From a1277434aa477b473dfdcef48140fd97d707939f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francesca Pastore <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 21:05:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] version passing ctests and 0mult chains, still with
 comments, to clean

 .../HLT/Config/      |   2 +-
 .../python/HLT/Config/       |  39 ++-
 .../python/HLT/Config/Utility/ | 233 +++++++++++++-----
 .../HLT/Config/Utility/  |   1 +
 .../python/HLT/Menu/     |  18 ++
 .../python/HLT/Test/ |  12 +-
 6 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
index 91b83c717469..07cc9fe10573 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ChainConfigurationBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         log.debug("Configuring step %s with %d chainParts", stepName, len(self.dict['chainParts']))
         # do not generate Menu Sequences, just store the functions that can do that
-        seqArray = [functools.partial(gen, flags, **stepArgs) for gen in sequenceCfgArray]          
+        seqArray = [functools.partial(gen, flags, **stepArgs) for gen in sequenceCfgArray] 
         if (len(seqArray)>0):                                
             if inspect.signature(comboHypoCfg).parameters and all(inspect.signature(comboTool).parameters for comboTool in comboTools):                
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
index d2f395ffda72..002b57b851d5 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from import MutableSequence
 import functools
 import inspect
 import re
+import types
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
@@ -363,12 +364,24 @@ class EmptyMenuSequence:
         return "MenuSequence::%s \n Hypo::%s \n Maker::%s \n Sequence::%s \n HypoTool::%s\n"\
             %(, "Empty", self.maker.Alg.getName(), self.sequence.Alg.getName(), "None")
+def createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(flags, name):
+    """ creates generator functions named as the empty sequence"""
+    def create_sequence(name):            
+        return EmptyMenuSequence(name)
+    # this allows to create the function with the same name of the sequence
+    create_sequence.__name__ = name    
+    globals()[name] = create_sequence
+    return globals()[name]
 def EmptyMenuSequenceCfg(flags, name):
     """Function to create a EmptyMenuSequence (used in the functools.partial)"""
     return EmptyMenuSequence(name)
 def isEmptySequenceCfg(o):
-    return o.func.__name__ == "EmptyMenuSequenceCfg"
+    return 'Empty' in o.func.__name__ 
+#    return o.func.__name__ == "EmptyMenuSequenceCfg"
 class MenuSequence:
     """Class to group reco sequences with the Hypo.
@@ -526,6 +539,17 @@ class Chain(object):
                 elif'^Step[0-9]{2}_', step_name):
                     step_name = step_name[7:]   
        = 'Step%d_'%(stepID+1)+step_name
+                # also modify the empty sequence names to follow the step name change
+                for iseq, seq in enumerate(step.sequenceGens):
+                    if isEmptySequenceCfg(seq): 
+                        name = seq.func.__name__ 
+                        if'Seq[0-9]_',name):
+                            newname = re.sub('Seq[0-9]_', 'Seq%d_'%(stepID+1), name)
+                            #replace the empty sequence
+                            thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, newname)                
+                            step.sequenceGens[iseq]=functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=newname)
@@ -569,7 +593,7 @@ class Chain(object):
         for stepID in range(1,n_new_steps+1):
             new_step_name =  prev_step_name+'_'+empty_step_name+'%d_'%stepID+next_step_name
-            log.debug("Configuring empty step %s", new_step_name)
+            log.debug("Adding empty step %s", new_step_name)
             steps_to_add += [ChainStep(new_step_name, chainDicts=prev_chain_dict, comboHypoCfg=ComboHypoCfg, isEmpty=True)]
         self.steps = chain_steps_pre_split + steps_to_add + chain_steps_post_split
@@ -603,6 +627,10 @@ class Chain(object):
         log.debug("Adding topo configurator %s for %s to %s", topoPair[0].__qualname__, topoPair[1], "step " + stepname)
         self.topoMap[step] = topoPair
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "\n-*- Chain %s -*- \n + Seeds: %s, Steps: %s, AlignmentGroups: %s "%(\
+          , ' '.join(map(str, self.L1decisions)), self.nSteps, self.alignmentGroups)     
     def __repr__(self):
         return "\n-*- Chain %s -*- \n + Seeds: %s, Steps: %s, AlignmentGroups: %s \n + Steps: \n %s \n"%(\
           , ' '.join(map(str, self.L1decisions)), self.nSteps, self.alignmentGroups, '\n '.join(map(str, self.steps)))       
@@ -754,7 +782,8 @@ class ChainStep(object):
     def getComboHypoFncName(self):
-        return self.comboHypoCfg.func.__name__ if isinstance(self.comboHypoCfg, functools.partial) else self.comboHypoCfg
+        return self.comboHypoCfg.__name__ if isinstance(self.comboHypoCfg, types.FunctionType) else self.comboHypoCfg        
     def makeCombo(self):
         """ Configure the Combo Hypo Alg and generate the corresponding function, without instantiation which is done in createSequences() """ 
@@ -775,10 +804,6 @@ class ChainStep(object):
         self.combo = _ComboHypoPool[key] 
         log.debug("Created combo %s with name %s, step comboName %s, key %s", funcName,, comboNameFromStep,key)
     def createComboHypoTools(self, flags, chainName):
         chainDict = HLTMenuConfig.getChainDictFromChainName(chainName)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
index 1b12e827dba6..0c17eaa3424f 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
@@ -1,24 +1,49 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.MenuAlignmentTools import get_alignment_group_ordering as getAlignmentGroupOrdering
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import Chain, ChainStep, EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, isEmptySequenceCfg
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import Chain, ChainStep, EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, isEmptySequenceCfg, createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 from DecisionHandling.DecisionHandlingConfig import ComboHypoCfg
 from TrigCompositeUtils.TrigCompositeUtils import legName
 import functools
+from itertools import repeat
 from copy import deepcopy
 import re
 log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
+def getMergedEmptyStepName(alignmentGroup, stepNumber, multiplicity, signature):
+    currentStepName = 'Empty' + alignmentGroup +'Align'+str(stepNumber)+'_'+ str(multiplicity) + signature
+    return currentStepName
+def getChainAlinmentOrdering(listOfChainDefs):
+    # not sure we need it
+    ordering = getAlignmentGroupOrdering()
+    merging_dict = {key: [] for key in ordering}
+    for ich,cConfig in enumerate(listOfChainDefs):            
+        chain_ag = cConfig.alignmentGroups[0]
+        if chain_ag not in merging_dict:
+            log.error("[getChainAlinmentOrdering] Alignment group %s can't be auto-merged because it's not in the grouping list!",chain_ag)
+            continue
+        merging_dict[chain_ag].append(ich)
+    keys_to_remove = [key for key, value in merging_dict.items() if not value]
+    for key in keys_to_remove:
+        del merging_dict[key]
+    return merging_dict
 def mergeChainDefs(listOfChainDefs, chainDict, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = None):
-    #chainDefList is a list of Chain() objects
-    #one for each part in the chain
+    """ function to merge leg chians, used also by signature code 
+    chainDefList is a list of Chain() objects
+    one for each part in the chain """
     strategy = chainDict["mergingStrategy"]
     offset = chainDict["mergingOffset"]
-    log.debug("[mergeChainDefs] %s: Combine by using %s merging", chainDict['chainName'], strategy)
+    log.debug("[mergeChainDefs] %s: Combine by using %s merging with %d chain defs (legs)", chainDict['chainName'], strategy, len(listOfChainDefs))
     leg_numbering = []
@@ -31,9 +56,11 @@ def mergeChainDefs(listOfChainDefs, chainDict, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = Non
         return mergeSerial(listOfChainDefs)
     elif strategy=="auto":
-        ordering = getAlignmentGroupOrdering()
-        merging_dict = {}
-        for ich,cConfig in enumerate(listOfChainDefs):
+        # old  ######################################
+        print(f"FRANCESCA CHAIN {listOfChainDefs[0].name}, legs to merge: {len(listOfChainDefs)}, signatures: {chainDict['signatures']}")
+        ordering = getAlignmentGroupOrdering()        
+        merging_dict = {} # maps the chain ag with the alignemnt order dict
+        for ich,cConfig in enumerate(listOfChainDefs):            
             chain_ag = cConfig.alignmentGroups[0]
             if chain_ag not in ordering:
                 log.error("[mergeChainDefs] Alignment group %s can't be auto-merged because it's not in the grouping list!",chain_ag)
@@ -41,7 +68,7 @@ def mergeChainDefs(listOfChainDefs, chainDict, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = Non
                 merging_dict[chain_ag] += [ich]
                 merging_dict[chain_ag] = [ich]
         tmp_merged = []
         tmp_merged_ordering = []
         for ag in merging_dict:
@@ -54,17 +81,67 @@ def mergeChainDefs(listOfChainDefs, chainDict, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = Non
                 log.debug("[mergeChainDefs] don't need to parallel merge")
                 tmp_merged += [listOfChainDefs[merging_dict[ag][0]]]
                 tmp_merged_ordering += [ordering.index(ag)]
+        print(f"FRANCESCA OLD tmp_merged_ordering={tmp_merged_ordering}")
+        print(f"FRANCESCA OLD tmp_merged multi={ [len(leg.steps[0].multiplicity) for leg in tmp_merged]}")
+        print(f"FRANCESCA tmp_merged ag={ [leg.alignmentGroups for leg in tmp_merged]}")
         #reset the ordering to index from zero (padding comes later!)
