!< stream/folder to for the TTree to be written out
-      int               m_steps;
-      float             m_loc1loc1[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc1loc2[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc1phi[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc1theta[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc1qop[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc1steps[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc2loc1[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc2loc2[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc2phi[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc2theta[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc2qop[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_loc2steps[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_philoc1[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_philoc2[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_phiphi[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_phitheta[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_phiqop[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_phisteps[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_thetaloc1[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_thetaloc2[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_thetaphi[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_thetatheta[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_thetaqop[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_thetasteps[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_qoploc1[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_qoploc2[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_qopphi[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_qoptheta[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_qopqop[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
-      float             m_qopsteps[RIDDLERSSTEPS];
+      DoubleArrayProperty m_localVariations{this, "LocalVariations", {}};
+      DoubleArrayProperty m_angularVariations{this, "AngularVariations", {}};
+      DoubleArrayProperty m_qOpVariations{this, "QopVariations", {}};
+      TTree* m_validationTree = nullptr;            //!< Root Validation Tree
+      StringProperty m_validationTreeName
+	{this, "ValidationTreeName", "RiddersTree",
+	 "validation tree name - to be acessed by this from root"};
+      StringProperty m_validationTreeDescription
+	{this, "ValidationTreeDescription", "Output of the RiddersAlgorithm",
+	 "validation tree description - second argument in TTree"};
+      StringProperty m_validationTreeFolder
+	{this, "ValidationTreeFolder", "/val/RiddersAlgorithm",
+	 "stream/folder to for the TTree to be written out"};
+      int m_steps = 0;
+      float m_loc1loc1[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc1loc2[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc1phi[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc1theta[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc1qop[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc1steps[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc2loc1[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc2loc2[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc2phi[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc2theta[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc2qop[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_loc2steps[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_philoc1[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_philoc2[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_phiphi[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_phitheta[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_phiqop[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_phisteps[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_thetaloc1[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_thetaloc2[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_thetaphi[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_thetatheta[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_thetaqop[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_thetasteps[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_qoploc1[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_qoploc2[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_qopphi[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_qoptheta[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_qopqop[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
+      float m_qopsteps[RIDDLERSSTEPS]{};
       /** Random Number setup */
-      Rndm::Numbers*                    m_gaussDist;
-      Rndm::Numbers*                    m_flatDist;
+      Rndm::Numbers* m_gaussDist = nullptr;
+      Rndm::Numbers* m_flatDist = nullptr;
 } // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolationValidation.cxx b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolationValidation.cxx
index 32e45d7325f30ddd9757f7c98f0a6cf0493a8df6..31988606c5b4d070d760b4b4767677e3a7b0d7b5 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolationValidation.cxx
+++ b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolationValidation.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 #include <cmath>
 #include "TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolationValidation.h"
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/IExtrapolator.h"
 #include "TrkSurfaces/CylinderSurface.h"
 #include "TrkSurfaces/DiscSurface.h"
 #include "TrkSurfaces/PlaneSurface.h"
@@ -22,86 +21,12 @@
 // Validation mode - TTree includes
 #include "TTree.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h" 
-#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
