diff --git a/cores_for_synthesis/wishbone/Reg2WbIf.cheby b/cores_for_synthesis/wishbone/Reg2WbIf.cheby
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42d74adbaf622e2b7a7f76dcd4df5def6c3f5818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cores_for_synthesis/wishbone/Reg2WbIf.cheby
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# This file should not be edited in place
+# It is recommended to copy it into project area and modify
+# for specific purpose
+    bus: wb-32-be
+    name: Reg2WbIf
+    children:
+        - reg:
+            name: Address
+            width: 32
+            access: rw
+            children:
+                - field:
+                    name: Address
+                    range: 11-0
+                    description: "Byte address you want to access on Wishbone bus"
+        - reg:
+            name: WriteData
+            width: 32
+            access: rw
+            children:
+                - field:
+                    name: WriteData
+                    range: 7-0
+                    description: "Data you want to write to Wishbone bus"
+        - reg:
+            name: ByteSelect
+            width: 32
+            access: rw
+            children:
+                - field:
+                    name: ByteSel
+                    preset: 1
+                    range: 0
+                    description: Byte select (SEL) to use for transfer
+        - reg:
+            name: Control
+            description: "Start/Check Wishbone operation"
+            width: 32
+            access: rw
+            x-hdl:
+                type: wire
+                write-strobe: True
+            children:
+                - field:
+                    name: Write
+                    range: 0
+                    description: |-
+                        Write 1 to trigger Wishbone write operation +
+                        Cleared automatically on finish +
+                        Must not be used at the same time as Read
+                - field:
+                    name: Read
+                    range: 1
+                    description: |-
+                        Write 1 to trigger Wishbone read operation +
+                        Cleared automatically on finish +
+                        Must not be used at the same time as Write
+                - field:
+                    name: Error
+                    range: 31
+                    description: |-
+                        Last Wishbone operation terminated with error
+                - field:
+                    name: Retry
+                    range: 30
+                    description: |-
+                        Last Wishbone operation terminated with retry
+                - field:
+                    name: Ack
+                    range: 29
+                    description: |-
+                        Last Wishbone operation terminated with acknowledge
+        - reg:
+            name: ReadData
+            width: 32
+            access: ro
+            children:
+                - field:
+                    name: ReadData
+                    range: 7-0
+                    description: "Data received during last read operation"
diff --git a/cores_for_synthesis/wishbone/Reg2WbIf.sv b/cores_for_synthesis/wishbone/Reg2WbIf.sv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9aef3da1c72e8b1960d54c4919d3870674ea5388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cores_for_synthesis/wishbone/Reg2WbIf.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Title      : Generate Wishbone transactions from Cheby generated
+//              register interface
+// Project    : BBQ-VFC (https://gitlab.cern.ch/bi/BI_HDL_Cores/)
+// File       : Reg2WbIf.sv
+// Author     : M. Dolenc
+// Company    : CERN BE-BI
+// Description:
+// Receive required transaction information from register interface,
+// generate the transaction and return status/data back to register
+// interface.
+module Reg2WbIf #(
+    AW_REG  = 32,
+    AW_WB   = 32,
+    DW_REG  = 32,
+    DW_WB   = 32
+    input           [AW_REG -1:0]   Addr_ib,        // address register - note this is assumed to be byte address
+    input           [DW_REG -1:0]   Data_ib,        // write data register
+    output  reg     [DW_REG -1:0]   Data_ob,        // read data register
+    input           [DW_REG/8 -1:0] Sel_ib,         // Byte select input
+    input                           Write_i,        // write trigger input - qualified with Control_wr_i
+    output                          Write_o,        // write in progress output
+    input                           Read_i,         // read trigger input - qualified with Control_wr_i
+    output                          Read_o,         // read in progress output
+    input                           Control_wr_i,   // Strobe for Write_i/Read_i/Sel_i
+    output  reg                     Error_o,        // Complete with error
+    output  reg                     Retry_o,        // Complete with retry
+    output  reg                     Ack_o,          // Complete with acknowledge
+    output                          wbm_cyc_o,
+    output                          wbm_stb_o,
+    output  reg                     wbm_we_o,
+    output  reg     [AW_WB -1:0]    wbm_adr_o,
+    output  reg     [DW_WB/8 -1:0]  wbm_sel_o,
+    output  reg     [DW_WB -1:0]    wbm_dat_o,
+    input           [DW_WB -1:0]    wbm_dat_i,
+    input                           wbm_ack_i,
+    input                           wbm_rty_i,
+    input                           wbm_err_i,
+    input   Clk_ik,
+    input   Rst_ir
+reg CycStb_q;
+assign wbm_cyc_o = CycStb_q;
+assign wbm_stb_o = CycStb_q;
+wire TermRec = wbm_ack_i || wbm_rty_i || wbm_err_i;
+always_ff @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
+    if (Rst_ir) begin
+        CycStb_q <= 1'b0;
+        wbm_we_o <= 1'b0;
+    end else begin
+        CycStb_q <=
+                (Control_wr_i && (Write_i || Read_i))
+            ||  (CycStb_q && !TermRec);
+        if (Control_wr_i) wbm_we_o <= Write_i;
+    end
+always_ff @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
+    if (CycStb_q) begin
+        Error_o <= wbm_err_i;
+        Retry_o <= wbm_rty_i;
+        Ack_o   <= wbm_ack_i;
+        Data_ob <= wbm_dat_i;
+    end
+    if (!CycStb_q) begin
+        wbm_adr_o <= Addr_ib;
+        wbm_sel_o <= Sel_ib;
+        wbm_dat_o <= Data_ib;
+    end
+assign Write_o = CycStb_q && wbm_we_o;
+assign Read_o = CycStb_q && !wbm_we_o;