2.1.43b5f0fe55 · ·
Tag to be used with the main branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.1.42: * Update tests to LCG_107a_ATLAS_1 and update ACTS and GeoModel * Fix clang19 compilation of fastjet * FIX CI: Use CERN Harbor registry cache for Ubuntu container * Gdb: use gdb from LCG release * APTypes: add Xilinx arbitrary precision types * AtlasCMake/LCG: remove the use of lsb_release * Update hdf5 to 1.14.6 * Update ACTS, GeoModel and VecMem to latest versions used in Athena main branch
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Tag to be used with the 24.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since - Fix CMP0135 cmake warning
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Tag to be used with the 24.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since - Backport CrestApi external package (!1224)
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Tag to be used with the 24.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since - Backport fix from main for OS flavor detection when lsb_release is installed
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Tag to be used with the 24.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since - Update to onnxruntime 1.19.2 - Update to pyAMI 5.1.7
2.1.40d06e2ee0 · ·
Tag to be used with the main branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.1.39: - Update AnalysisBase to packages from LCG_107 - Make debug info compression algorithm configurable and change to zlib - Update FindRecola.cmake to fix warnings - Find-modules: make developer warnings a test failure
2.1.39db2a27e8 · ·
Tag to be used with the main branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.1.38: - Removed AtlasHIP from the repository; * It is now superseeded by CMake's built-in HIP support in atlas/athena; - Added ONNXRuntime to AthGenerationExternals; - Updated GDB to version 16.1; - Cleaned / updated the CMake version requirements and policy settings; - Introduced / updated the following AtlasLCG modules: FindLhapdf.cmake, FindRecola.cmake, Findsympy.cmake; - CheckerGccPlugin updates for GCC 15; - VecGeom and VecCore patches for Clang 19.
2.1.37b8f81534 · ·
Tag to be used with the main branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.1.36: - Fixed/improved the setup of <PACKAGE>_BINARY_PATH in find-modules that use it; - Turned on debug info compression by default; - Disabled code linting for auto-generated source files (converters, etc.); - Updated FindBoost.cmake to use BoostConfig.cmake coming with modern Boost installations.
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Tag to be used with the 24.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since - Update to xrootd 5.7.2 - Update to ROOT 6.32.08
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Tag to be used with the 24.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since Sweeping updates for LCG_106a compatibility from main to atlasexternals 2.1.16-patches branch * Updates for python 3.11 with AnalysisBase * CMake 3.29.2 Update, main branch (2024.06.10.) See ATLINFR-5342 * Update AnalysisBase externals to match LCG106a * Fix typo in option to disable python clients of xrootd for AnalysisBase * CI Fix, main branch (2024.08.27.) * Update CORAL/COOL to 3.3.17 * GeoModel version to 5.0.3 to match what is used in 24.0 branch of athena * Acts version to v32.0.2 to match what is used in the 24.0 branch * Gaudi version to v38r0.004 to match what is used in the 24.0 branch
2.1.32b748b151 · ·
Tag to be used with the main branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.1.31: - Raised the minimum CMake version required by all projects to 3.25; - Updated the code as necessary, to avoid generating warnings with this higher minimum version; - Switched off the treatment of imported targets as non-system includes. At the same time explicitly set the ATLAS library exports to be non-system exports.