Bump Acts version to v0.25.01
This bumps the Acts version all the way to v0.25.01
Changes are:
Bug Fixes:
- Backport: Change seed vertex break condition in AMVF #250
- ProtoLayer/Extent changes (backport) #247
Bug Fixes:
- Bump bundled nlohmann::json to commit 84f19d6 #209
- ActsSimGeantinoRecording example fixes #208
- Introducing ConeVolumeBounds #200
- Update magnetic field documentation page #213
- Faster local documentation builds #211
- Use template for source link container in CKF #210
- Remove smaller/bigger macros cherry pick #206
- Use white vector logo in docs #201
- Documentation using Sphinx+Exhale+Doxygen (revised) #197
- Boundary surface orientation synchronisation #196
New Feature:
- Add CKF example #171
- Implentation of CUDA for seed finding #104
- GaussianGridTrackDensity Vertex Finder #90
Bug Fixes:
- Clean up BenchmarkTool statistics #192
- Fix the smoothing gain matrix #191
- Bug fix: Inlining non-templated function definition in header #183
- Return ERROR for target surface reaching failure in CKF #172
- Fix ITk navigation #127
- Refactor Geant4 modules #187
- Add duplication plot tool #170
- Extend TruthFitTrack for CKF results #169
- Use HierarchicalGeometryContainer to simplfiy CKF source link selection #168
- Add index-based access to HierarchicalGeometryContainer #167
- MultiTrajectory improvements #71
- Reduce size of debug symbols in coverage job #181
- Fix the macOS CI build #179
- Build DD4hep in the CI jobs #174
New Feature:
- Remove misleading components from VolumeMaterialInteraction #123
- Fix bug in CKF and add script for KF timing test #126
- Introduce response file technology #140
- Remove dd4hep warnings #128
- Remove reinitialize flag from stepper classes #110
- Grouping covariance transport in stepper classes #109
New Feature:
- Visualization EventData #93
- Add hierarchical geometry container #120
- Import Framework Code #82
- Implement Combinatorial Kalman Filter #102
- Volume material mapping #94