diff --git a/modules/vme_interface/InterruptManagerWb.v b/modules/vme_interface/InterruptManagerWb.v
index a6bf857d1dce6444b882b68b3efeda08f5262051..cebcd2a026ea0566f93ff0ad6c2e741fd4a01d02 100644
--- a/modules/vme_interface/InterruptManagerWb.v
+++ b/modules/vme_interface/InterruptManagerWb.v
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
 //##################################   Module Information   ##################################\\
-// Company: CERN (BE-BI) 
-// File Name: InterruptManagerWb.v  
+// Company: CERN (BE-BI)
+// File Name: InterruptManagerWb.v
 // File versions history:
 //       DATE          VERSION      AUTHOR             DESCRIPTION
+//     - 16/12/16      1.2          T. Levens          - Split vector/level into separate regs
 //     - 05/12/16      1.1          M. Barros Marin    - Removed Revision ID registers
-//                                                     - Cosmetic modifications 
+//                                                     - Cosmetic modifications
 //     - 05/11/14      1.0          A. Boccardi        First module definition
-// Language: Verilog 2005                                                              
+// Language: Verilog 2005
 // Targeted device:
 //     - Vendor:  Agnostic
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
 // Description:
 //     The module support 32 interrupt sources. Each source can be masked individually.
-//     The Interrupt requests are assumed synchronous to the clock. A new request is registered 
+//     The Interrupt requests are assumed synchronous to the clock. A new request is registered
 //     each time there is a change of state on its line from 0 to 1.
 //     The interrupt release mechanism can be set dynamically to ROACK or RORA. In this last case
 //     the register to read to complete the release mechanism is the fpga_status_reg.
@@ -31,47 +32,52 @@
 //     If 2 or more interrupt requests are asserted at the same time they are store all asserted in
 //     the FIFO at the same location and will appear as multiple bit set in the status register,
 //     that is actually a copy of the FIFO output and is cleared at each readout as at the same time
-//     a read request is sent to the FIFO itself.     
+//     a read request is sent to the FIFO itself.
 //     The module has a configuration register, a status register where the source of the current
-//     interrupt can be read, a mask register (a 1 in bin n mask the interrupt source n) and a
-//     release ID register:
-//     Status register (Addr:0x0) : 
-//         bits[31:0] = interrupt source => reading this register also advances the pointer of the 
+//     interrupt can be read, a mask register (a 1 in bin n mask the interrupt source n) and
+//     vector and level registers.
+//     Addr=0x0 : Status register
+//         bits[31:0] = interrupt source => reading this register also advances the pointer of the
 //                                          interrupt FIFO and therefore it should be read only once
 //                                          per interrupt
-//     Configuration Register (Addr:0x1)
-//         bits[31:24] = 0   
-//         bits[23] = 0      
-//         bits[22:20] = Interrupt Level
-//         bits[19:12] = Interrupt Vector
-//         bit[11] = IntEnabele => Enables the interrupt handling
-//         bit[10:9] = 0
-//         bit[8] = RoraMode => a 1 set the module into RORA mode (int line released on the readout
-//                              of the Status register), a 0 in ROAK
-//         bits[7:0] = 0