 //================ Constructor =================================================
 Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::ExtrapolationValidation(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-  AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator),
-  m_highestVolume(nullptr),
-  m_extrapolator("Trk::Extrapolator/AtlasExtrapolator"),
-  m_gaussDist(nullptr),
-  m_flatDist(nullptr),
-  m_materialCollectionValidation(true),
-  m_direct(false),
-  m_validationTree(nullptr),  
-  m_validationTreeName("ExtrapolationValidation"),
-  m_validationTreeDescription("Output of the ExtrapolationValidation Algorithm"),
-  m_validationTreeFolder("/val/ExtrapolationValidation"),
-  m_maximumR(0.),
-  m_maximumZ(0.),
-  m_sigmaLoc(10.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer),
-  m_sigmaR(17.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer),                   
-  m_sigmaZ(50.*Gaudi::Units::millimeter),
-  m_minEta(-3.),                    
-  m_maxEta(3.),                    
-  m_minP(0.5*Gaudi::Units::GeV),                      
-  m_maxP(100.*Gaudi::Units::GeV),
-  m_particleType(2),
-  m_parameters(0),
-  m_parameterLoc1{},    //!< start local 1 
-  m_parameterLoc2{},    //!< start local 2 
-  m_parameterPhi{},     //!< start phi 
-  m_parameterTheta{},   //!< start theta
-  m_parameterEta{},     //!< start eta
-  m_parameterQoverP{},  //!< start qOverP
-  m_covarianceLoc1{},    //!< start local 1 
-  m_covarianceLoc2{},    //!< start local 2 
-  m_covariancePhi{},     //!< start phi 
-  m_covarianceTheta{},   //!< start theta
-  m_covarianceQoverP{},  //!< start qOverP
-  m_covarianceDeterminant{},  //!< start qOverP
-  m_destinationSurfaceType(0),
-  m_startX{},      //!< startX
-  m_startY{},      //!< startX
-  m_startR{},      //!< startX
-  m_startZ{},      //!< startX
-  m_startP{},      //!< startP
-  m_estimationX(0.),
-  m_estimationY(0.),
-  m_estimationR(0.),
-  m_estimationZ(0.),
-  m_destinationX(0.),
-  m_destinationY(0.),
-  m_destinationR(0.),
-  m_destinationZ(0.),
-  m_triesFront(0),
-  m_breaksFront(0),
-  m_triesBack(0),
-  m_breaksBack(0),
-  m_collectedLayerFront(0),
-  m_collectedLayerBack(0)  
-  // used algorithms and alg tools
-  declareProperty("Extrapolator",                m_extrapolator);
-  declareProperty("ValidateMaterialCollection",  m_materialCollectionValidation);
-  declareProperty("ExtrapolateDirectly", m_direct);
-  // TTree handling
-  declareProperty("ValidationTreeName",          m_validationTreeName);
-  declareProperty("ValidationTreeDescription",   m_validationTreeDescription);
-  declareProperty("ValidationTreeFolder",        m_validationTreeFolder);
-  // algorithm steering
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeSigmaLoc"      , m_sigmaLoc);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeSigmaR"        , m_sigmaR);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeSigmaZ"        , m_sigmaZ);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinEta"        , m_minEta);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxEta"        , m_maxEta);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinP"          , m_minP);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxP"          , m_maxP);
-  declareProperty("ParticleType"              , m_particleType);
+  AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator) {}
 //================ Destructor =================================================
@@ -124,7 +49,8 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::initialize()
    ATH_CHECK( m_extrapolator.retrieve());
    // create the new Tree
-   m_validationTree = new TTree(m_validationTreeName.c_str(), m_validationTreeDescription.c_str());
+   m_validationTree = new TTree(m_validationTreeName.value().c_str(),
+				m_validationTreeDescription.value().c_str());
    // the branches for the parameters
    m_validationTree->Branch("Parameters",            &m_parameters,     "params/I");
@@ -186,9 +112,9 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::finalize()
   // Code entered here will be executed once at the end of the program run.
     ATH_MSG_INFO("================== Output Statistics =========================");
     ATH_MSG_INFO("= Navigation : ");
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("=  - breaks fwd : " << double(m_breaksFront)/double(m_triesFront) 
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("=  - breaks fwd : " << static_cast<double>(m_breaksFront)/static_cast<double>(m_triesFront)
         << " (" << m_breaksFront << "/" << m_triesFront << ")");
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("=  - breaks bwd : " << double(m_breaksBack)/double(m_triesBack)   
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("=  - breaks bwd : " << static_cast<double>(m_breaksBack)/static_cast<double>(m_triesBack)
         << " (" << m_breaksBack << "/" << m_triesBack << ")");
     if (m_materialCollectionValidation){
         ATH_MSG_INFO("= Material collection : ");
@@ -251,24 +177,23 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::execute()
    m_parameterEta[m_parameters]   = m_minEta + m_flatDist->shoot()*(m_maxEta-m_minEta);
    m_parameterTheta[m_parameters] = 2.*std::atan(std::exp(-m_parameterEta[m_parameters]));
-   m_covarianceLoc1[m_parameters] = fabs( m_parameterLoc1[m_parameters] * 0.1);                                          
-   m_covarianceLoc2[m_parameters] =  fabs( m_parameterLoc2[m_parameters] * 0.1);                                        
-   m_covariancePhi[m_parameters] =   fabs( m_parameterPhi[m_parameters] * 0.1);
-   m_covarianceTheta[m_parameters] =  fabs(m_parameterTheta[m_parameters] * 0.1);
+   m_covarianceLoc1[m_parameters] = std::abs(m_parameterLoc1[m_parameters] * 0.1);
+   m_covarianceLoc2[m_parameters] = std::abs(m_parameterLoc2[m_parameters] * 0.1);
