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Add tests for active boards.

Karol Krizka requested to merge kk_activetest into activeTB

The pbv3_active_test program runs a collection of tests to ensure that an active board is fully functional. The tests are meant to be run without a carrier card plugged in.

Currently the following tests are run:

  • Check LV current with LV PS enabled. Should be zero.
  • Check communication with all I2C devices on active board.

Also add PBv3TBMassive::checkCarrierCard to determine the presence of a carrier card. Some functionality (ie: initialization of carrier card components) is disabled if carrier card is not found.

The difference between the two active board revisions is handled by separate PBv3TBMassiveX classes for each. The X is the date on the silkscreen. Both inherit from PBv3TBMassive and don't do anything other than identification of the board. In the future, the different chips on each will be implemented.

Edited by Karol Krizka

Merge request reports
