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Add CalibratedDevice and Potentiometer classes

Karol Krizka requested to merge kk_pot into devel

The CalibratedDevice Class

Most of the devices supported by libDevCom deal with writing a digital value to output an analogue signal or reading a digital value that corresponds to an analogue signal. The DeviceCalibration class takes care of the analogue to digital (and vice versa) conversion in a flexible manner. However any device that wishes to use it must apply the calibration itself. This results in a lot of duplicated code, especially when multi-channel devices are involved. The new CalibratedDevice class tried to generalize this. Any device that want to benefit from it should inherit from it and implement the read/writeCount methods.


Controlling a calibrated device is reading or writing (or both) digital values, independent of device type. The base CalibratedDevice class implements the read/write functions that deal with the calibration and call the abstract digital readCount/writeCount functions.

The default implementation of the digital read/write functions throws a NotSupportedException exception. The supported operations need to be implemented in the device subclass.

The write function returns the real value set. This is needed as not all analogue values can be represented using the discrete representations of a device.

Multi-Channel Devices

For multi-channel ADC's, a per-channel calibration can be applied using the setCalibration(ch,...) function. If no per-channel calibration is set for a specific channel, then the global calibration (set via constructor or setCalibration(...)) is used.

The calibration of a channel should be retrieved via the findCalibration function. This handles the case of per-channel settings as described above.

The Potentiometer Class

Abstract interface for a digital potentiometer. It uses the CalibratedDevice class to convert desired output resistances to corresponding digital values. The read and write functions correspond to setting the wiper-to-B resistance.

Also adds the AD5245 class, which implements the AD5245 256-Position I2C-Compatible Digital Potentiometer.

Other Changes

  • libDevCom exception classes now correctly inherit publicly from ComException.
  • Add an offset option to LinearCalibration. By default it is set to 0. It can be used to add offsets, like the wiper resistance in a potentiometer.

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