Tag to be used with the 24.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since Sweeping updates for LCG_106a compatibility from main to atlasexternals 2.1.16-patches branch * Updates for python 3.11 with AnalysisBase * CMake 3.29.2 Update, main branch (2024.06.10.) See ATLINFR-5342 * Update AnalysisBase externals to match LCG106a * Fix typo in option to disable python clients of xrootd for AnalysisBase * CI Fix, main branch (2024.08.27.) * Update CORAL/COOL to 3.3.17 * GeoModel version to 5.0.3 to match what is used in 24.0 branch of athena * Acts version to v32.0.2 to match what is used in the 24.0 branch * Gaudi version to v38r0.004 to match what is used in the 24.0 branch