+//     Addr=0x1 : Configuration Register
+//         bits[31:2] = 0
+//         bits[1]    = 1=RORA mode, 0=ROAK mode
+//         bits[0]    = interrupt Enable
+//     Addr=0x2 : Mask Register
+//         bits[31:0] = interrupt mask
+//     Addr=0x3 : Vector Register
+//         bits[31:8] = 0
+//         bits[7:0]  = interrupt vector
+//     Addr=0x4 : Level Register
+//         bits[31:3] = 0
+//         bits[2:0]  = interrupt level
-`timescale 1ns/100ps 
+`timescale 1ns/100ps
-module InterruptManagerWb 
-//====================================  Global Parameters  ===================================\\   
-#(parameter g_FifoAddressWidth = 3) 
-//========================================  I/O ports  =======================================\\    
+module InterruptManagerWb
+//====================================  Global Parameters  ===================================\\
+#(parameter g_FifoAddressWidth = 3)
+//========================================  I/O ports  =======================================\\
    input              Rst_irq,
    input              Clk_ik,
    input              Cyc_i,
    input              Stb_i,
    input              We_i,
-   input       [ 1:0] Adr_ib2,
+   input       [ 2:0] Adr_ib3,
    input       [31:0] Dat_ib32,
    output  reg [31:0] Dat_oab32,
-   output  reg        Ack_oa,      
-   input       [31:0] IntRequestLines_ib32,   
+   output  reg        Ack_oa,
+   input       [31:0] IntRequestLines_ib32,
    output             IntEnable_o,
    output             IntModeRora_o,
    output [ 2:0]      IntLevel_ob3,
@@ -80,74 +86,91 @@ module InterruptManagerWb
    output reg         NewIntRequest_oq  // Comment: Used for ROAK
-//=======================================  Declarations  =====================================\\    
+//=======================================  Declarations  =====================================\\
-localparam c_StatusRegAddr_b2   = 2'b00;
-localparam c_ConfigRegAddr_b2   = 2'b01;
-localparam c_MaskRegAddr_b2     = 2'b10;
+localparam c_StatusRegAddr_b2   = 3'b000;
+localparam c_ConfigRegAddr_b2   = 3'b001;
+localparam c_MaskRegAddr_b2     = 3'b010;
+localparam c_VectorRegAddr_b2   = 3'b011;
+localparam c_LevelRegAddr_b2    = 3'b100;
-reg         Ack_d = 0;         
-wire [31:0] IntSourceFifoOut_b32;  
-wire        IntSourceFifoFull, IntSourceFifoEmpty;  
-reg         IntSourceFifoRead;      
-reg  [31:0] ConfigReg_bq32 = 32'hFF; 
-reg  [31:0] MaskReg_bq32   = 32'hFFFFFFFF; 
+reg         Ack_d = 0;
+wire [31:0] IntSourceFifoOut_b32;
+wire        IntSourceFifoFull, IntSourceFifoEmpty;
+reg         IntSourceFifoRead;
+reg  [31:0] ConfigReg_bq32 = 32'h0000_0000;
+reg  [31:0] MaskReg_bq32   = 32'hFFFF_FFFF;
+reg  [31:0] VectorReg_bq32 = 32'h0000_0000;
+reg  [31:0] LevelReg_bq32  = 32'h0000_0000;
 wire [31:0] IntRequestMasked_b32;
-reg  [31:0] IntRequestMasked_db32 = 32'hFFFFFFFF;
+reg  [31:0] IntRequestMasked_db32 = 32'hFFFF_FFFF;
 reg  [31:0] IntRequestSource_qb32 = 32'h0;
 wire        IntSourceFifoReset;
-//=======================================  User Logic  =======================================\\    
-assign IntLevel_ob3  = ConfigReg_bq32[22:20]; 
-assign IntVector_ob8 = ConfigReg_bq32[19:12]; 
-assign IntEnable_o   = ConfigReg_bq32[11];
-assign IntModeRora_o = ConfigReg_bq32[8];
+//=======================================  User Logic  =======================================\\
+assign IntLevel_ob3  = LevelReg_bq32[2:0];
+assign IntVector_ob8 = VectorReg_bq32[7:0];
+assign IntEnable_o   = ConfigReg_bq32[0];
+assign IntModeRora_o = ConfigReg_bq32[1];
