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Update AnalysisBase packages to match LCG104 and add patches for x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt/C++20

This MR updates all packages used in AnalysisBase to match the current dev4LCG (future LCG104) versions and adds patches required to compile on x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt with C++20.

In the update to HDF5 to 1.12.2 removed the special pkgconfig patches in

Reverted the LHAPDF update to 6.5.3 back to the initially used 6.5.1, since there are build problems with cython in AthAnalysis which ships cython with LCG, but is not used in AnalysisBase

This MR is work-in-progress and should be kept in Draft status until we actually move the Athena builds to LCG104.

Tagging @akraszna, @fwinkl, @nstyles, @jcatmore for info and feedback.

Edited by Johannes Elmsheuser

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