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Commit db225828 authored by Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar Attila Krasznahorkay
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Merge branch 'flake8_atlas' into 'master'

Import flake8_atlas as new package into atlasexternals

See merge request !483
parents 630822b8 0f16f08b
No related branches found
Tags 2.0.31
1 merge request!483Import flake8_atlas as new package into atlasexternals
with 562 additions and 0 deletions
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# The name of the package:
atlas_subdir( flake8_atlas )
# Since this package doesn't depend on any other ATLAS packages,
# in release recompilation mode don't even go further than this.
# External(s) needed::
find_package( PythonInterp REQUIRED )
find_package( pip REQUIRED )
# Installation directory:
set( _buildDir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/flake8_atlasBuild )
set( _stamp "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/flake8_atlas.stamp" )
# Build the package with pip:
add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${_stamp}"
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${_stamp}
"${PIP_EXECUTABLE} install --disable-pip-version-check --no-warn-script-location --no-warn-conflicts"
"--no-cache-dir --user ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}"
COMMENT "Building flake8_atlas...")
# Add target and make the package target depend on it:
add_custom_target( flake8_atlas_plugins ALL
DEPENDS "${_stamp}" )
add_dependencies( Package_flake8_atlas flake8_atlas_plugins )
# Install the package:
install( DIRECTORY ${_buildDir}/
# Define the package tests as ctest:
atlas_add_test( test
SCRIPT python -m unittest discover -s ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} )
# ATLAS plugins for flake8
This module contains ATLAS-specific `flake8_atlas` plugins. It is built as part of the
athena externals. To verify if the plugin is found after setting up a release
(e.g. via `asetup`), run:
> flake8 --version
3.7.7 (flake8_atlas: 1.0.0, mccabe: 0.6.1, pycodestyle: 2.5.0, pyflakes: 2.1.1) CPython 2.7.15 on Linux
Plugins with codes `>=ATL900` are disabled by default. To enable them use
flake8 --enable-extension=ATL901
In addition to ATLAS specific plugins most of the "python23" plugins from
the [hacking]( plugin by OpenStack
were imported (and some modified).
## Local installation
To install the `flake8_atlas` plugins locally and use them in your preferred IDE run:
pip install git+
Replace the repository URL with your preferred method of authentication (see the "Clone" button on
Run `flake8 --version` to verify if the plugin was successfully installed.
To check if an update exists, compare your local version of `flake8_atlas` with the
[version in the repository](
## Addition of new plugins
New plugins should be added following the existing examples:
* Add an entry_point to ``.
* Add the plugin code to one of the existing python files.
* Build the package (only needed when adding/changing entry points).
* Before releasing update the version number in `flake8_atlas/`
To test a full local installation, use one the following:
* from a git branch: `pip install git+[GITURL]@[BRANCH]#subdirectory=External/flake8_atlas`
* from a local source: `pip install path/to/External/flake8_atlas`
### Other Documentation
* AST-based plugins:
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Version of the package:
__version__ = '1.0.0'
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
"""ATLAS-specific flake8 plugins
from flake8_atlas import utils
import ast
import re
# Inspired by:
RE_LOGGING = re.compile(r".*\.(?:error|warn|warning|info|debug)"
def delayed_string_interpolation(logical_line):
r"""String interpolation should be delayed at logging calls.
Fail: log.debug('Example: %s' % 'bad')
Pass: log.debug('Example: %s', 'good')
msg = "ATL100: use lazy string formatting in logging calls (',' instead of '%')"
m = RE_LOGGING.match(logical_line)
if m is not None:
col = m.start(1)
yield (col, msg)
# ATL9xy: Specialized plugins (disabled by default)
class OutputLevel(object):
"""Check if an explicit OutputLevel is set
Fail: myalg.OutputLevel = DEBUG
msg = ('ATL900: Do not assign an explicit OutputLevel', 'ATL900')
def __init__(self, tree):
self.tree = tree
def run(self):
# Walk AST and find assignment to OutputLevel
for node in ast.walk(self.tree):
# Find: c.OutputLevel = DEBUG
if isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
for t in node.targets:
if isinstance(t,ast.Attribute) and t.attr=='OutputLevel':
yield (node.lineno, node.col_offset) + self.msg
# Find: setattr(c,'OutputLevel',DEBUG)
if isinstance(node, ast.Call) and isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and'setattr':
a = node.args[1]
if isinstance(a, ast.Str) and a.s=='OutputLevel':
yield (node.lineno, node.col_offset) + self.msg
RE_PRINT = re.compile(r"\bprint\b")
def print_for_logging(logical_line):
"""Check for occurences of plain 'print'"""
for match in RE_PRINT.finditer(logical_line):
yield match.start(0), (
"ATL901: use 'AthenaCommon.Logging' instead of 'print'")
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# This is a modified version of the 'hacking' flake8 plugin:
