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Centralize Truth Classification

Miha Muskinja requested to merge TruthReorg into master

First step towards centralizing truth classification for WDTruthLoop and WQCDCharmLoop in TruthInfo. In this MR, WDTruthLoop becomes a derived class from TruthInfo. The next step is to move all relevant functions from WDTruthLoop and WQCD in TruthInfo:

        bool WDTruthLoop::check_mode(int index)
        float WDTruthLoop::diphoton_resonance_mass(std::vector<float> &diphoton_mass, float target)
        std::vector<float> WDTruthLoop::get_diphoton_masses(int index)
        float WDTruthLoop::truth_daughter_mass(int index)
        bool WDTruthLoop::get_truth_wjets()
        void WDTruthLoop::reweight_production_fractions()
        void WDTruthLoop::reweight_wjets()
        void reweight_production_fractions();
        void reweight_wjets();
        void get_truth_wjets();
        bool lep_pass_truth_fiducial();

@rokarur @gottino @cegonzal

Merge request reports