 assign IntRequestMasked_b32  = IntRequestLines_ib32 & ~MaskReg_bq32;
 always @(posedge Clk_ik) IntRequestMasked_db32 <= #1 IntRequestMasked_b32;
 always @(posedge Clk_ik) IntRequestSource_qb32 <= #1 IntRequestMasked_b32 & ~IntRequestMasked_db32;
 always @(posedge Clk_ik) NewIntRequest_oq <= #1 ~IntSourceFifoFull && IntEnable_o && |(IntRequestMasked_b32 & ~IntRequestMasked_db32);
-always @(posedge Clk_ik) 
-    if (Rst_irq) ConfigReg_bq32 <= # 1 32'h0;
-    else if (Cyc_i && We_i && Stb_i && Adr_ib2==c_ConfigRegAddr_b2) ConfigReg_bq32  <= # 1 Dat_ib32;
-always @(posedge Clk_ik) 
-    if (Rst_irq) MaskReg_bq32   <= # 1 32'hffffffff;
-    else if (Cyc_i && We_i && Stb_i && Adr_ib2==c_MaskRegAddr_b2) MaskReg_bq32  <= # 1 Dat_ib32;   
+always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
+    if (Rst_irq) begin
+        ConfigReg_bq32 <= # 1 32'h0000_0000;
+        MaskReg_bq32   <= # 1 32'hFFFF_FFFF;
+        VectorReg_bq32 <= # 1 32'h0000_0000;
+        LevelReg_bq32  <= # 1 32'h0000_0000;
+    end
+    else begin
+        if (Cyc_i && We_i && Stb_i) begin
+            case (Adr_ib3)
+                c_ConfigRegAddr_b2  : ConfigReg_bq32 <= # 1 Dat_ib32;
+                c_MaskRegAddr_b2    : MaskReg_bq32   <= # 1 Dat_ib32;
+                c_VectorRegAddr_b2  : VectorReg_bq32 <= # 1 Dat_ib32;
+                c_LevelRegAddr_b2   : LevelReg_bq32  <= # 1 Dat_ib32;
+            endcase
+        end
+    end
 assign IntSourceFifoReset = Rst_irq || ~IntEnable_o;
 generic_fifo_dc_gray_mod #(
-    .dw      (32),
-    .aw      (g_FifoAddressWidth)) 
-i_IntSourceFifo (   
-     .rd_clk (Clk_ik), 
-     .wr_clk (Clk_ik), 
-     .rst(1'b1), 
-     .clr    (IntSourceFifoReset), 
-     .din    (IntRequestSource_qb32), 
-     .we     (NewIntRequest_oq),
-     .dout   (IntSourceFifoOut_b32), 
-     .re     (IntSourceFifoRead), 
-     .full   (IntSourceFifoFull), 
-     .empty  (IntSourceFifoEmpty));   
-assign IntSourceToRead_o = ~IntSourceFifoEmpty; 
-always @(posedge Clk_ik) IntSourceFifoRead <= #1 ~IntSourceFifoEmpty && (Adr_ib2==c_StatusRegAddr_b2) && Ack_d && ~Ack_oa;
+    .dw     (32),
+    .aw     (g_FifoAddressWidth))
+i_IntSourceFifo (
+    .rd_clk (Clk_ik),
+    .wr_clk (Clk_ik),
+    .rst    (1'b1),
+    .clr    (IntSourceFifoReset),
+    .din    (IntRequestSource_qb32),
+    .we     (NewIntRequest_oq),
+    .dout   (IntSourceFifoOut_b32),
+    .re     (IntSourceFifoRead),
+    .full   (IntSourceFifoFull),
+    .empty  (IntSourceFifoEmpty));
+assign IntSourceToRead_o = ~IntSourceFifoEmpty;
+always @(posedge Clk_ik) IntSourceFifoRead <= #1 ~IntSourceFifoEmpty && (Adr_ib3 == c_StatusRegAddr_b2) && Ack_d && ~Ack_oa;
 always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
-   Ack_oa <= #1 Stb_i&&Cyc_i;
-   Ack_d  <= #1 Ack_oa;
-   case(Adr_ib2)
-    c_StatusRegAddr_b2   : Dat_oab32 <= #1 IntSourceFifoEmpty ? 32'h0000_0000 : IntSourceFifoOut_b32;
-    c_ConfigRegAddr_b2   : Dat_oab32 <= #1 ConfigReg_bq32; 
-    c_MaskRegAddr_b2     : Dat_oab32 <= #1 MaskReg_bq32; 
-    default: Dat_oab32  <= 32'hdead_beef;
+    Ack_oa <= #1 Stb_i&&Cyc_i;
+    Ack_d  <= #1 Ack_oa;
+    case(Adr_ib3)
+        c_StatusRegAddr_b2  : Dat_oab32 <= #1 IntSourceFifoEmpty ? 32'h0000_0000 : IntSourceFifoOut_b32;
+        c_ConfigRegAddr_b2  : Dat_oab32 <= #1 ConfigReg_bq32;
+        c_MaskRegAddr_b2    : Dat_oab32 <= #1 MaskReg_bq32;
+        c_VectorRegAddr_b2  : Dat_oab32 <= #1 VectorReg_bq32;
+        c_LevelRegAddr_b2   : Dat_oab32 <= #1 LevelReg_bq32;
+        default             : Dat_oab32 <= 32'hFFFF_FFFF;
\ No newline at end of file