         merged_ordering = [-1]*len(tmp_merged_ordering)
-        copy_ordering = tmp_merged_ordering.copy()
+        copy_ordering = tmp_merged_ordering.copy()        
         tmp_val = 0
         while len(copy_ordering) > 0:
             min_index = tmp_merged_ordering.index(min(copy_ordering))
             merged_ordering[min_index] = tmp_val
             tmp_val += 1
+        print(f"FRANCESCA OLD merged_ordering={merged_ordering}") # this is correct
+        if 1:
+    # NEW #####################
+            merging_dict_new = getChainAlinmentOrdering(listOfChainDefs)
+            tmp_merged_new = []
+            tmp_merged_new_ordering = []
+            log.debug(f"FRANCESCA NEW [mergeChainDefs] parallel merging with this dictionary: {merging_dict_new}")
+            index =0 
+            for ag in merging_dict_new:
+                print(f"FRANCESCA3 NEW : {merging_dict_new[ag]} for index {index}")
+                if len(merging_dict_new[ag]) > 1:
+                    log.debug(f"[mergeChainDefs] parallel merging for alignment group {ag} and order {merging_dict_new[ag]}")
+                    new_chain_defs, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = mergeParallel(list( listOfChainDefs[i] for i in merging_dict_new[ag] ), offset, leg_numbering, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs)
+                    tmp_merged_new += [new_chain_defs]
+                    #tmp_merged_new_ordering += [ordering.index(ag)]
+                    tmp_merged_new_ordering += [merging_dict_new[ag]]
+                else:
+                    log.debug(f"[mergeChainDefs] don't need to parallel merge for alignemnt group {ag} and leg {merging_dict_new[ag]}")
+                    tmp_merged_new += [listOfChainDefs[merging_dict_new[ag][0]]]
+    #                tmp_merged_new += [listOfChainDefs[index]] # do not invert here, because the serial merging is doing it
+                    # TODO remove the inversion in the serial merging, leave all order manipulation here
+                    tmp_merged_new_ordering += [merging_dict_new[ag]]
+    #                tmp_merged_new_ordering += [ordering.index(ag)]
+                index +=1
+            print(f"FRANCESCA NEW  tmp_merged_ordering={tmp_merged_new_ordering}")
+            print(f"FRANCESCA NEW  tmp_merged multi={ [len(leg.steps[0].multiplicity) for leg in tmp_merged_new]}")
+            print(f"FRANCESCA NEW  tmp_merged ag={ [leg.alignmentGroups for leg in tmp_merged_new]}")
+            #reset the ordering to index from zero (padding comes later!)
+            merged_ordering_new = [-1]*len(tmp_merged_new_ordering)
+            copy_ordering_new = tmp_merged_new_ordering.copy()        
+            tmp_val_new = 0
+            while len(copy_ordering_new) > 0:
+                min_index = tmp_merged_new_ordering.index(min(copy_ordering_new))
+                copy_ordering_new.pop(copy_ordering_new.index(min(copy_ordering_new)))
+                merged_ordering_new[min_index] = tmp_val_new
+                tmp_val_new += 1
+            print(f"FRANCESCA NEW  merged_ordering={merged_ordering_new}") # this is correct
+        if merged_ordering_new != merged_ordering:
+            log.error("FRANCESCA ERRORRRR")
+    ### END OF NEW
         # only serial merge if necessary
         if len(tmp_merged) == 1:            
             if perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs is None:
@@ -114,9 +191,9 @@ def check_leg_lengths(perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs):
     return mismatched_ag, max_length
 def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = None):
+    ''' Performs merging of steps wihtin the same step number '''    
     # default mutable values must be initialized to None
     if leg_numbering is None: leg_numbering = []
@@ -124,6 +201,7 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
         log.error("[mergeParallel] Offset for parallel merging not implemented.")
         raise Exception("[mergeParallel] Cannot merge this chain, exiting.")
+    log.debug(f"[mergeParallel] Parallel merging for chain alignments {[cConfig.alignmentGroups for cConfig in chainDefList]}")
     allSteps = []
     allStepsMult = []
     nSteps = []
@@ -173,7 +251,8 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
                         sigNames += [stepDict['chainParts'][0]['signature'] + is_fs_string]
                     seqMultName = '_'.join([sigName for sigName in sigNames])
-                    seqStepName = 'Empty' + align_grp_to_lengthen + 'Align' + str(current_leg_ag_length+i) + '_' + seqMultName
+                    seqStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(align_grp_to_lengthen, current_leg_ag_length+i, 1, seqMultName)
                     seqNames = [getEmptySeqName(previous_step_dicts[iSeq]['signature'], current_leg_ag_length+i, align_grp_to_lengthen) for iSeq in range(len(sigNames))]
                     emptySequences = build_empty_sequences(previous_step_dicts, step_mult, 'mergeParallel', cConfig.L1decisions, seqNames, chainName)
@@ -188,7 +267,7 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
                 perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs[iConfig][0][index_modified_leg] = max_length
             log.debug("[mergeParallel] Alignment groups are empty for this combined chain")
@@ -196,15 +275,24 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
     # Use zip_longest_parallel so that we get None in case one chain has more steps than the other
     orderedSteps = list(zip_longest_parallel(allSteps, allStepsMult))
     if perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs is not None and len(perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs) > 0:
       in_chain_ag_lengths = {}
       ag_ordering = getAlignmentGroupOrdering()
       for ag in ag_ordering:
-        for ag_lengths,sig_ags in perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs:
+        for ag_lengths, sig_ags in perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs:            
             for ag_length, sig_ag in zip(ag_lengths, sig_ags):
-                if (sig_ag in in_chain_ag_lengths and in_chain_ag_lengths[sig_ag] < ag_length) or sig_ag not in in_chain_ag_lengths:
-                    in_chain_ag_lengths[sig_ag] = ag_length
+                old = True
+                if old:
+                    if (sig_ag in in_chain_ag_lengths and in_chain_ag_lengths[sig_ag] < ag_length) or sig_ag not in in_chain_ag_lengths:
+                        in_chain_ag_lengths[sig_ag] = ag_length
+                else:
+                     # THIS IS FRANCESCA CHANGE
+                    if sig_ag == ag:                        
+                        if (sig_ag in in_chain_ag_lengths and in_chain_ag_lengths[sig_ag] < ag_length) or sig_ag not in in_chain_ag_lengths:
+                            in_chain_ag_lengths[ag] = ag_length                    
       for ag, ag_length in in_chain_ag_lengths.items():
           vertical_alignment_groups += [ag]*ag_length
@@ -220,12 +308,31 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
     for chain_index in range(len(chainDefList)):
         log.debug('[mergeParallel] Chain object to merge (i.e. chainDef) %s', chainDefList[chain_index])
-    for step_index, (steps, step_ag) in enumerate(zip(orderedSteps,vertical_alignment_groups)):
-        mySteps = list(steps)
-        log.debug("[mergeParallel] Merging step counter %d", step_index+1)
-        combStep = makeCombinedStep(mySteps, step_index+1, chainDefList, orderedSteps, combChainSteps, leg_numbering, step_ag)
-        combChainSteps.append(combStep)
+    old =False 
+    if old:
+        for step_index, (steps, step_ag) in enumerate(zip(orderedSteps,vertical_alignment_groups)):
+            mySteps = list(steps)
+            log.debug(f"[mergeParallel] Merging step {step_index+1} with ag ={step_ag}")               
+            combStep = makeCombinedStep(mySteps, step_index+1, chainDefList, orderedSteps, combChainSteps, leg_numbering, step_ag)
+            combChainSteps.append(combStep)
+    else: 
+        # find ag by steps for this alignemtn group, maintainign order
+        step_ags = [ag for ag in vertical_alignment_groups if ag in alignmentGroups]
+        step_ag = alignmentGroups[0]
+        unique_elements = list(set(step_ags))
+        if len(unique_elements) >1:
+            log.error("mergeParallel must be done within the same alignment group")
+        for step_index, steps in enumerate(orderedSteps):     
+            mySteps = list(steps)
+            print(f"FRANCESCA NEW  steps {len(mySteps)} ag {step_ag}")
+            #if step_ag not in alignmentGroups: #skip steps due to serial alignement
+            #    continue
+            log.debug(f"[mergeParallel] Merging step {step_index+1} with ag ={step_ag}")               
+            combStep = makeCombinedStep(mySteps, step_index+1, chainDefList, orderedSteps, combChainSteps, leg_numbering, step_ag)
+            combChainSteps.append(combStep)
     combinedChainDef = Chain(chainName, ChainSteps=combChainSteps, L1decisions=l1Decisions, 
                                 nSteps = nSteps, alignmentGroups = alignmentGroups)
@@ -304,7 +411,7 @@ def serial_zip(allSteps, chainName, chainDefList, legOrdering):
             if step_index == 0:
                 prev_ag_step_index = step_index
                 previousAG = getCurrentAG(step)
