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Finalize temperature tests

Karol Krizka requested to merge kk_temperature into activeTB


Checks temperature at a fixed setting optimized for room temperature. Note that only the NTCx,y are connected to a fixed input (10k resistor) on the test system. The other inputs measure actual temperatures and thus the results can vary based on the environment. Especially the NTCpb/PTAT values that measure the DC/DC converter temperature. They will be "hot" if run right after a test that enables it.

The following thresholds are applied to determined pass.

Input Min Max
CTAT 300 400
PTAT 350 450
NTCpb 700 1000
NTCx 600 700
NTCy 600 700

Runs as part of basic tests.

PBV3TestTools::temperatureCTAT and PBV3TestTools::temperatureNTC

Scans the NTC and CTAT settings in the AMAC. Measures the temperatures at each point.

Run as part of advanced tests.

Edited by Karol Krizka

Merge request reports