# The unmodified original checks are kept with the "hacking_" prefix.
# For modified versions (including bugfixes) the prefix was removed.
# Original licence:
# -----------------
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from flake8_atlas import utils
import re
import tokenize
import ast
def import_normalize(line):
# convert "from x import y" to "import x.y"
# handle "from x import y as z" to "import x.y as z"
split_line = line.split()
if ("import" in line and line.startswith("from ") and "," not in line and
split_line[2] == "import" and split_line[3] != "*" and
split_line[1] != "__future__" and
(len(split_line) == 4 or
(len(split_line) == 6 and split_line[4] == "as"))):
return "import %s.%s" % (split_line[1], split_line[3])
return line
#def hacking_python3x_except_compatible(logical_line, noqa):
#Deleted as this is covered by pycodestyle E722
RE_OCTAL = re.compile(r"0+([1-9]\d*)")
def hacking_python3x_octal_literals(logical_line, tokens, noqa):
r"""Check for octal literals in Python 3.x compatible form.
As of Python 3.x, the construct "0755" has been removed.
Use "0o755" instead".
Okay: f(0o755)
Okay: f(0755)
Okay: f(755)
Okay: f(0)
Okay: f(000)
Okay: MiB = 1.0415
Fail: f(0755)
Okay: f(0755) # noqa
if noqa:
for token_type, text, _, _, _ in tokens:
if token_type == tokenize.NUMBER:
match = RE_OCTAL.match(text)
if match:
yield 0, ("ATL231: Python 3.x incompatible octal %s should be "
"written as 0o%s " %
class incompatible_print_statement(object):
r"""Check if a Py3 incompatible print statement is used.
Check for the use of print statements. But only flag those that are
indeed Py3 incompatible. If print_function has been imported, by definition
there are no print statements in the code, and this check will never fire.
Okay: print msg # but caught by ATL233
Okay: print(msg)
Fail: print("a","b") # unless 'from __future__ import print_function'
Fail: print
def __init__(self, tree):
self.tree = tree
self.code = 'ATL233'
self.msg = ('%s: Python 3.x incompatible use of print statement' % self.code, self.code)
def run(self):
for node in ast.walk(self.tree):
if isinstance(node, ast.Print): # Py2 print statement
# no arguments
if len(node.values)==0:
yield (node.lineno, node.col_offset) + self.msg
# tuple as argument
if len(node.values)>0 and isinstance(node.values[0], ast.Tuple) and len(node.values[0].elts)>1:
yield (node.lineno, node.col_offset) + self.msg
RE_PRINT = re.compile(r"\bprint\b\s*[^\(]")
def print_statement(logical_line):
r"""Check if a Py3 incompatible print statement is used.
Check if a print statement without brackets is used. This check
complements ATL232.
Okay: print(msg)
Fail: print msg
msg = 'ATL233: Python 3.x incompatible use of non function-like print statement'
for match in RE_PRINT.finditer(logical_line):
yield match.start(0), msg
def hacking_no_assert_equals(logical_line, tokens, noqa):
r"""assert(Not)Equals() is deprecated, use assert(Not)Equal instead.
Okay: self.assertEqual(0, 0)
Okay: self.assertNotEqual(0, 1)
ATL234: self.assertEquals(0, 0)
ATL234: self.assertNotEquals(0, 1)
Okay: self.assertEquals(0, 0) # noqa
Okay: self.assertNotEquals(0, 1) # noqa
if noqa:
for token_type, text, start_index, _, _ in tokens:
if token_type == tokenize.NAME:
if text == "assertEquals" or text == "assertNotEquals":
yield (start_index[1],
"ATL234: %s is deprecated, use %s" % (text, text[:-1]))
def hacking_no_assert_underscore(logical_line, tokens, noqa):
r"""assert_() is deprecated, use assertTrue instead.