-            log.debug('[serial_zip] chain_index: %s step_index: %s, alignment group: %s', chain_index, step_index, previousAG)
+            log.debug('[serial_zip] chain_index: %s step_index: %s, alignment group: %s', chain_index, step_index+1, previousAG)
             # create list of correct length (chainSteps in parallel)
             stepList = [None]*n_parts
@@ -354,13 +461,13 @@ def serial_zip(allSteps, chainName, chainDefList, legOrdering):
                             previousAG = currentAG
                             prev_ag_step_index = 1
-                    seqStepName = 'Empty' + currentAG +'Align'+str(ag_step_index)+'_'+seqMultName
+                    seqStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(currentAG, ag_step_index, 1, seqMultName) 
                     seqNames = [getEmptySeqName(emptyChainDicts[iSeq]['signature'], ag_step_index, currentAG) for iSeq in range(nLegs)]
                     log.verbose("[serial_zip] step name for this leg: %s", seqStepName)
                     log.verbose("[serial_zip] created empty sequence(s): %s", seqNames)
-                    log.verbose("[serial_zip] L1decisions %s ", chainDefList[stepPlacement2].L1decisions)
+                    log.verbose("[serial_zip] L1decisions %s ", chainDefList[stepPlacement2].L1decisions)                    
                     emptySequences = build_empty_sequences(emptyChainDicts, step_mult, 'serial_zip', chainDefList[stepPlacement2].L1decisions, seqNames, chainName)
@@ -435,16 +542,15 @@ def checkStepContent(parallel_steps):
     return False   
 def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None, currentChainSteps = None, leg_numbering = None, alignment_group = ""):
     # default mutable values must be initialized to None
     if allSteps is None: allSteps = []
     if currentChainSteps is None: currentChainSteps = []
     if leg_numbering is None: leg_numbering =[]
     stepName = 'merged' #we will renumber all steps after chains are aligned #Step' + str(stepNumber)
-    stepSeq = []
-    stepMult = []
-    log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] stepNumber %d, steps %s ", stepNumber, parallel_steps)
+    log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] stepNumber %d, alignment_group %s, %d steps: [%s], %d chain list: [%s], alignemnt groups: [%s]", stepNumber, alignment_group,  len(parallel_steps), ', '.join([ if step is not None else "EMPTY" for step in parallel_steps ]), len(chainDefList), ', '.join([ for chain in chainDefList]), ', '.join([chain.alignmentGroups[0] for chain in chainDefList]))
     stepDicts = []
     comboHypoTools = []
     comboHypo = None
@@ -469,7 +575,7 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
             # every step is empty but some might have empty sequences and some might not
             if step is None or step.isEmpty: 
                 new_stepDicts = deepcopy(chainDefList[chain_index].steps[-1].stepDicts)
-                currentStepName = 'Empty' + chainDefList[chain_index].alignmentGroups[0]+'Align'+str(stepNumber)+'_'+new_stepDicts[0]['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity']+new_stepDicts[0]['signature']
+                currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(chainDefList[chain_index].alignmentGroups[0], stepNumber, 1, new_stepDicts[0]['signature'])                
                 log.debug('[makeCombinedStep] step has no sequences, making empty step %s', currentStepName)
                 # we need a chain dict here, use the one corresponding to this leg of the chain
@@ -510,14 +616,17 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
         log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] Merged empty step: \n %s", theChainStep)
         return theChainStep
-    for chain_index, step in enumerate(parallel_steps): #this is a horizontal merge!
-#TODO hasNonEmptyStep is already true here, 
+    stepSeq = []
+    chainIndex = []
+    for num, chain in enumerate(chainDefList):
+        chainIndex.extend(list(repeat(num, len(chain.alignmentGroups))))
+    for index, step in enumerate(parallel_steps): #this is a horizontal merge!    
+        chain_index = chainIndex[index]        
         if step is None or (hasNonEmptyStep and step.isEmpty): 
             # this happens for merging chains with different numbers of steps, we need to "pad" out with empty sequences to propogate the decisions
             # all other chain parts' steps should contain an empty sequence
-            if chain_index+1 > len(chainDefList): 
-                chain_index-=chain_index
             if alignment_group == "":
                 alignment_group = chainDefList[0].alignmentGroups[0]
@@ -526,22 +635,19 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
             seqName = getEmptySeqName(new_stepDict['signature'], stepNumber, alignment_group)
             if isFullScanRoI(chainDefList[chain_index].L1decisions[0]):
-                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqName+"FS"))
-                currentStepName = 'Empty' + alignment_group +'Align'+str(stepNumber)+'_'+new_stepDict['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity']+new_stepDict['signature']+'FS'
+                thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, seqName+"FS")                
+                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=seqName+"FS"))                
+                #stepSeq.append(functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqName+"FS"))
+                currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(alignment_group, stepNumber, new_stepDict['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity'], new_stepDict['signature']+'FS')
-                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqName))
-                currentStepName = 'Empty' + alignment_group +'Align'+str(stepNumber)+'_'+new_stepDict['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity']+new_stepDict['signature']
+                thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, seqName)               
+                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=seqName))               
+                #stepSeq.append(functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqName))                
+                currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(alignment_group, stepNumber, new_stepDict['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity'], new_stepDict['signature'])                
-            log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] found empty step, step number %d chain_index: %s, step name: %s, made new empty sequence name: %s", stepNumber, chain_index, currentStepName, seqName)            
-            #stepNumber is indexed from 1, need the previous step indexed from 0, so do - 2
-            prev_step_mult = -1
-            if stepNumber > 1 and len(currentChainSteps[stepNumber-2].multiplicity) >0:
-                prev_step_mult = int(currentChainSteps[stepNumber-2].multiplicity[chain_index])
-            else:
-                #get the step multiplicity from the step dict. This should be 
-                prev_step_mult = int(new_stepDict['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity'])
-            stepMult.append(prev_step_mult)
+            log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] found empty step to be merged, step number: %d chain_index: %s, step name: %s, made new empty sequence name: %s", stepNumber, chain_index, currentStepName, seqName)            
             # we need a chain dict here, use the one corresponding to this leg of the chain
             oldLegName = new_stepDict['chainName']
@@ -551,7 +657,7 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
             leg_counter += 1
             # Standard step, append it to the combined step
-            log.debug("[makeCombinedStep]  step %s, multiplicity  = %s",, str(step.multiplicity))
+            log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] step %s, multiplicity  = %s",, str(step.multiplicity))
             if len(step.sequenceGens):                
                 log.debug("[makeCombinedStep]    with sequences = %s", ' '.join(map(str, [seq.func.__name__ for seq in step.sequenceGens])))
@@ -566,12 +672,7 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
             #remove redundant instances of StepN_ and merged_ (happens when merging already merged chains)
             if currentStepName.startswith('merged_'):
                 currentStepName = currentStepName[7:]
-            stepSeq.extend(step.sequenceGens)
-            # set the multiplicity of all the legs 
-            if len(step.multiplicity) == 0:
-                stepMult.append(0)
-            else:
-                stepMult.extend(step.multiplicity)
+            stepSeq.extend(step.sequenceGens)            
             # update the chain dict list for the combined step with the chain dict from this step
             log.debug('[makeCombinedStep] adding step dictionaries %s',step.stepDicts)
@@ -596,14 +697,13 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
     comboHypoTools = list(set(comboHypoTools))
     theChainStep = ChainStep(stepName, SequenceGens = stepSeq, chainDicts = stepDicts, 
                              comboHypoCfg = comboHypo, comboToolConfs = comboHypoTools) 
-    log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] Merged step: \n %s", theChainStep)