+   m_covariancePhi[m_parameters] = std::abs(m_parameterPhi[m_parameters] * 0.1);
+   m_covarianceTheta[m_parameters] = std::abs(m_parameterTheta[m_parameters] * 0.1);
    // this is fine
    double p = m_minP + m_flatDist->shoot()*(m_maxP-m_minP);
    double charge = (m_flatDist->shoot() > 0.5 ) ? -1. : 1.;   
    m_parameterQoverP[m_parameters] = charge/p;
-   m_covarianceQoverP[m_parameters] =  fabs(m_parameterQoverP[m_parameters] * 0.1);
+   m_covarianceQoverP[m_parameters] = std::abs(m_parameterQoverP[m_parameters] * 0.1);
    // for the momentum logging
    m_startP  = p;   
    // start
-   m_startR          = fabs(m_sigmaR * m_gaussDist->shoot());
+   m_startR          = std::abs(m_sigmaR * m_gaussDist->shoot());
    double surfacePhi = M_PI * m_flatDist->shoot();
    surfacePhi       *= (m_flatDist->shoot() > 0.5 ) ? -1. : 1.;
    m_startX          = m_startR*cos(surfacePhi);
@@ -354,20 +279,20 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::execute()
    m_parameterTheta[m_parameters]  = estimationParameters->parameters()[Trk::theta];
    m_parameterQoverP[m_parameters] = estimationParameters->parameters()[Trk::qOverP];
-   m_covarianceLoc1[m_parameters] =  (*estimationParameters->covariance())(0,0);
-   m_covarianceLoc2[m_parameters] =  (*estimationParameters->covariance())(1,1);
-   m_covariancePhi[m_parameters] =  (*estimationParameters->covariance())(2,2);
-   m_covarianceTheta[m_parameters] =  (*estimationParameters->covariance())(3,3);
-   m_covarianceQoverP[m_parameters] = (*estimationParameters->covariance())(4,4);
-   m_covarianceDeterminant[m_parameters] = (estimationParameters->covariance())->determinant();
+     m_covarianceLoc1[m_parameters] = (*estimationParameters->covariance())(0,0);
+     m_covarianceLoc2[m_parameters] = (*estimationParameters->covariance())(1,1);
+     m_covariancePhi[m_parameters] = (*estimationParameters->covariance())(2,2);
+     m_covarianceTheta[m_parameters] = (*estimationParameters->covariance())(3,3);
+     m_covarianceQoverP[m_parameters] = (*estimationParameters->covariance())(4,4);
+     m_covarianceDeterminant[m_parameters] = (estimationParameters->covariance())->determinant();
-     m_covarianceLoc1[m_parameters] = 0;                                          
-     m_covarianceLoc2[m_parameters] =  0;                                        
-   m_covariancePhi[m_parameters] =  0;
-   m_covarianceTheta[m_parameters] =  0;
-   m_covarianceQoverP[m_parameters] = 0;
-   m_covarianceDeterminant[m_parameters] = 0;
+     m_covarianceLoc1[m_parameters] = 0;
+     m_covarianceLoc2[m_parameters] = 0;
+     m_covariancePhi[m_parameters] = 0;
+     m_covarianceTheta[m_parameters] = 0;
+     m_covarianceQoverP[m_parameters] = 0;
+     m_covarianceDeterminant[m_parameters] = 0;
    // the start Momentum
@@ -400,7 +325,8 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::execute()
-                                                    (Trk::ParticleHypothesis)m_particleType,Trk::addNoise).release();
+                                                    static_cast<Trk::ParticleHypothesis>(m_particleType.value()),
+                                                    Trk::addNoise).release();
    else if(!m_direct){ // material collection validation
        // get the vector of TrackStateOnSurfaces back
       const std::vector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface*>* 
@@ -409,7 +335,7 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::execute()
-                                                                      (Trk::ParticleHypothesis)m_particleType);
+                                                                      static_cast<Trk::ParticleHypothesis>(m_particleType.value()));
       // get the last one and clone it  
       if (collectedMaterial && !collectedMaterial->empty()){
@@ -418,9 +344,9 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::execute()
         destParameters = destinationState->trackParameters() ? destinationState->trackParameters()->clone() : nullptr;
         m_collectedLayerFront += collectedMaterial->size();
         // delete the layers / cleanup
-        std::vector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface*>::const_iterator tsosIter    =  collectedMaterial->begin();
-        std::vector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface*>::const_iterator tsosIterEnd =  collectedMaterial->end();
-        for ( ; tsosIter != tsosIterEnd; delete(*tsosIter), ++tsosIter);
+        for (const auto* tsos : *collectedMaterial) {
+          delete tsos;
+        }
@@ -430,7 +356,7 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::execute()
-                                                          (Trk::ParticleHypothesis)m_particleType).release();
+                                                          static_cast<Trk::ParticleHypothesis>(m_particleType.value())).release();
    // ----------------------- check if forward call was successful and continue then
@@ -477,7 +403,8 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::execute()
-                                                         (Trk::ParticleHypothesis)m_particleType,Trk::removeNoise).release();
+                                                         static_cast<Trk::ParticleHypothesis>(m_particleType.value()),
+                                                         Trk::removeNoise).release();
        else if(!m_direct){ // material collection validation
             // get the vector of TrackStateOnSurfaces back
             const std::vector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface*>* 
@@ -486,7 +413,7 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::execute()
-                                                                          (Trk::ParticleHypothesis)m_particleType);
