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[4.1.0] - 2023-01-12
- [hdl] support for VLANs to endpoint
- [hdl] new hmq-async-recv testbench
- [sw] support C++ for firmware
- [sw] functions to return device ID and application name
- [sw] top-level kernel driver for demos

- [hdl] MT driver testbench now auto-updates after init
- [hdl] per-cpu UART is now reset when the cpu is reset
- [bld] Many improvements to build system and CI
- [sw] Wait for CPU reset before returning

- [hdl] wrong slot indexing for message queues
- [hdl] HMQ selection
- [hdl] miscalculation of payload size on RMQ RX (was 2 less)
- [sw] concurrency issue if both sync and async messages are used
- [sw] fix ctype variable type in python wrapper for trtl_cpu_is_enable
- [fw] do not discard message queue if response was not sent
- [fw] linker did not properly initialise bss segment
- [fw] proper initialisation of risc-v global pointer