Okay: self.assertTrue(foo)
ATL235: self.assert_(foo)
Okay: self.assert_(foo) # noqa
if noqa:
for token_type, text, start_index, _, _ in tokens:
if token_type == tokenize.NAME and text == "assert_":
yield (start_index[1],
"ATL235: assert_ is deprecated, use assertTrue")
def hacking_python3x_metaclass(logical_line, noqa):
r"""Check for metaclass to be Python 3.x compatible.
Okay: @six.add_metaclass(Meta)\nclass Foo(object):\n pass
Okay: @six.with_metaclass(Meta)\nclass Foo(object):\n pass
Okay: class Foo(object):\n '''docstring\n\n __metaclass__ = Meta\n'''
ATL236: class Foo(object):\n __metaclass__ = Meta
ATL236: class Foo(object):\n foo=bar\n __metaclass__ = Meta
ATL236: class Foo(object):\n '''docstr.'''\n __metaclass__ = Meta
ATL236: class Foo(object):\n __metaclass__ = \\\n Meta
Okay: class Foo(object):\n __metaclass__ = Meta # noqa
if noqa:
split_line = logical_line.split()
if(len(split_line) > 2 and split_line[0] == '__metaclass__' and
split_line[1] == '='):
yield (logical_line.find('__metaclass__'),
"ATL236: Python 3.x incompatible __metaclass__, "
"use six.add_metaclass()")
# NOTE(guochbo): This is removed module list:
removed_modules = [
'audiodev', 'Bastion', 'bsddb185', 'bsddb3',
'Canvas', 'cfmfile', 'cl', 'commands', 'compiler'
'dircache', 'dl', 'exception', 'fpformat',
'htmllib', 'ihooks', 'imageop', 'imputil'
'linuxaudiodev', 'md5', 'mhlib', 'mimetools'
'MimeWriter', 'mimify', 'multifile', 'mutex',
'new', 'popen2', 'posixfile', 'pure', 'rexec'
'rfc822', 'sha', 'sgmllib', 'sre', 'stat'
'stringold', 'sunaudio' 'sv', 'test.testall',
'thread', 'timing', 'toaiff', 'user'
def hacking_no_removed_module(logical_line, noqa):
r"""Check for removed modules in Python 3.
Okay: from os import path
Okay: from os import path as p
Okay: from os import (path as p)
Okay: import os.path
ATL237: import thread
Okay: import thread # noqa
ATL237: import commands
ATL237: import md5 as std_md5
if noqa:
line = import_normalize(logical_line.strip())
if line and line.split()[0] == 'import':
module_name = line.split()[1].split('.')[0]
if module_name in removed_modules:
yield 0, ("ATL237: module %s is "
"removed in Python 3" % module_name)
RE_NEW_STYLE_CLASS = re.compile(r"^class[^(]+\(.+\):")
def no_old_style_class(logical_line, noqa):
r"""Check for old style classes.
Okay: class Foo(object):\n pass
Okay: class Foo(Bar, Baz):\n pass
Okay: class Foo(object, Baz):\n pass
Okay: class Foo(somefunc()):\n pass
ATL238: class Bar:\n pass
ATL238: class Bar():\n pass
if noqa:
line = logical_line.replace(' ','')
if line.startswith("class") and not RE_NEW_STYLE_CLASS.match(line):
yield (0, "ATL238: old style class declaration, "
"use new style (inherit from `object`)")
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
from flake8_atlas.checks import OutputLevel
from flake8_atlas.test.testutils import Flake8Test
class Test(Flake8Test):
Test OutputLevel checker
def test_assign(self):
"""Setting of OutputLevel is not allowed"""
self.assertFail('c.OutputLevel = 0', OutputLevel)
def test_setattr(self):
"""Use of setattr is not allowed"""
self.assertFail('setattr(c, "OutputLevel", 0)', OutputLevel)
def test_read(self):
"""Reading of OutputLevel is OK"""
self.assertPass('if c.OutputLevel > 0: pass', OutputLevel)
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
from flake8_atlas.test.testutils import Flake8Test
class Test(Flake8Test):
Test proper use of loggging facilities
def test1(self):
"""Check lazy logging"""
from flake8_atlas.checks import delayed_string_interpolation as checker
# These tests should be checking code like
#'logging %s' % 'bad')