+    log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] Merged step index %d: \n %s", stepNumber, theChainStep)
     return theChainStep
 # modified version of zip_longest('ABCD', 'xy', fillvalue='-') --> Ax By C- D-, which takes into account the multiplicity of the steps
 def zip_longest_parallel(AllSteps, multiplicity, fillvalue=None):
-    from itertools import repeat
     iterators = [iter(it) for it in AllSteps]
     inactives =set()
@@ -630,15 +730,20 @@ def zip_longest_parallel(AllSteps, multiplicity, fillvalue=None):
         yield tuple(values)
 def build_empty_sequences(emptyChainDicts, step_mult, caller, L1decisions, seqNames, chainName):
     emptySequences = []
     for ileg in range(len(L1decisions)):                        
         if isFullScanRoI(L1decisions[ileg]):
-            log.debug("[%s] adding FS empty sequence", caller)
-            emptySequences += [functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqNames[ileg]+"FS")]
+            log.debug("[%s] adding FS empty sequenc with name %s", caller, seqNames[ileg]+"FS")
+            thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, seqNames[ileg]+"FS")
+            emptySequences += [functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=seqNames[ileg]+"FS")]
+            #emptySequences += [functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqNames[ileg]+"FS")]
-            log.debug("[%s] adding non-FS empty sequence", caller)
-            emptySequences += [functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqNames[ileg])]
+            log.debug("[%s] adding non-FS empty sequence with name %s", caller, seqNames[ileg])
+            thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, seqNames[ileg])
+            emptySequences += [functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=seqNames[ileg])]
+            #emptySequences += [functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqNames[ileg])]
     log.verbose("[%s] emptyChainDicts %s", caller, emptyChainDicts)
     log.debug("[%s] %s has number of empty sequences %d and empty legs in stepDicts %d",
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
index 56823eb166f5..45a7b2a38add 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ the_signature_grouping = OrderedDict([
 def get_alignment_group_ordering():
+    # TODO use this: ordered_ag = list(dict.fromkeys(ordering.values()))
     seen = set()
     return [v for v in the_signature_grouping.values() if not (v in seen or seen.add(v))]
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/
index 56c065a17e36..d187ec7d39ed 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/
@@ -789,6 +789,14 @@ def setupMenu():
         ChainProp(name='HLT_2g22_tight_ringer_L12eEM18M', groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+MultiPhotonGroup, monGroups=['egammaMon:shifter']),
         ChainProp(name='HLT_g35_medium_g25_medium_ringer_L12eEM24L', groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SinglePhotonGroup, monGroups=['egammaMon:shifter']),
         ChainProp(name='HLT_2g50_loose_ringer_L12eEM24L', groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+MultiPhotonGroup, monGroups=['egammaMon:shifter']),
+        # FRANCESCA
+        #ChainProp(name='HLT_0e5_nopid_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['eEM5'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SingleElectronGroup),
+        #ChainProp(name='HLT_0g10_loose_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['eEM5'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
+        #ChainProp(name='HLT_0e5_nopid_0g10_loose_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['eEM5','eEM5'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
     chains['MET'] += [
@@ -1839,6 +1847,16 @@ def setupMenu():
     chains['Combined'] += [
+         # FRANCESCA
+        #ChainProp(name='HLT_0e5_nopid_0g5_loose_0tau5_ptonly_j10_xe5_pfopufit_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED','eEM5','eTAU12','FSNOSEED','FSNOSEED'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SingleElectronGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
+        #TEST ChainProp(name='HLT_0e5_nopid_0g5_loose_j10_xe5_pfopufit_0tau5_ptonly_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['eEM5','eEM5','FSNOSEED','FSNOSEED','eTAU12'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SingleElectronGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
+        #ChainProp(name='HLT_0e5_nopid_0g10_loose_0tau10_ptonly_mu5noL1_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED','eEM5','eEM5','eTAU12'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SingleElectronGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
+        #ChainProp(name='HLT_mu5noL1_0e5_nopid_0g10_loose_0tau10_ptonly_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED','eEM5','eEM5','eTAU12'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SingleElectronGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
         # AFP+dijet backup chains, discussed in ATR-24813
         ChainProp(name='HLT_2j120_mb_afprec_afpdijet_L1AFP_A_AND_C', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED']*2, stream=[PhysicsStream], groups=MinBiasGroup+SupportGroup, monGroups=['mbMon:shifter']),
         ChainProp(name='HLT_2j175_mb_afprec_afpdijet_L1AFP_A_AND_C', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED']*2, stream=[PhysicsStream], groups=MinBiasGroup+SupportGroup, monGroups=['mbMon:t0']),
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Test/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Test/
index 854acadd5b7e..30ec67c84bc9 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Test/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Test/
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 logging.getLogger().info("Importing %s",__name__)
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+import functools
 from ..Config.ChainConfigurationBase import ChainConfigurationBase
 from TriggerMenuMT.CFtest.HLTSignatureConfig import  muMenuSequence, elMenuSequence, gamMenuSequence
 from TriggerMenuMT.CFtest.HLTSignatureHypoTools import dimuDrComboHypoTool
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import EmptyMenuSequenceCfg
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg, EmptyMenuSequenceCfg
 # fragments generating config will be functions in new JO
@@ -154,8 +154,16 @@ class TestChainConfiguration(ChainConfigurationBase):
     def Step_empty2(self, flags):
         return self.getEmptyStep(2,'empty')
+    def Step_empty3_new(self, flags):
+        thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, name='EmptySequence')  
+        print(f'FRAFRA  {thisEmpty.__name__}')        
+        emptySequence = functools.partial(thisEmpty, name='EmptySequence')
+        print(emptySequence)
+        return self.getStep(flags,'emptySeq', [emptySequence]) #, name="EmptySequence")
     def Step_empty3(self, flags):
         return self.getStep(flags,'emptySeq', [EmptyMenuSequenceCfg], name="EmptySequence")
     # Electrons

From d47ab7b06ba45f3dc742d65d5d90b87779c67093 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francesca Pastore <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 11:48:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] cleaned

 .../HLT/Config/      |   2 +-
 .../python/HLT/Config/       |  19 +--
 .../python/HLT/Config/Utility/ | 159 +++---------------
 .../python/HLT/Menu/     |  18 --
 .../python/HLT/Test/ |  12 +-
 5 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
index 07cc9fe10573..b57251c39032 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ChainConfigurationBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         log.debug("Configuring step %s with %d chainParts", stepName, len(self.dict['chainParts']))
         # do not generate Menu Sequences, just store the functions that can do that
-        seqArray = [functools.partial(gen, flags, **stepArgs) for gen in sequenceCfgArray] 
+        seqArray = [functools.partial(gen, flags, **stepArgs) for gen in sequenceCfgArray]
         if (len(seqArray)>0):                                
             if inspect.signature(comboHypoCfg).parameters and all(inspect.signature(comboTool).parameters for comboTool in comboTools):                
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
index 002b57b851d5..e41c5e173416 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
@@ -364,24 +364,12 @@ class EmptyMenuSequence:
         return "MenuSequence::%s \n Hypo::%s \n Maker::%s \n Sequence::%s \n HypoTool::%s\n"\
             %(, "Empty", self.maker.Alg.getName(), self.sequence.Alg.getName(), "None")
-def createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(flags, name):
-    """ creates generator functions named as the empty sequence"""
-    def create_sequence(name):            
-        return EmptyMenuSequence(name)
-    # this allows to create the function with the same name of the sequence
-    create_sequence.__name__ = name    
-    globals()[name] = create_sequence
-    return globals()[name]
 def EmptyMenuSequenceCfg(flags, name):
     """Function to create a EmptyMenuSequence (used in the functools.partial)"""
     return EmptyMenuSequence(name)
 def isEmptySequenceCfg(o):
-    return 'Empty' in o.func.__name__ 
-#    return o.func.__name__ == "EmptyMenuSequenceCfg"
+    return o.func.__name__ == "EmptyMenuSequenceCfg"
 class MenuSequence:
     """Class to group reco sequences with the Hypo.