+                                                                          static_cast<Trk::ParticleHypothesis>(m_particleType.value()));
             // get the last one and clone it  
             if (collectedBackMaterial && !collectedBackMaterial->empty()){
                 // get the last track state on surface & clone the destination parameters
@@ -495,9 +422,9 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::execute()
                 backParameters = startState->trackParameters() ? startState->trackParameters()->clone() : nullptr;
                 m_collectedLayerBack += collectedBackMaterial->size();
                 // delete the layers / cleanup
-                std::vector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface*>::const_iterator tsosIter    =  collectedBackMaterial->begin();
-                std::vector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface*>::const_iterator tsosIterEnd =  collectedBackMaterial->end();
-                for ( ; tsosIter != tsosIterEnd; delete(*tsosIter), ++tsosIter);
+                for (const auto* tsos : *collectedBackMaterial) {
+                  delete tsos;
+                }
@@ -507,7 +434,7 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolationValidation::execute()
-                                                        (Trk::ParticleHypothesis)m_particleType).release();
+                                                        static_cast<Trk::ParticleHypothesis>(m_particleType.value())).release();
       // ----------------------- check if backward call was successful and continue then
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolatorComparisonTest.cxx b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolatorComparisonTest.cxx
index 94bfe972a72fd5924dc88cdfa7b89283a92fefa3..7e85f9d15577ce5bc944838ca1e3431b9ec35c11 100644
--- a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolatorComparisonTest.cxx
+++ b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolatorComparisonTest.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 #include "TrkParametersBase/ParametersT.h"
 #include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitives.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
 // ACTS
@@ -48,54 +47,19 @@ using xclock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
 //================ Constructor =================================================
-Trk::ExtrapolatorComparisonTest::ExtrapolatorComparisonTest(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-  :
-  AthReentrantAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator),
-  m_sigmaD0(17.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer),
-  m_sigmaZ0(50.*Gaudi::Units::millimeter),
-  m_minPhi(-M_PI),                    
-  m_maxPhi(M_PI),                    
-  m_minEta(-3.),                    
-  m_maxEta(3.),                    
-  m_minPt(0.5*Gaudi::Units::GeV),                      
-  m_maxPt(50000.*Gaudi::Units::GeV),
-  m_particleType(2),
-  m_referenceSurfaces(0),
-  m_eventsPerExecute(1),
-  m_atlasPropResultWriterSvc("ATLASPropResultRootWriterSvc", name),
-  m_actsPropResultWriterSvc("ACTSPropResultRootWriterSvc", name),
-  m_rndmSvc("AthRNGSvc", name)
-  // algorithm steering
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeSigmaD0"       , m_sigmaD0                   );
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeSigmaZ0"       , m_sigmaZ0                   );
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinPhi"        , m_minPhi                    );
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxPhi"        , m_maxPhi                    );
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinEta"        , m_minEta                    );
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxEta"        , m_maxEta                    );
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinPt"         , m_minPt                     );
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxPt"         , m_maxPt                     );
-  declareProperty("ParticleType"              , m_particleType              );
-  declareProperty("ReferenceSurfaceRadius"    , m_referenceSurfaceRadius    );
-  declareProperty("ReferenceSurfaceHalfZ"     , m_referenceSurfaceHalflength);
-  declareProperty("EventsPerExecute"          , m_eventsPerExecute          );
-  declareProperty("ATLASPropResultRootWriter" , m_atlasPropResultWriterSvc  );
-  declareProperty("ACTSPropResultRootWriter"  , m_actsPropResultWriterSvc   );
-  declareProperty("RndmSvc"                   , m_rndmSvc                   );
+Trk::ExtrapolatorComparisonTest::ExtrapolatorComparisonTest(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
+  AthReentrantAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator) {}
 //================ Destructor =================================================
   // cleanup of the Trk::Surfaces
-  std::vector< std::vector< const Trk::Surface* > >::const_iterator atlasSurfaceTripleIter    = m_atlasReferenceSurfaceTriples.begin();
-  std::vector< std::vector< const Trk::Surface* > >::const_iterator atlasSurfaceTripleIterEnd = m_atlasReferenceSurfaceTriples.end();
-  for ( ; atlasSurfaceTripleIter != atlasSurfaceTripleIterEnd; ++atlasSurfaceTripleIter) {
-    std::vector<const Trk::Surface*>::const_iterator surfIter = (*atlasSurfaceTripleIter).begin();
-    std::vector<const Trk::Surface*>::const_iterator surfIterEnd = (*atlasSurfaceTripleIter).end();
-    for ( ; surfIter != surfIterEnd; delete (*surfIter), ++surfIter);
-  }    
+  for (const auto& surfaceTriple : m_atlasReferenceSurfaceTriples) {
+    for (const auto* surface : surfaceTriple) {
+      delete surface;
+    }
+  }
@@ -118,8 +82,8 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolatorComparisonTest::initialize()