# When run within flake8 it takes care of replacing the actual strings
# with placeholders to avoid accidental matches (here %). For the tests here
# we simply omit the string formatter.
self.assertFail("'logging' % 'bad')", checker)
self.assertPass("'logging', 'good')", checker)
self.assertFail("myfunnyloggername.warning('Hello' % 'world')", checker)
self.assertFail("'logging' % ('bad',42))", checker)
self.assertPass("'logging', 'good', 42)", checker)
def test2(self):
"""Check use of print statements for logging"""
from flake8_atlas.checks import print_for_logging as checker
self.assertFail("print", checker)
self.assertFail("print('Hello')", checker)
self.assertFail("print 'Hello'", checker)
# Those should not trigger warnings:
self.assertPass("def myprint(): pass", checker)
self.assertPass("def printSummary(): pass", checker)
self.assertPass("def my_print_function(): pass", checker)
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
from flake8_atlas.test.testutils import Flake8Test
class Test(Flake8Test):
Test print statement checks
def test1(self):
"""Check print statements"""
from flake8_atlas.python23 import print_statement as checker
self.assertFail('print "Hello"', checker)
self.assertPass('print("Hello")', checker)
def test2(self):
"""Check incompatible print statements"""
from flake8_atlas.python23 import incompatible_print_statement as checker
self.assertFail('print("a","b")', checker)
self.assertPass('print(1)', checker)
self.assertPass('print("%s %s" % ("a","b"))', checker)
self.assertFail('print', checker)
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
import unittest
import ast
class Flake8Test(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit test case for flake8 checker"""
def _run(self, source, checker):
"""Run AST or line-based checker and return list of errors"""
if hasattr(checker, 'run'):
chk = checker(ast.parse(source)).run()
chk = checker(source)
return list(chk)
def assertFail(self, source, checker):
"""Test that checker returns an error on source"""
codes = self._run(source, checker)
self.assertEqual(len(codes), 1)
def assertPass(self, source, checker):
"""Test that checker passes on source"""
codes = self._run(source, checker)
self.assertListEqual(codes, [])
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
"""Utilities for flake8 plugins"""
from flake8_atlas import __version__
def flake8_atlas(f):
"""Default decorator for flake8 plugins""" = 'flake8_atlas'
f.version = __version__
if not hasattr(f, 'off_by_default'):
f.off_by_default = False
return f
def off_by_default(f):
"""Decorator to disable plugin by default (use --enable-extensions)"""
f.off_by_default = True
return f
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Register flake8 plugins:
import setuptools
from flake8_atlas import __version__
requires = [
"flake8 > 3.0.0",
description="ATLAS plugins for flake8",
author='Frank Winklmeier',
'flake8.extension': [
'ATL100 = flake8_atlas.checks:delayed_string_interpolation',
'ATL231 = flake8_atlas.python23:hacking_python3x_octal_literals',
'ATL232 = flake8_atlas.python23:incompatible_print_statement',
'ATL233 = flake8_atlas.python23:print_statement',
'ATL234 = flake8_atlas.python23:hacking_no_assert_equals',
'ATL235 = flake8_atlas.python23:hacking_no_assert_underscore',
'ATL236 = flake8_atlas.python23:hacking_python3x_metaclass',
'ATL237 = flake8_atlas.python23:hacking_no_removed_module',
'ATL238 = flake8_atlas.python23:no_old_style_class',
'ATL900 = flake8_atlas.checks:OutputLevel',
'ATL901 = flake8_atlas.checks:print_for_logging',
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+ External/FFTW
+ External/FastJet
+ External/FastJetContrib
+ External/flake8_atlas
+ External/GPerfTools
+ External/Gdb
+ External/Geant4
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