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Shapiro nov2024/master

Marjorie Shapiro requested to merge shapiro_Nov2024/master into master
  1. In add the lines: R = 1.0 ConeSize=str(int(10*R)) EtaCut = 2.5-R zVar = 'zt' and then changed the code so that everywhere there was a '10' it becomes '"+zVar+'' and everywhere we cut on trackjet eta we use EtaCut rather than 1.52)

  2. Added a few lines in fill_histogram in so that we get error bars on the histograms

  3. Added columns for the _zl reco and truth to the csv files.

  4. Update omnifold and background subtraction so that it makes an ensemble of unfolded csv files with different random numbers and added to average the weights

  5. Update syntax when filtering on a mask to remove warning from Pandas

Merge request reports