      // loop over it and create the 
      for (unsigned int surface = 0; surface < m_referenceSurfaces; surface++) {
-       double radius = m_referenceSurfaceRadius.at(surface);
-       double halfZ  = m_referenceSurfaceHalflength.at(surface);
+       double radius = m_referenceSurfaceRadius[surface];
+       double halfZ  = m_referenceSurfaceHalflength[surface];
        // create the Surface triplet
        std::vector< const Trk::Surface*> trkSurfaceTriplet;
@@ -224,7 +188,7 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolatorComparisonTest::execute(const EventContext& ctx) con
-          (Trk::ParticleHypothesis)m_particleType).release();
+          static_cast<Trk::ParticleHypothesis>(m_particleType.value())).release();
       auto end_fwd = xclock::now();
       float ms_fwd = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end_fwd-start_fwd).count();
@@ -243,7 +207,7 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolatorComparisonTest::execute(const EventContext& ctx) con
-            (Trk::ParticleHypothesis)m_particleType).release();
+            static_cast<Trk::ParticleHypothesis>(m_particleType.value())).release();
         auto end_bkw = xclock::now();
         float ms_bkw = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end_bkw-start_bkw).count();
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolatorTest.cxx b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolatorTest.cxx
index 72fa6b5939a36f28d37ed572a4bff70867d3ac63..d1fa581330be58285b0e6d33529c0d68318b8c17 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolatorTest.cxx
+++ b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/ExtrapolatorTest.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -8,63 +8,18 @@
 // Tracking
 #include "TrkExAlgs/ExtrapolatorTest.h"
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/IExtrapolator.h"
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/IPropagator.h"
 #include "TrkSurfaces/CylinderSurface.h"
 #include "TrkSurfaces/DiscSurface.h"
 #include "TrkEventPrimitives/ParticleHypothesis.h"
 #include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitives.h"
 #include "TrkGeometry/MagneticFieldProperties.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
 // std
 #include <cmath>
 //================ Constructor =================================================
-Trk::ExtrapolatorTest::ExtrapolatorTest(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-  :
-  AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator),
-  m_extrapolator("Trk::Extrapolator/AtlasExtrapolator"),
-  m_propagator("Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/RungeKuttaPropagator"),
-  m_magFieldProperties(nullptr),
-  m_gaussDist(nullptr),
-  m_flatDist(nullptr),
-  m_sigmaD0(17.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer),                   
-  m_sigmaZ0(50.*Gaudi::Units::millimeter),
-  m_minPhi(-M_PI),                    
-  m_maxPhi(M_PI),                    
-  m_minEta(-3.),                    
-  m_maxEta(3.),                    
-  m_minP(0.5*Gaudi::Units::GeV),                      
-  m_maxP(50000.*Gaudi::Units::GeV),
-  m_direction(1),
-  m_particleType(2),
-  m_referenceSurfaces(0),
-  m_eventsPerExecute(-1),
-  m_useExtrapolator(false)
-  // used algorithms and alg tools
-  declareProperty("Extrapolator",                m_extrapolator);
-  declareProperty("Propagator",                  m_propagator);
-  // algorithm steering
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeSigmaD0"       , m_sigmaD0);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeSigmaZ0"       , m_sigmaZ0);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinPhi"        , m_minPhi);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxPhi"        , m_maxPhi);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinEta"        , m_minEta);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxEta"        , m_maxEta);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinP"          , m_minP);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxP"          , m_maxP);
-  declareProperty("StartDirection"            , m_direction);
-  declareProperty("ParticleType"              , m_particleType);
-  //  template for property decalration
-  declareProperty("ReferenceSurfaceRadius",    m_referenceSurfaceRadius);
-  declareProperty("ReferenceSurfaceHalfZ",     m_referenceSurfaceHalflength);
-  declareProperty("EventsPerExecute",          m_eventsPerExecute );
-  declareProperty("UseExtrapolator",           m_useExtrapolator );
+Trk::ExtrapolatorTest::ExtrapolatorTest(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
+  AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator) {}
 //================ Destructor =================================================
@@ -73,17 +28,11 @@ Trk::ExtrapolatorTest::~ExtrapolatorTest()
   delete m_gaussDist;
   delete m_flatDist;
   // cleanup of the surfaces
-   std::vector< std::vector< const Trk::Surface* > >::const_iterator surfaceTripleIter    = m_referenceSurfaceTriples.begin();
-   std::vector< std::vector< const Trk::Surface* > >::const_iterator surfaceTripleIterEnd = m_referenceSurfaceTriples.end();
-   for ( ; surfaceTripleIter != surfaceTripleIterEnd; ++surfaceTripleIter)
-   {
-     std::vector<const Trk::Surface*>::const_iterator surfIter = (*surfaceTripleIter).begin();
-     std::vector<const Trk::Surface*>::const_iterator surfIterEnd = (*surfaceTripleIter).end();
-     for ( ; surfIter != surfIterEnd; delete (*surfIter), ++surfIter);
-   }
+  for (const auto& surfaceTriple : m_referenceSurfaceTriples) {
+    for (const auto* surface : surfaceTriple) {
+        delete surface;
+    }
+  }
@@ -93,18 +42,10 @@ StatusCode Trk::ExtrapolatorTest::initialize()
   // Code entered here will be executed once at program start.
