2.0.160fef1074f · ·
Tag to be used with the master and 23.0 branches of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.159: - Changed all documentation to use "main" instead of "master"; - Taught the dictionary generation CMake code about system includes; - Made ATLAS library builds wait for public header installations; - Removed the HEPUtils and MCUtils packages, as these are no longer used in atlas/athena; - Upgraded onnxruntime to version 1.15.1.
2.0.1572736099d · ·
Tag to be used with the master and 23.0 branches of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.156: - Updated FindLhapdf.cmake to set up the use of the ATLAS specific LHAPATH under all circumstances; - Modernised the builds of VecGeom and Geant4, and updated how they would be found by the offline code; - Introduced C++20 fixes for: Geant4, GeoModel and Coin3D.
1.0.82821da6b8 · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Update(s) in this tag: - Made atlas_install_headers(...) work correctly with -DATLAS_USE_CUSTOM_CPACK_INSTALL_SCRIPT=FALSE.
1.0.81414f2140 · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Update(s) in this tag: - Made it possible to not use the cpack_install.sh script during CPack packaging.
2.0.152d7d192fe · ·
Tag to be used with the master and 23.0 branches of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.151: - CheckerGccPlugins: Fix checking for a pointer bound to a const reference; - Fixed the build of Gdb with Clang 16; - Introduced Findauth_get_sso_cookie.cmake; - Updated setuptools to version 57.1.0; - Updated wheel to version 0.37.1.
2.0.14919ba5b34 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.148: - Upgraded PyModules and flake8_atlas to flake8 6.0.0; - Updated the TBB and PyAnalysis builds to work correctly with Clang (on macOS); - Upgraded Geant4 to version; - Upgraded the versions of Acts, CLHEP, Davix, Gaudi and GeoModel to the ones used already through build_externals.sh overrides.
2.0.1485a653e12 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.147: - Updated CheckerGccPlugins with the following: * Various cleanups/fixes. Updates for gcc13. * Remove code for ctor/dtor attribute workaround that was needed for gcc versions prior to 10. * We special-case a number of methods, allowing them to be overridden with inconsistent threading attributes. This is used for things like the Gaudi initialize() and finalize() methods. Change to get this list from the configuration file rather than a hard-coded list. * Add new warning: passing a pointer member from a const member function to a non-const pointer argument. - Updated lwtnn to version 2.13; - Added Findgl2ps.cmake to AtlasLCG.