@@ -546,9 +534,8 @@ class Chain(object):
                         name = seq.func.__name__ 
                             newname = re.sub('Seq[0-9]_', 'Seq%d_'%(stepID+1), name)
-                            #replace the empty sequence
-                            thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, newname)                
-                            step.sequenceGens[iseq]=functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=newname)
+                            #replace the empty sequence                            
+                            step.sequenceGens[iseq]=functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=newname)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
index 0c17eaa3424f..cf491e769388 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.MenuAlignmentTools import get_alignment_group_ordering as getAlignmentGroupOrdering
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import Chain, ChainStep, EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, isEmptySequenceCfg, createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import Chain, ChainStep, EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, isEmptySequenceCfg
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 from DecisionHandling.DecisionHandlingConfig import ComboHypoCfg
@@ -13,29 +13,6 @@ import re
 log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
-def getMergedEmptyStepName(alignmentGroup, stepNumber, multiplicity, signature):
-    currentStepName = 'Empty' + alignmentGroup +'Align'+str(stepNumber)+'_'+ str(multiplicity) + signature
-    return currentStepName
-def getChainAlinmentOrdering(listOfChainDefs):
-    # not sure we need it
-    ordering = getAlignmentGroupOrdering()
-    merging_dict = {key: [] for key in ordering}
-    for ich,cConfig in enumerate(listOfChainDefs):            
-        chain_ag = cConfig.alignmentGroups[0]
-        if chain_ag not in merging_dict:
-            log.error("[getChainAlinmentOrdering] Alignment group %s can't be auto-merged because it's not in the grouping list!",chain_ag)
-            continue
-        merging_dict[chain_ag].append(ich)
-    keys_to_remove = [key for key, value in merging_dict.items() if not value]
-    for key in keys_to_remove:
-        del merging_dict[key]
-    return merging_dict
 def mergeChainDefs(listOfChainDefs, chainDict, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = None):
     """ function to merge leg chians, used also by signature code 
     chainDefList is a list of Chain() objects
@@ -56,11 +33,9 @@ def mergeChainDefs(listOfChainDefs, chainDict, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = Non
         return mergeSerial(listOfChainDefs)
     elif strategy=="auto":
-        # old  ######################################
-        print(f"FRANCESCA CHAIN {listOfChainDefs[0].name}, legs to merge: {len(listOfChainDefs)}, signatures: {chainDict['signatures']}")
-        ordering = getAlignmentGroupOrdering()        
+        ordering = getAlignmentGroupOrdering()
         merging_dict = {} # maps the chain ag with the alignemnt order dict
-        for ich,cConfig in enumerate(listOfChainDefs):            
+        for ich,cConfig in enumerate(listOfChainDefs):
             chain_ag = cConfig.alignmentGroups[0]
             if chain_ag not in ordering:
                 log.error("[mergeChainDefs] Alignment group %s can't be auto-merged because it's not in the grouping list!",chain_ag)
@@ -68,7 +43,7 @@ def mergeChainDefs(listOfChainDefs, chainDict, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = Non
                 merging_dict[chain_ag] += [ich]
                 merging_dict[chain_ag] = [ich]
         tmp_merged = []
         tmp_merged_ordering = []
         for ag in merging_dict:
@@ -81,66 +56,16 @@ def mergeChainDefs(listOfChainDefs, chainDict, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = Non
                 log.debug("[mergeChainDefs] don't need to parallel merge")
                 tmp_merged += [listOfChainDefs[merging_dict[ag][0]]]
                 tmp_merged_ordering += [ordering.index(ag)]
-        print(f"FRANCESCA OLD tmp_merged_ordering={tmp_merged_ordering}")
-        print(f"FRANCESCA OLD tmp_merged multi={ [len(leg.steps[0].multiplicity) for leg in tmp_merged]}")
-        print(f"FRANCESCA tmp_merged ag={ [leg.alignmentGroups for leg in tmp_merged]}")
         #reset the ordering to index from zero (padding comes later!)
         merged_ordering = [-1]*len(tmp_merged_ordering)
-        copy_ordering = tmp_merged_ordering.copy()        
+        copy_ordering = tmp_merged_ordering.copy()
         tmp_val = 0
         while len(copy_ordering) > 0:
             min_index = tmp_merged_ordering.index(min(copy_ordering))
             merged_ordering[min_index] = tmp_val
             tmp_val += 1
-        print(f"FRANCESCA OLD merged_ordering={merged_ordering}") # this is correct
-        if 1:
-    # NEW #####################
-            merging_dict_new = getChainAlinmentOrdering(listOfChainDefs)
-            tmp_merged_new = []
-            tmp_merged_new_ordering = []
-            log.debug(f"FRANCESCA NEW [mergeChainDefs] parallel merging with this dictionary: {merging_dict_new}")
-            index =0 
-            for ag in merging_dict_new:
-                print(f"FRANCESCA3 NEW : {merging_dict_new[ag]} for index {index}")
-                if len(merging_dict_new[ag]) > 1:
-                    log.debug(f"[mergeChainDefs] parallel merging for alignment group {ag} and order {merging_dict_new[ag]}")
-                    new_chain_defs, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = mergeParallel(list( listOfChainDefs[i] for i in merging_dict_new[ag] ), offset, leg_numbering, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs)
-                    tmp_merged_new += [new_chain_defs]
-                    #tmp_merged_new_ordering += [ordering.index(ag)]
-                    tmp_merged_new_ordering += [merging_dict_new[ag]]
-                else:
-                    log.debug(f"[mergeChainDefs] don't need to parallel merge for alignemnt group {ag} and leg {merging_dict_new[ag]}")
-                    tmp_merged_new += [listOfChainDefs[merging_dict_new[ag][0]]]
-    #                tmp_merged_new += [listOfChainDefs[index]] # do not invert here, because the serial merging is doing it
-                    # TODO remove the inversion in the serial merging, leave all order manipulation here
-                    tmp_merged_new_ordering += [merging_dict_new[ag]]
-    #                tmp_merged_new_ordering += [ordering.index(ag)]
-                index +=1
-            print(f"FRANCESCA NEW  tmp_merged_ordering={tmp_merged_new_ordering}")
-            print(f"FRANCESCA NEW  tmp_merged multi={ [len(leg.steps[0].multiplicity) for leg in tmp_merged_new]}")
-            print(f"FRANCESCA NEW  tmp_merged ag={ [leg.alignmentGroups for leg in tmp_merged_new]}")
-            #reset the ordering to index from zero (padding comes later!)
-            merged_ordering_new = [-1]*len(tmp_merged_new_ordering)
-            copy_ordering_new = tmp_merged_new_ordering.copy()        
-            tmp_val_new = 0
-            while len(copy_ordering_new) > 0:
-                min_index = tmp_merged_new_ordering.index(min(copy_ordering_new))
-                copy_ordering_new.pop(copy_ordering_new.index(min(copy_ordering_new)))
-                merged_ordering_new[min_index] = tmp_val_new
-                tmp_val_new += 1
-            print(f"FRANCESCA NEW  merged_ordering={merged_ordering_new}") # this is correct
-        if merged_ordering_new != merged_ordering:
-            log.error("FRANCESCA ERRORRRR")
-    ### END OF NEW
         # only serial merge if necessary
         if len(tmp_merged) == 1:            
@@ -251,7 +176,6 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
                         sigNames += [stepDict['chainParts'][0]['signature'] + is_fs_string]
                     seqMultName = '_'.join([sigName for sigName in sigNames])
                     seqStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(align_grp_to_lengthen, current_leg_ag_length+i, 1, seqMultName)
                     seqNames = [getEmptySeqName(previous_step_dicts[iSeq]['signature'], current_leg_ag_length+i, align_grp_to_lengthen) for iSeq in range(len(sigNames))]
@@ -267,7 +191,7 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
                 perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs[iConfig][0][index_modified_leg] = max_length
             log.debug("[mergeParallel] Alignment groups are empty for this combined chain")
@@ -275,24 +199,16 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
     # Use zip_longest_parallel so that we get None in case one chain has more steps than the other
     orderedSteps = list(zip_longest_parallel(allSteps, allStepsMult))
     if perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs is not None and len(perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs) > 0:
       in_chain_ag_lengths = {}
       ag_ordering = getAlignmentGroupOrdering()
       for ag in ag_ordering:
-        for ag_lengths, sig_ags in perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs:            
+        for ag_lengths, sig_ags in perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs:
             for ag_length, sig_ag in zip(ag_lengths, sig_ags):
-                old = True
-                if old:
-                    if (sig_ag in in_chain_ag_lengths and in_chain_ag_lengths[sig_ag] < ag_length) or sig_ag not in in_chain_ag_lengths:
-                        in_chain_ag_lengths[sig_ag] = ag_length
-                else:
-                     # THIS IS FRANCESCA CHANGE
-                    if sig_ag == ag:                        
-                        if (sig_ag in in_chain_ag_lengths and in_chain_ag_lengths[sig_ag] < ag_length) or sig_ag not in in_chain_ag_lengths:
-                            in_chain_ag_lengths[ag] = ag_length                    
+                if (sig_ag in in_chain_ag_lengths and in_chain_ag_lengths[sig_ag] < ag_length) or sig_ag not in in_chain_ag_lengths:
+                    in_chain_ag_lengths[sig_ag] = ag_length
       for ag, ag_length in in_chain_ag_lengths.items():
           vertical_alignment_groups += [ag]*ag_length
@@ -308,31 +224,13 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
     for chain_index in range(len(chainDefList)):
         log.debug('[mergeParallel] Chain object to merge (i.e. chainDef) %s', chainDefList[chain_index])
-    old =False 
-    if old:
-        for step_index, (steps, step_ag) in enumerate(zip(orderedSteps,vertical_alignment_groups)):
-            mySteps = list(steps)
-            log.debug(f"[mergeParallel] Merging step {step_index+1} with ag ={step_ag}")               
-            combStep = makeCombinedStep(mySteps, step_index+1, chainDefList, orderedSteps, combChainSteps, leg_numbering, step_ag)