-  msg(MSG::INFO) << " initialize()" << endmsg;
+  ATH_MSG_INFO(" initialize()");
-  // Get Extrapolator from ToolService   
-  if (m_extrapolator.retrieve().isFailure()) {
-        msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not retrieve Tool " << m_extrapolator << ". Exiting."<<endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Get Propagator from ToolService    
-  if (m_propagator.retrieve().isFailure()) {
-        msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not retrieve Tool " << m_propagator << ". Exiting."<<endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
+  ATH_CHECK( m_extrapolator.retrieve() );
+  ATH_CHECK( m_propagator.retrieve() );
   m_magFieldProperties = new Trk::MagneticFieldProperties();
@@ -210,7 +151,7 @@ void Trk::ExtrapolatorTest::runTest( const Trk::Perigee& initialPerigee ) {
-               (Trk::ParticleHypothesis)m_particleType).release()
+               static_cast<Trk::ParticleHypothesis>(m_particleType.value())).release()
@@ -220,21 +161,20 @@ void Trk::ExtrapolatorTest::runTest( const Trk::Perigee& initialPerigee ) {
-                         (Trk::ParticleHypothesis)m_particleType)
+                         static_cast<Trk::ParticleHypothesis>(m_particleType.value()))
        if (destParameters) {
-           // global position parameter
-           //const Amg::Vector3D& gp = destParameters->position();
-           // intersection output
-           ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" [ intersection ] with surface at (x,y,z) = " << destParameters->position().x() << ", " << destParameters->position().y() << ", " << destParameters->position().z() );           
+	 // intersection output
+	 ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" [ intersection ] with surface at (x,y,z) = " <<
+			 destParameters->position().x() << ", " <<
+			 destParameters->position().y() << ", " <<
+			 destParameters->position().z() );           
        } else if (!destParameters)
-           ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Extrapolation not successful! " );
-          delete destParameters;
+	 ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Extrapolation not successful! " );
-   } 
+       delete destParameters;
+   }
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/RiddersAlgorithm.cxx b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/RiddersAlgorithm.cxx
index 151615cafb0b988485b336818e4aff3f47c2598b..97c31691f76e6f1aac768e08a7fcaf8c3fb0012f 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/RiddersAlgorithm.cxx
+++ b/Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExAlgs/src/RiddersAlgorithm.cxx
@@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 // RiddersAlgorithm.cxx, (c) ATLAS Detector software
 #include "TrkExAlgs/RiddersAlgorithm.h"
 // Trk stuff
-#include "TrkExInterfaces/IPropagator.h"
 #include "TrkEventPrimitives/TransportJacobian.h"
 #include "TrkGeometry/MagneticFieldProperties.h"
 #include "TrkSurfaces/PlaneSurface.h"
@@ -22,110 +17,17 @@
 // Validation mode - TTree includes
 #include "TTree.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
 #include <cmath>
 //================ Constructor =================================================
-Trk::RiddersAlgorithm::RiddersAlgorithm(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-  :
-  AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator),
-  m_propagator("Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/RungeKuttaPropagator"),
-  m_useCustomField(true),
-  m_useAlignedSurfaces(true),
-  m_fieldValue(2.*Gaudi::Units::tesla),
-  m_magFieldProperties(nullptr),
-  m_sigmaLoc(100.*Gaudi::Units::micrometer),
-  m_sigmaR(0.0),
-  m_minPhi(-M_PI),
-  m_maxPhi(M_PI),
-  m_minEta(-2.5),
-  m_maxEta(2.5),
-  m_minP(0.5*Gaudi::Units::GeV),
-  m_maxP(50000.*Gaudi::Units::GeV),
-  m_minimumR(10.),
-  m_maximumR(1000.),
-  m_localVariations(),
-  m_angularVariations(),
-  m_qOpVariations(),
-  m_validationTree(nullptr),
-  m_validationTreeName("RiddersTree"),
-  m_validationTreeDescription("Output of the RiddersAlgorithm"),
-  m_validationTreeFolder("/val/RiddersAlgorithm"),
-  m_steps(0),
-  m_loc1loc1{},
-	m_loc1loc2{},
-	m_loc1phi{},
-	m_loc1theta{},
-	m_loc1qop{},
-	m_loc1steps{},
-	m_loc2loc1{},
-	m_loc2loc2{},
-	m_loc2phi{},
-	m_loc2theta{},
-	m_loc2qop{},
-	m_loc2steps{},
-	m_philoc1{},
-	m_philoc2{},
-	m_phiphi{},
-	m_phitheta{},
-	m_phiqop{},
-	m_phisteps{},
-	m_thetaloc1{},
-	m_thetaloc2{},
-	m_thetaphi{},
-	m_thetatheta{},
-	m_thetaqop{},
-	m_thetasteps{},
-	m_qoploc1{},
-	m_qoploc2{},
-	m_qopphi{},
-	m_qoptheta{},
-	m_qopqop{},
-	m_qopsteps{},
-  m_gaussDist(nullptr),
-  m_flatDist(nullptr)
-  declareProperty("Propagator"                , m_propagator);
-  declareProperty("CustomFieldValue"          , m_fieldValue);
-  declareProperty("UseCustomMagneticField"    , m_useCustomField);
-  declareProperty("UseAlignedSurfaces"        , m_useAlignedSurfaces);
-  // TTree handling
-  declareProperty("ValidationTreeName",          m_validationTreeName);
