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Daisy chained control of active boards

Karol Krizka requested to merge kk_workers into activeTB

Multiplexed Powerboard Communication

Implement communication with several Powerboards connected to a single endeavour firmware block. The control of the multiplexers switching between Powerboards is accomplished via the new EndeavourRawUIOMux class. One instance of EndeavourRawUIOMux per Powerboard is to be used. The instance will automatically set the multiplexer switches and inversion settings before calling the usual EndeavourRawUIO::sendData.

The PBv3TBMassive class uses the EndeavourRawUIOMux class when the new pbdev settings is specified. The mux mapping for the CMDmux patch board is currently used.

New Settings

The following settings are added to

  • pbdev: Path to the UIO device corresponding to the endeavour firmware block for the requested active board. If left empty, then the direct communication UIO devices are used.
  • hvcurrmuxdev: Path to the SPI device corresponding to the HV current multiplexer
Edited by Karol Krizka

Merge request reports