-            combChainSteps.append(combStep)
-    else: 
-        # find ag by steps for this alignemtn group, maintainign order
-        step_ags = [ag for ag in vertical_alignment_groups if ag in alignmentGroups]
-        step_ag = alignmentGroups[0]
-        unique_elements = list(set(step_ags))
-        if len(unique_elements) >1:
-            log.error("mergeParallel must be done within the same alignment group")
-        for step_index, steps in enumerate(orderedSteps):     
-            mySteps = list(steps)
-            print(f"FRANCESCA NEW  steps {len(mySteps)} ag {step_ag}")
-            #if step_ag not in alignmentGroups: #skip steps due to serial alignement
-            #    continue
-            log.debug(f"[mergeParallel] Merging step {step_index+1} with ag ={step_ag}")               
-            combStep = makeCombinedStep(mySteps, step_index+1, chainDefList, orderedSteps, combChainSteps, leg_numbering, step_ag)
-            combChainSteps.append(combStep)
+    for step_index, (steps, step_ag) in enumerate(zip(orderedSteps,vertical_alignment_groups)):
+        mySteps = list(steps)
+        log.debug(f"[mergeParallel] Merging step {step_index+1} with ag ={step_ag}")
+        combStep = makeCombinedStep(mySteps, step_index+1, chainDefList, orderedSteps, combChainSteps, leg_numbering, step_ag)
+        combChainSteps.append(combStep)
     combinedChainDef = Chain(chainName, ChainSteps=combChainSteps, L1decisions=l1Decisions, 
                                 nSteps = nSteps, alignmentGroups = alignmentGroups)
@@ -343,6 +241,9 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
     return combinedChainDef, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs
+def getMergedEmptyStepName(alignmentGroup, stepNumber, multiplicity, signature):
+    currentStepName = 'Empty' + alignmentGroup +'Align'+str(stepNumber)+'_'+ str(multiplicity) + signature
+    return currentStepName
 def getEmptySeqName(stepName, step_number, alignGroup):
     #remove redundant instances of StepN
@@ -467,7 +368,7 @@ def serial_zip(allSteps, chainName, chainDefList, legOrdering):
                     log.verbose("[serial_zip] step name for this leg: %s", seqStepName)
                     log.verbose("[serial_zip] created empty sequence(s): %s", seqNames)
-                    log.verbose("[serial_zip] L1decisions %s ", chainDefList[stepPlacement2].L1decisions)                    
+                    log.verbose("[serial_zip] L1decisions %s ", chainDefList[stepPlacement2].L1decisions)
                     emptySequences = build_empty_sequences(emptyChainDicts, step_mult, 'serial_zip', chainDefList[stepPlacement2].L1decisions, seqNames, chainName)
@@ -635,15 +536,11 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
             seqName = getEmptySeqName(new_stepDict['signature'], stepNumber, alignment_group)
             if isFullScanRoI(chainDefList[chain_index].L1decisions[0]):
-                thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, seqName+"FS")                
-                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=seqName+"FS"))                
-                #stepSeq.append(functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqName+"FS"))
+                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqName+"FS"))
                 currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(alignment_group, stepNumber, new_stepDict['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity'], new_stepDict['signature']+'FS')
-                thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, seqName)               
-                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=seqName))               
-                #stepSeq.append(functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqName))                
+                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqName))                
                 currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(alignment_group, stepNumber, new_stepDict['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity'], new_stepDict['signature'])                
             log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] found empty step to be merged, step number: %d chain_index: %s, step name: %s, made new empty sequence name: %s", stepNumber, chain_index, currentStepName, seqName)            
@@ -736,14 +633,10 @@ def build_empty_sequences(emptyChainDicts, step_mult, caller, L1decisions, seqNa
     for ileg in range(len(L1decisions)):                        
         if isFullScanRoI(L1decisions[ileg]):
             log.debug("[%s] adding FS empty sequenc with name %s", caller, seqNames[ileg]+"FS")
-            thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, seqNames[ileg]+"FS")
-            emptySequences += [functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=seqNames[ileg]+"FS")]
-            #emptySequences += [functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqNames[ileg]+"FS")]
+            emptySequences += [functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqNames[ileg]+"FS")]
             log.debug("[%s] adding non-FS empty sequence with name %s", caller, seqNames[ileg])
-            thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, seqNames[ileg])
-            emptySequences += [functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=seqNames[ileg])]
-            #emptySequences += [functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqNames[ileg])]
+            emptySequences += [functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqNames[ileg])]
     log.verbose("[%s] emptyChainDicts %s", caller, emptyChainDicts)
     log.debug("[%s] %s has number of empty sequences %d and empty legs in stepDicts %d",
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/
index d187ec7d39ed..56c065a17e36 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/
@@ -789,14 +789,6 @@ def setupMenu():
         ChainProp(name='HLT_2g22_tight_ringer_L12eEM18M', groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+MultiPhotonGroup, monGroups=['egammaMon:shifter']),
         ChainProp(name='HLT_g35_medium_g25_medium_ringer_L12eEM24L', groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SinglePhotonGroup, monGroups=['egammaMon:shifter']),
         ChainProp(name='HLT_2g50_loose_ringer_L12eEM24L', groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+MultiPhotonGroup, monGroups=['egammaMon:shifter']),
-        # FRANCESCA
-        #ChainProp(name='HLT_0e5_nopid_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['eEM5'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SingleElectronGroup),
-        #ChainProp(name='HLT_0g10_loose_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['eEM5'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
-        #ChainProp(name='HLT_0e5_nopid_0g10_loose_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['eEM5','eEM5'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
     chains['MET'] += [
@@ -1847,16 +1839,6 @@ def setupMenu():
     chains['Combined'] += [
-         # FRANCESCA
-        #ChainProp(name='HLT_0e5_nopid_0g5_loose_0tau5_ptonly_j10_xe5_pfopufit_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED','eEM5','eTAU12','FSNOSEED','FSNOSEED'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SingleElectronGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
-        #TEST ChainProp(name='HLT_0e5_nopid_0g5_loose_j10_xe5_pfopufit_0tau5_ptonly_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['eEM5','eEM5','FSNOSEED','FSNOSEED','eTAU12'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SingleElectronGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
-        #ChainProp(name='HLT_0e5_nopid_0g10_loose_0tau10_ptonly_mu5noL1_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED','eEM5','eEM5','eTAU12'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SingleElectronGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
-        #ChainProp(name='HLT_mu5noL1_0e5_nopid_0g10_loose_0tau10_ptonly_L1All', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED','eEM5','eEM5','eTAU12'], groups=PrimaryPhIGroup+SingleElectronGroup+SinglePhotonGroup),
         # AFP+dijet backup chains, discussed in ATR-24813
         ChainProp(name='HLT_2j120_mb_afprec_afpdijet_L1AFP_A_AND_C', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED']*2, stream=[PhysicsStream], groups=MinBiasGroup+SupportGroup, monGroups=['mbMon:shifter']),
         ChainProp(name='HLT_2j175_mb_afprec_afpdijet_L1AFP_A_AND_C', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED']*2, stream=[PhysicsStream], groups=MinBiasGroup+SupportGroup, monGroups=['mbMon:t0']),
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Test/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Test/
index 30ec67c84bc9..854acadd5b7e 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Test/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Test/
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 logging.getLogger().info("Importing %s",__name__)
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-import functools
 from ..Config.ChainConfigurationBase import ChainConfigurationBase
 from TriggerMenuMT.CFtest.HLTSignatureConfig import  muMenuSequence, elMenuSequence, gamMenuSequence
 from TriggerMenuMT.CFtest.HLTSignatureHypoTools import dimuDrComboHypoTool
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg, EmptyMenuSequenceCfg
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import EmptyMenuSequenceCfg
 # fragments generating config will be functions in new JO
@@ -154,16 +154,8 @@ class TestChainConfiguration(ChainConfigurationBase):
     def Step_empty2(self, flags):
         return self.getEmptyStep(2,'empty')
-    def Step_empty3_new(self, flags):
-        thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, name='EmptySequence')  
-        print(f'FRAFRA  {thisEmpty.__name__}')        
-        emptySequence = functools.partial(thisEmpty, name='EmptySequence')
-        print(emptySequence)
-        return self.getStep(flags,'emptySeq', [emptySequence]) #, name="EmptySequence")
     def Step_empty3(self, flags):
         return self.getStep(flags,'emptySeq', [EmptyMenuSequenceCfg], name="EmptySequence")
     # Electrons

From eac73cb545ff4a4e3e8c37e5556957f959da6945 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francesca Pastore <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 17:39:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] added TJ comments

 .../python/HLT/Config/Utility/ | 26 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
index cf491e769388..ab95a4d73784 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ import re
 log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