-  declareProperty("ValidationTreeDescription",   m_validationTreeDescription);
-  declareProperty("ValidationTreeFolder",        m_validationTreeFolder);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeSigmaLoc"      , m_sigmaLoc);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinPhi"        , m_minPhi);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxPhi"        , m_maxPhi);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinEta"        , m_minEta);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxEta"        , m_maxEta);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMinP"          , m_minP);
-  declareProperty("StartPerigeeMaxP"          , m_maxP);
-  declareProperty("TargetSurfaceMinR"         , m_minimumR);
-  declareProperty("TargetSurfaceMaxR"         , m_maximumR);
-  declareProperty("LocalVariations"            , m_localVariations);
-  declareProperty("AngularVariations"          , m_angularVariations);
-  declareProperty("QopVariations"              , m_qOpVariations);
+Trk::RiddersAlgorithm::RiddersAlgorithm(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
+  AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator) {}
 //================ Destructor =================================================
    delete m_gaussDist;
    delete m_flatDist;
    delete m_magFieldProperties;
@@ -139,11 +41,7 @@ StatusCode Trk::RiddersAlgorithm::initialize()
   // Code entered here will be executed once at program start.
   ATH_MSG_INFO( " initialize()" );
-  // Get Extrapolator from ToolService
-  if (m_propagator.retrieve().isFailure()) {
-        ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Could not retrieve Tool " << m_propagator << ". Exiting." );
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
+  ATH_CHECK( m_propagator.retrieve() );
   // Prepare the magnetic field properties
   if (!m_useCustomField)
@@ -160,75 +58,67 @@ StatusCode Trk::RiddersAlgorithm::initialize()
   m_flatDist  = new Rndm::Numbers(randSvc(), Rndm::Flat(0.,1.));
-   // create the new Tree
-   m_validationTree = new TTree(m_validationTreeName.c_str(), m_validationTreeDescription.c_str());
-   // the branches for the  start
-   m_validationTree->Branch("RiddersSteps", &m_steps, "steps/I");
-   // loc 1
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1Loc1",   m_loc1loc1,    "loc1loc1[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1Loc2",   m_loc1loc2,    "loc1loc2[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1Phi",    m_loc1phi,     "loc1phi[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1Theta",  m_loc1theta,   "loc1theta[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1qOp",    m_loc1qop,     "loc1qop[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1Steps",  m_loc1steps,   "loc1steps[steps]/F");
-   // loc 2
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2Loc1",   m_loc2loc1,    "loc2loc1[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2Loc2",   m_loc2loc2,    "loc2loc2[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2Phi",    m_loc2phi,     "loc2phi[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2Theta",  m_loc2theta,   "loc2theta[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2qOp",    m_loc2qop,     "loc2qop[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2Steps",  m_loc2steps,   "loc2steps[steps]/F");
-   // phi
-   m_validationTree->Branch("PhiLoc1",    m_philoc1,     "philoc1[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("PhiLoc2",    m_philoc2 ,    "philoc2[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("PhiPhi",     m_phiphi,      "phiphi[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("PhiTheta",   m_phitheta,    "phitheta[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("PhiqOp",     m_phiqop,      "phiqop[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("PhiSteps",   m_phisteps,    "phisteps[steps]/F");
-    // Theta
-   m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaLoc1",  m_thetaloc1,   "thetaloc1[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaLoc2",  m_thetaloc2,   "thetaloc2[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaPhi",   m_thetaphi,    "thetaphi[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaTheta", m_thetatheta,  "thetatheta[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaqOp",   m_thetaqop,    "thetaqop[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaSteps", m_thetasteps,  "thetasteps[steps]/F");
-   // Qop
-   m_validationTree->Branch("QopLoc1",    m_qoploc1,     "qoploc1[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("QopLoc2",    m_qoploc2,     "qoploc2[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("QopPhi",     m_qopphi,      "qopphi[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("QopTheta",   m_qoptheta,    "qoptheta[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("QopqOp",     m_qopqop,      "qopqop[steps]/F");
-   m_validationTree->Branch("QopSteps",   m_qopsteps,    "qopsteps[steps]/F");
-   // now register the Tree
