## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## File: RecExOnline_jobOptions.py ## ## Authors: Anadi Canepa, Max Baak ## Date: 04 April 2009 ## ## This JO is intended for online reconstruction. ## It can be run over a BSRDO via EMON service ## See instructions line by line ## ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## General run configuration (bs emon, filename, datatype, magnetic field, etc.) ## Reconstruction flags for online running ## Monitoring flags for online running if useEmon: include ("RecExOnline/RecExOnline_emonsvc.py") include ("RecExOnline/RecExOnline_globalconfig.py") include ("RecExOnline/RecExOnline_recoflags_HItest.py") include ("RecExOnline/RecExOnline_monitoring.py") ## Pre-exec && preinclude, taken from ami tag if (not 'preExec' in dir()): preExec = [] for cmd in preExec: exec(cmd) ## Usual main reco top options include ("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py") ## New protections against crashes from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaEventLoopMgr AthenaEventLoopMgr.FailureMode=2 ## Post configuration, taken from ami tag if (not 'postInclude' in dir()): postInclude = [] for fragment in postInclude: include(fragment) ## debug outputlevel, etc include ( "RecExOnline/RecExOnline_postconfig.py" ) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## End of RecExOnline_jobOptions.py