 def mergeChainDefs(listOfChainDefs, chainDict, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = None):
-    """ function to merge leg chians, used also by signature code 
+    """ function to merge chain definitions for all legs, used also by signature code 
     chainDefList is a list of Chain() objects
-    one for each part in the chain """
+    one for each part (leg) in the chain """
     strategy = chainDict["mergingStrategy"]
     offset = chainDict["mergingOffset"]
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def mergeChainDefs(listOfChainDefs, chainDict, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = Non
     elif strategy=="auto":
         ordering = getAlignmentGroupOrdering()
-        merging_dict = {} # maps the chain ag with the alignemnt order dict
+        merging_dict = {} # maps the chain alignment group with the alignment order dict
         for ich,cConfig in enumerate(listOfChainDefs):
             chain_ag = cConfig.alignmentGroups[0]
             if chain_ag not in ordering:
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def check_leg_lengths(perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs):
 def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfChainConfigs = None):
-    ''' Performs merging of steps wihtin the same step number '''    
+    ''' Performs merging of steps with the same step number '''    
     # default mutable values must be initialized to None
     if leg_numbering is None: leg_numbering = []
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
     for step_index, (steps, step_ag) in enumerate(zip(orderedSteps,vertical_alignment_groups)):
         mySteps = list(steps)
-        log.debug(f"[mergeParallel] Merging step {step_index+1} with ag ={step_ag}")
+        log.debug(f"[mergeParallel] Merging step {step_index+1} with alignment group = {step_ag}")
         combStep = makeCombinedStep(mySteps, step_index+1, chainDefList, orderedSteps, combChainSteps, leg_numbering, step_ag)
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ def serial_zip(allSteps, chainName, chainDefList, legOrdering):
                             previousAG = currentAG
                             prev_ag_step_index = 1
-                    seqStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(currentAG, ag_step_index, 1, seqMultName) 
+                    seqStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(currentAG, ag_step_index, nLegs, seqMultName)
                     seqNames = [getEmptySeqName(emptyChainDicts[iSeq]['signature'], ag_step_index, currentAG) for iSeq in range(nLegs)]
@@ -449,8 +449,9 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
     if leg_numbering is None: leg_numbering =[]
     stepName = 'merged' #we will renumber all steps after chains are aligned #Step' + str(stepNumber)
+    log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] stepNumber %d, alignment_group %s, %d steps: [%s], %d chain list: [%s], alignment groups: [%s]", stepNumber, alignment_group,  len(parallel_steps), ', '.join([ if step is not None else "EMPTY" for step in parallel_steps ]), len(chainDefList), ', '.join([ for chain in chainDefList]), ', '.join([chain.alignmentGroups[0] for chain in chainDefList]))
-    log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] stepNumber %d, alignment_group %s, %d steps: [%s], %d chain list: [%s], alignemnt groups: [%s]", stepNumber, alignment_group,  len(parallel_steps), ', '.join([ if step is not None else "EMPTY" for step in parallel_steps ]), len(chainDefList), ', '.join([ for chain in chainDefList]), ', '.join([chain.alignmentGroups[0] for chain in chainDefList]))
     stepDicts = []
     comboHypoTools = []
@@ -476,7 +477,7 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
             # every step is empty but some might have empty sequences and some might not
             if step is None or step.isEmpty: 
                 new_stepDicts = deepcopy(chainDefList[chain_index].steps[-1].stepDicts)
-                currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(chainDefList[chain_index].alignmentGroups[0], stepNumber, 1, new_stepDicts[0]['signature'])                
+                currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(chainDefList[chain_index].alignmentGroups[0], stepNumber, chainDefList[chain_index].steps[-1].multiplicity, new_stepDicts[0]['signature'])                                
                 log.debug('[makeCombinedStep] step has no sequences, making empty step %s', currentStepName)
                 # we need a chain dict here, use the one corresponding to this leg of the chain
@@ -518,12 +519,13 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
         return theChainStep
     stepSeq = []
-    chainIndex = []
+    chain_indices = []
+    # create the list of leg indices that takes into account the multiplicity of the sub-legs 
+    # (for example if a leg is already the result of a merging of other sub-legs, the leg index is repeated as many times as the number of sublegs. alignmentGroups are stored preserving this order, so it can be used here)
     for num, chain in enumerate(chainDefList):
-        chainIndex.extend(list(repeat(num, len(chain.alignmentGroups))))
+        chain_indices.extend(list(repeat(num, len(chain.alignmentGroups))))
-    for index, step in enumerate(parallel_steps): #this is a horizontal merge!    
-        chain_index = chainIndex[index]        
+    for chain_index, step in zip(chain_indices, parallel_steps): #this is a horizontal merge!      
         if step is None or (hasNonEmptyStep and step.isEmpty): 
             # this happens for merging chains with different numbers of steps, we need to "pad" out with empty sequences to propogate the decisions

From d7f98afbad02e4c5fc333113003d27da3a0006dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francesca Pastore <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:56:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] fix empty sequence and emtpy step names to avoid
 duplications, runs also with AD chain

 .../python/HLT/Config/       |  17 ++-
 .../python/HLT/Config/Utility/ | 108 +++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
index e41c5e173416..1a1057734aca 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/
@@ -364,12 +364,22 @@ class EmptyMenuSequence:
         return "MenuSequence::%s \n Hypo::%s \n Maker::%s \n Sequence::%s \n HypoTool::%s\n"\
             %(, "Empty", self.maker.Alg.getName(), self.sequence.Alg.getName(), "None")
+def createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(flags, name):
+    """ creates the generator function named as the empty sequence"""
+    def create_sequence(name):            
+        return EmptyMenuSequence(name)
+    # this allows to create the function with the same name as the sequence
+    #TODO need to extend it to also use it instead of EmptyMenuSequenceCfg inside custom steps
+    create_sequence.__name__ = name    
+    globals()[name] = create_sequence
+    return globals()[name]
 def EmptyMenuSequenceCfg(flags, name):
     """Function to create a EmptyMenuSequence (used in the functools.partial)"""
     return EmptyMenuSequence(name)
 def isEmptySequenceCfg(o):
-    return o.func.__name__ == "EmptyMenuSequenceCfg"
+    return 'Empty' in o.func.__name__
 class MenuSequence:
     """Class to group reco sequences with the Hypo.
@@ -527,7 +537,6 @@ class Chain(object):
                 elif'^Step[0-9]{2}_', step_name):
                     step_name = step_name[7:]   
        = 'Step%d_'%(stepID+1)+step_name
                 # also modify the empty sequence names to follow the step name change
                 for iseq, seq in enumerate(step.sequenceGens):
                     if isEmptySequenceCfg(seq): 
@@ -535,8 +544,8 @@ class Chain(object):
                             newname = re.sub('Seq[0-9]_', 'Seq%d_'%(stepID+1), name)
                             #replace the empty sequence                            
-                            step.sequenceGens[iseq]=functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=newname)
+                            thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, newname)                
+                            step.sequenceGens[iseq]=functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=newname)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
index ab95a4d73784..ce134ef7c44c 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.MenuAlignmentTools import get_alignment_group_ordering as getAlignmentGroupOrdering
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import Chain, ChainStep, EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, isEmptySequenceCfg
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import Chain, ChainStep, EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, isEmptySequenceCfg, createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 from DecisionHandling.DecisionHandlingConfig import ComboHypoCfg
@@ -176,8 +176,9 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
                         sigNames += [stepDict['chainParts'][0]['signature'] + is_fs_string]
                     seqMultName = '_'.join([sigName for sigName in sigNames])
-                    seqStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(align_grp_to_lengthen, current_leg_ag_length+i, 1, seqMultName)
-                    seqNames = [getEmptySeqName(previous_step_dicts[iSeq]['signature'], current_leg_ag_length+i, align_grp_to_lengthen) for iSeq in range(len(sigNames))]
+                    nLegs = 1 # TODO, make it follow the real multiplicity of the step
+                    seqStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(align_grp_to_lengthen, current_leg_ag_length+i, nLegs, seqMultName)
+                    seqNames = [getEmptySeqName(previous_step_dicts[iSeq]['signature'], current_leg_ag_length+i, align_grp_to_lengthen,i) for iSeq in range(len(sigNames))]
                     emptySequences = build_empty_sequences(previous_step_dicts, step_mult, 'mergeParallel', cConfig.L1decisions, seqNames, chainName)
                     # insert a step with an empty sequence
@@ -193,7 +194,8 @@ def mergeParallel(chainDefList, offset, leg_numbering = None, perSig_lengthOfCha
             log.debug("[mergeParallel] Alignment groups are empty for this combined chain")
-        allStepsMult.append(len(cConfig.steps[0].multiplicity))
+        #TODO: instead of the real step multiplicy (len(cConfig.steps[0].multiplicity))), we set allStepsMult=[1] because the zip doesn't need it: when a step is missing in one leg, one None step is added, not multiple steps. I think we can remove the allStepsMult in the zip_longest below
+        allStepsMult.append(1) 
@@ -245,17 +247,11 @@ def getMergedEmptyStepName(alignmentGroup, stepNumber, multiplicity, signature):
     currentStepName = 'Empty' + alignmentGroup +'Align'+str(stepNumber)+'_'+ str(multiplicity) + signature
