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Update powersupply Help Message to Hint At Setting Negative Voltages

Karol Krizka requested to merge kk_powersupplynegvoltage into devel

The powersupply help message now uses -- in the example for setting voltages which makes it agnostic to the sign of V. This should address #50 (closed) .

The full message is as follows:

Usage: ./bin/powersupply [options] command [parameters]
List of possible COMMAND:
  set-current -- I [V] Set current I [A] with maximum voltage V [V]
  get-current          Get set current level [A]
  meas-current         Get reading of current [A]
  set-voltage -- V [I] Set voltage V [V] with maximum current I [A]
  get-voltage          Get set voltage level [V]
  meas-voltage         Get reading of voltage [V]
  program [on]         Execute the program block and optionally turn on the power supply
  power-on [V I]       Power ON PS, optionally setting voltage to V in Volts and current to I in Ampere
  power-off            Power OFF PS

List of options:
 -n, --name PS     Name of the power supply from equipment list (default: PS)
 -c, --channel Ch  Set PS channel (name or number when used in conjunction with --name) to control (default: 1)
 -e, --equip       config.json Configuration file with the power supply definition (default: )
 -d, --debug       Enable more verbose printout, use multiple for increased debug level
 -h, --help        List the commands and options available

Merge request reports
