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Firmware v0.3.0

Ben Bruers requested to merge fw_v0.3.0 into main

Build firmware v0.3.0. Main updates are updating to powertools ec-v3.1.1 and reporting/powergui ec-v2.1.0.

The main changes are:

  • PB_NOISE test !177: update NTESTS property to match database field.
  • PB_NOISE test !177: sample 100, not 1000 times (gives sufficient stats)
  • OFIn test: check upper limit on lin-pol output voltage (linPol1V4), which is 1.6 V (see !179)
  • Update labremote to latest official main
  • Convenience changes:
    • show in GUI if a powerboard can be used to build a module (see screenshot; see !178). NB: The PB_NOISE test is skipped for this atm, as it is still in a development stage.
    • for each test, show what the expected ranges of a failing value are; print this to cout, but also write this into the test comments (see second screenshot; see !180). WARNING! There may be some bugs, as this required many small changes, where one can easily get confused. I double checked everything, but there is no guarantee, yet.

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Edited by Ben Bruers

Merge request reports