PyModules: fix versions of flake8 externals
Specify a version range when searching the flake8
externals. This is
to ensure that we are not picking up an old incompatible version from
LCG. Also fix the dependencies of flake8
to their versions when
installing via pip
to make the build reproducible.
Example output:
-- Configuring the build of package: PyModules
-- Found Python: /cvmfs/
(found suitable version "3.9.6", minimum required is "3.9") found components: Interpreter
-- No suitable version of pyflakes (2.4.0...<2.5.0) found in LCG. Will build it as part of PyModules.
-- No suitable version of pycodestyle (2.8.0...<2.9.0) found in LCG. Will build it as part of PyModules.
-- Found mccabe version 0.6.1 in LCG
Fixes ATLINFR-4466.
Edited by Frank Winklmeier