Update version to CLHEP_2_4_1_3_atl03
This fixes a rounding issue in RandGuassZiggurat
The random number engine works in terms of double precision floats
internally, but the call to RandGaussZiggurat::ziggurat_UNI
the result down to a single precision float. The largest single
precision float less than 1.0 is 0.999999940395355225, whereas for
double precision the value is 0.99999999999999988898, so there is a
window where values less than 1.0 from dSFMTEngine::flat()
can be
rounded to up 1.0 when returned by RandGaussZiggurat::ziggurat_UNI()
violating the condition that random numbers returned are in the range
This issue is discussed in ATR-24381.
NB This change should be expected to produce small changes in the RandGaussZiggurat
output and so may well change sim and digi output.