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CPack Update, master branch (2023.03.29.)

Made it possible to not use the and scripts, when ATLAS_USE_CUSTOM_CPACK_INSTALL_SCRIPT==FALSE.

In cases where package build is allowed (or even encouraged) to fail in case of errors (for instance for analysis projects), relying on the default behaviour of CMake/CPack is just the easiest thing to do. So instead of making our existing helper scripts even more complicated, for analysis projects their use would be completely turned off.

Note that this means that the package build will fail (as in no RPM/TGZ will be created) in case any build or installation issue is found. Which again, for analysis projects, should be the way to go.

Naturally, this will go together with some updates in the PreConfig.cmake files like (, which would make sure that ATLAS_USE_CUSTOM_CPACK_INSTALL_SCRIPT is set to FALSE for the analysis projects by default.

Pinging @robouque, @gwatts and @fwinkl.

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