2.0.14029c503a6 · ·
Tag to be used with the master/22.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.139: - Updated FindGeant4.cmake to set up the data files from EOS by default instead of AFS; - Updated the Geant4 build to use our own build of VecGeom; - Updated the RPM building configuration to work on CentOS Stream 9.
2.0.1378da3df1c · ·
Tag to be used with the master/22.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.136: - Added GDB to AthAnalysisExternals; - Added the Findscipy.cmake module; - Fixed the dSFMT build/installation on CentOS (Stream) 9; - Removed the obsolete global Gaudi definitions from AtlasCMake; - Updated ONNXRuntime to version 1.11.1; * Switching on the build of the CUDA backend of ONNXRuntime by default (if CUDA/cuDNN are available).
1.0.80b7b46434 · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Update(s) in this tag: - Introduced Findscipy.cmake for setting up the runtime environment of scipy.
2.0.1361536227d · ·
Tag to be used with the master/22.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.135: - Made FindGeant4.cmake explicitly set up the (private) XercesC dependency of the G4 (static) libraries; - Introduced the FindActs.cmake module, to ensure that the runtime environment of Acts would be set up correctly when it's not taken from AthenaExternals; - Made mergeConfdb2.py fail on syntax errors instead of (fairly) silently swallowing them; - Updated AthDerivationExternals to include Acts and GeoModel; - Taught AtlasCMake and AtlasLCG how RHEL identifies itself in its /etc/os-release file.
2.0.1354622c957 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.134: - Added support for the HIP_PLATFORM values introduced newer HIP versions, in AtlasHIP; - Added the FLAKE8_ATLAS_ERROR environment variable to tell flake8 to return with error codes for any issue found; - Multiple CheckerGccPlugins updates, including checks for calling non-const functions in const functions through member pointers.
2.0.1298af57e61 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.128: - Retired the atlas_install_headers(...) function, making its use an error; - Made the projects detect relocation problems during installation; - Added the DEPENDS keyword to atlas_add_test(...) to conveniently declare dependencies between tests; - Made it possible to detect the exact version of the found python modules that provide a __version__ variable; * Made Findmccabe.cmake, Findpycodestyle.cmake and Findpyflakes.cmake report their exact versions; - Made sure that libffi would be set up correctly for the Python module builds; - Tweaked PyModules to work correctly specifically with LCG_101.
2.0.1286810ad83 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.127: - Fixed the setup of the LCG_python3 cache variable for CORAL and COOL; - Moved all cache variable settings into the PreConfig.cmake scripts of all the projects; - Updated flake8 to version 4.0.1; - Added FindVc.cmake to AtlasLCG, and made use of it in AthenaExternals.
2.0.127c82b6134 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.126: - Updated prmon to version v3.0.1; - Simplified / streamlined the VecGeom build configuration, to make it work on ARM; - Switched to building STATIC and OBJECT libraries with position independent code by default; - Updated CORAL and COOL to version 3.3.10; - Updated histgrinder to version 0.1.4; - Updated MKL to version oneMKL-2022.0.2.
2.0.1265abe9d17 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.125: - Added lark 1.0.0 (a parsing toolkit for Python) to PyModules; - Introduced find-modules for protobuf, boto3, botocore, jmespath and s3transfer in AtlasLCG; * Made lcg_python_external_module(...) a bit more robust in support of these new modules; - Introduced a package for building VecGeom, and updated the Geant4 build to use this build of VecGeom itself.
2.0.1244b21d529 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.123: - Silenced the messages from OpenMP while looking for the BLAS library; - Made it possible to declare multiple environment variables in atlas_add_test; - Upgraded Gdb to version 11.1; - Added the location of the sqlite executable to the PATH environment variable; - Removed cppcheck from AthenaExternals.
2.0.123d5065172 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.122: - Updated prmon to version v3.0.0; - Updated ONNXRuntime to version 1.9.1; - Updated CheckerGccPlugin to handle std::shared_mutex, and to work correctly with ubsan in GCC 11; - Added cppcheck as an external to AthenaExternals; - Multiple updates to AtlasCMake, aiming to make CI tests easier to set up for the atlas/athena repository; - Updated atlas_flake8 to print messages that NICOS would pick up on, in case flake8 is not available; - Updated the GeoModel build to use ZLIB from the LCG release, if an LCG release is used; - Suppressed warnings in the AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals builds, which were picked up in NICOS since a little while; - Stopped the Acts build from cloning the submodules of the Acts repository.
2.0.12224b8b412 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.121: - Made the deduction of "nightly name" more robust for the generated ReleaseData file; - Silenced a warning about TBB_ROOT during the re-configuration of a build area that uses Gaudi; - Made the NumPy executable(s) available in the runtime environment when using Findnumpy.cmake; - Made AthenaExternals always set up the runtime environment for the CUDA version that is available to it (from the LCG release).