-   SmartIF<ITHistSvc> tHistSvc{service("THistSvc")};
-   if (!tHistSvc){
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR( "initialize() Could not find Hist Service -> Switching ValidationMode Off !" );
-      delete m_validationTree; m_validationTree = nullptr;
-   }
-   if ((tHistSvc->regTree(m_validationTreeFolder, m_validationTree)).isFailure()) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR( "initialize() Could not register the validation Tree -> Switching ValidationMode Off !" );
-      delete m_validationTree; m_validationTree = nullptr;
-   }
-  if (m_localVariations.empty()){
-       m_localVariations.push_back(0.01);
-       m_localVariations.push_back(0.001);
-       m_localVariations.push_back(0.0001);
+  // create the new Tree
+  m_validationTree = new TTree(m_validationTreeName.value().c_str(),
+			       m_validationTreeDescription.value().c_str());
+  // the branches for the  start
+  m_validationTree->Branch("RiddersSteps", &m_steps, "steps/I");
+  // loc 1
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1Loc1",   m_loc1loc1,    "loc1loc1[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1Loc2",   m_loc1loc2,    "loc1loc2[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1Phi",    m_loc1phi,     "loc1phi[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1Theta",  m_loc1theta,   "loc1theta[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1qOp",    m_loc1qop,     "loc1qop[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc1Steps",  m_loc1steps,   "loc1steps[steps]/F");
+  // loc 2
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2Loc1",   m_loc2loc1,    "loc2loc1[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2Loc2",   m_loc2loc2,    "loc2loc2[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2Phi",    m_loc2phi,     "loc2phi[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2Theta",  m_loc2theta,   "loc2theta[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2qOp",    m_loc2qop,     "loc2qop[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("Loc2Steps",  m_loc2steps,   "loc2steps[steps]/F");
+  // phi
+  m_validationTree->Branch("PhiLoc1",    m_philoc1,     "philoc1[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("PhiLoc2",    m_philoc2 ,    "philoc2[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("PhiPhi",     m_phiphi,      "phiphi[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("PhiTheta",   m_phitheta,    "phitheta[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("PhiqOp",     m_phiqop,      "phiqop[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("PhiSteps",   m_phisteps,    "phisteps[steps]/F");
+  // Theta
+  m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaLoc1",  m_thetaloc1,   "thetaloc1[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaLoc2",  m_thetaloc2,   "thetaloc2[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaPhi",   m_thetaphi,    "thetaphi[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaTheta", m_thetatheta,  "thetatheta[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaqOp",   m_thetaqop,    "thetaqop[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("ThetaSteps", m_thetasteps,  "thetasteps[steps]/F");
+  // Qop
+  m_validationTree->Branch("QopLoc1",    m_qoploc1,     "qoploc1[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("QopLoc2",    m_qoploc2,     "qoploc2[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("QopPhi",     m_qopphi,      "qopphi[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("QopTheta",   m_qoptheta,    "qoptheta[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("QopqOp",     m_qopqop,      "qopqop[steps]/F");
+  m_validationTree->Branch("QopSteps",   m_qopsteps,    "qopsteps[steps]/F");
+  // now register the Tree
+  SmartIF<ITHistSvc> tHistSvc{service("THistSvc")};
+  if (!tHistSvc){
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR( "initialize() Could not find Hist Service -> Switching ValidationMode Off !" );
+    delete m_validationTree; m_validationTree = nullptr;
-  if (m_angularVariations.empty()){
-       m_angularVariations.push_back(0.01);
-       m_angularVariations.push_back(0.001);
-       m_angularVariations.push_back(0.0001);
+  if ((tHistSvc->regTree(m_validationTreeFolder, m_validationTree)).isFailure()) {
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR( "initialize() Could not register the validation Tree -> Switching ValidationMode Off !" );
+    delete m_validationTree; m_validationTree = nullptr;
-  if (m_qOpVariations.empty()){
-       m_qOpVariations.push_back(0.0001);
-       m_qOpVariations.push_back(0.00001);
-       m_qOpVariations.push_back(0.000001);
-  }
+  if (m_localVariations.empty())
+    m_localVariations = {0.01, 0.001, 0.0001};
+  if (m_angularVariations.empty())
+    m_angularVariations = {0.01, 0.001, 0.0001};
+  if (m_qOpVariations.empty())
+    m_qOpVariations = {0.0001, 0.00001, 0.000001};
   ATH_MSG_INFO( "initialize() successful in " );
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;