     return currentStepName
-def getEmptySeqName(stepName, step_number, alignGroup):
-    #remove redundant instances of StepN
-    if'^Step[0-9]_',stepName):
-        stepName = stepName[6:]
-    elif'^Step[0-9]{2}_', stepName):
-        stepName = stepName[7:]    
-    seqName = 'Empty'+ alignGroup +'Seq'+str(step_number)+ '_'+ stepName
+def getEmptySeqName(signature, step_number, alignGroup,order):      
+    seqName = 'Empty'+ alignGroup +'Seq'+str(step_number)+ '_'+ str(order) + signature
     return seqName
 def isFullScanRoI(inputL1Nav):
     fsRoIList = ['HLTNav_L1FSNOSEED','HLTNav_L1MET','HLTNav_L1J']
@@ -339,10 +335,9 @@ def serial_zip(allSteps, chainName, chainDefList, legOrdering):
                     log.debug("[serial_zip] nLegs: %s, len(emptyChainDicts): %s, len(L1decisions): %s", nLegs, len(emptyChainDicts), len(chainDefList[stepPlacement2].L1decisions))
                     sigNames = []
                     for ileg,(emptyChainDict,_) in enumerate(zip(emptyChainDicts,chainDefList[stepPlacement2].L1decisions)):
-                        if isFullScanRoI(chainDefList[stepPlacement2].L1decisions[ileg]):
-                            sigNames +=[emptyChainDict['chainParts'][0]['signature']+'FS']
-                        else:
-                            sigNames +=[emptyChainDict['chainParts'][0]['signature']]
+                        is_fs_string = 'FS' if isFullScanRoI(chainDefList[stepPlacement2].L1decisions[ileg]) else ''                   
+                        sigNames +=[emptyChainDict['chainParts'][0]['signature']+is_fs_string]
                     seqMultName = '_'.join([sigName for sigName in sigNames])
                     currentAG = ''
@@ -364,7 +359,7 @@ def serial_zip(allSteps, chainName, chainDefList, legOrdering):
                     seqStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(currentAG, ag_step_index, nLegs, seqMultName)
-                    seqNames = [getEmptySeqName(emptyChainDicts[iSeq]['signature'], ag_step_index, currentAG) for iSeq in range(nLegs)]
+                    seqNames = [getEmptySeqName(emptyChainDicts[iSeq]['signature'], ag_step_index, currentAG,iSeq) for iSeq in range(nLegs)]
                     log.verbose("[serial_zip] step name for this leg: %s", seqStepName)
                     log.verbose("[serial_zip] created empty sequence(s): %s", seqNames)
@@ -465,7 +460,7 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
     log.debug("hasNonEmptyStep %d", hasNonEmptyStep)
     if not hasNonEmptyStep:
+        # only empty steps here        
         if len(parallel_steps)>=len(chainDefList) and all(step is None for step in parallel_steps[len(chainDefList):]):
             # We need to remove manually here the None steps exceeding the len of chainDefList. The right solution
             # would be to make sure that these cases don't happen upstream, but I am not confident enough with this
@@ -477,7 +472,8 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
             # every step is empty but some might have empty sequences and some might not
             if step is None or step.isEmpty: 
                 new_stepDicts = deepcopy(chainDefList[chain_index].steps[-1].stepDicts)
-                currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(chainDefList[chain_index].alignmentGroups[0], stepNumber, chainDefList[chain_index].steps[-1].multiplicity, new_stepDicts[0]['signature'])                                
+                nLegs = len(chainDefList[chain_index].steps[-1].multiplicity)
+                currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(chainDefList[chain_index].alignmentGroups[0], stepNumber, nLegs, new_stepDicts[0]['signature'])                                
                 log.debug('[makeCombinedStep] step has no sequences, making empty step %s', currentStepName)
                 # we need a chain dict here, use the one corresponding to this leg of the chain
@@ -518,42 +514,50 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
         log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] Merged empty step: \n %s", theChainStep)
         return theChainStep
-    stepSeq = []
-    chain_indices = []
-    # create the list of leg indices that takes into account the multiplicity of the sub-legs 
-    # (for example if a leg is already the result of a merging of other sub-legs, the leg index is repeated as many times as the number of sublegs. alignmentGroups are stored preserving this order, so it can be used here)
+    stepSeq = []    
+    legsInStep = []
+    # count the number of legs inside this chain part/step (inner legs) 
+    # this happens if the step is already the result of a merging, due to the alignemnt, and can have more than one leg
+    # use the alignmentGroups here, which is stored by grouping the legs per alignemnt group
+    # TODO: can be extracted from stepDict['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity']?
     for num, chain in enumerate(chainDefList):
-        chain_indices.extend(list(repeat(num, len(chain.alignmentGroups))))
-    for chain_index, step in zip(chain_indices, parallel_steps): #this is a horizontal merge!      
+        legsInStep.append(len(chain.alignmentGroups))
+    assert(len(legsInStep) == len(parallel_steps))
+    for chain_index, step in enumerate(parallel_steps): #this is a horizontal merge!     
         if step is None or (hasNonEmptyStep and step.isEmpty): 
             # this happens for merging chains with different numbers of steps, we need to "pad" out with empty sequences to propogate the decisions
             # all other chain parts' steps should contain an empty sequence
+            log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] step %s is Empty and has %d legs", if step is not None else "None", legsInStep[chain_index])                                               
             if alignment_group == "":
                 alignment_group = chainDefList[0].alignmentGroups[0]
-            new_stepDict = deepcopy(chainDefList[chain_index].steps[-1].stepDicts[-1])
-            seqName = getEmptySeqName(new_stepDict['signature'], stepNumber, alignment_group)
+            # loop over the inner legs of this sub-chain and create one empty sequence per each inner leg
+            for innerLeg in range(legsInStep[chain_index]):
+                new_stepDict = deepcopy(chainDefList[chain_index].steps[-1].stepDicts[-1])
+                seqName = getEmptySeqName( new_stepDict['signature'], stepNumber, alignment_group, innerLeg)            
+                log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] creating Empty sequence %s", seqName)
+                signature=new_stepDict['signature']
+                is_fs_string = 'FS' if isFullScanRoI(chainDefList[chain_index].L1decisions[0]) else ''                
+                seqName=seqName+is_fs_string
+                signature=new_stepDict['signature']+is_fs_string
+                thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, seqName)                
+                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=seqName))                 
+                oldLegName = new_stepDict['chainName']
+                if'^leg[0-9]{3}_',oldLegName):
+                    oldLegName = oldLegName[7:]
+                new_stepDict['chainName'] = legName(oldLegName,leg_counter)
+                stepDicts.append(new_stepDict)
+                leg_counter += 1
-            if isFullScanRoI(chainDefList[chain_index].L1decisions[0]):
-                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqName+"FS"))
-                currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(alignment_group, stepNumber, new_stepDict['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity'], new_stepDict['signature']+'FS')
-            else:
-                stepSeq.append(functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqName))                
-                currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(alignment_group, stepNumber, new_stepDict['chainParts'][0]['multiplicity'], new_stepDict['signature'])                
+            nLegs = legsInStep[chain_index] 
+            currentStepName = getMergedEmptyStepName(alignment_group, stepNumber, nLegs, signature)
             log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] found empty step to be merged, step number: %d chain_index: %s, step name: %s, made new empty sequence name: %s", stepNumber, chain_index, currentStepName, seqName)            
-            # we need a chain dict here, use the one corresponding to this leg of the chain
-            oldLegName = new_stepDict['chainName']
-            if'^leg[0-9]{3}_',oldLegName):
-                oldLegName = oldLegName[7:]
-            new_stepDict['chainName'] = legName(oldLegName,leg_counter)
-            stepDicts.append(new_stepDict)
-            leg_counter += 1
             # Standard step, append it to the combined step
             log.debug("[makeCombinedStep] step %s, multiplicity  = %s",, str(step.multiplicity))
@@ -590,7 +594,7 @@ def makeCombinedStep(parallel_steps, stepNumber, chainDefList, allSteps = None,
         # the step naming for combined chains needs to be revisted!!
         stepName += '_' + currentStepName
-        log.debug('[makeCombinedStep] current step name %s',stepName)
+        log.debug('[makeCombinedStep] current step name %s, with %d sequences',stepName, len(stepSeq))
         # for merged steps, we need to update the name to add the leg name
     comboHypoTools = list(set(comboHypoTools))
@@ -632,13 +636,13 @@ def zip_longest_parallel(AllSteps, multiplicity, fillvalue=None):
 def build_empty_sequences(emptyChainDicts, step_mult, caller, L1decisions, seqNames, chainName):
     emptySequences = []
-    for ileg in range(len(L1decisions)):                        
-        if isFullScanRoI(L1decisions[ileg]):
-            log.debug("[%s] adding FS empty sequenc with name %s", caller, seqNames[ileg]+"FS")
-            emptySequences += [functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqNames[ileg]+"FS")]
-        else:
-            log.debug("[%s] adding non-FS empty sequence with name %s", caller, seqNames[ileg])
-            emptySequences += [functools.partial(EmptyMenuSequenceCfg, None, name=seqNames[ileg])]
+    for ileg in range(len(L1decisions)): 
+        is_fs_string = 'FS' if isFullScanRoI(L1decisions[ileg]) else ''   
+        sname = seqNames[ileg]+is_fs_string                    
+        log.debug("[%s] adding %s empty sequenc with name %s", caller, is_fs_string, sname)
+        thisEmpty = createEmptyMenuSequenceCfg(None, sname)
+        emptySequences += [functools.partial(thisEmpty, name=sname)]
     log.verbose("[%s] emptyChainDicts %s", caller, emptyChainDicts)
     log.debug("[%s] %s has number of empty sequences %d and empty legs in stepDicts %d",