diff --git a/cores_for_synthesis/WbWithFetchAndAvlStrToAvlMmb.sv b/cores_for_synthesis/WbWithFetchAndAvlStrToAvlMmb.sv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eca5ae97ec22decb483e325b8504e37cb4ba827c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cores_for_synthesis/WbWithFetchAndAvlStrToAvlMmb.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+The DDR3 memory on the VFC-HD is 4Gb (per chip).
+On the wishbone this is arranged as 128M Long Words (32 bits)
+To address all the space 28 (27 for the prototype) bits of address are needed
+The address bits are split between a page address (PageSelector input)
+and a pointer to the LW in the page that we want to access via WishBone
+module WbWithFetchAndAvlStrToAvlMmb
+    parameter g_Log2PageSize  = 6, // Comment: in 32bit words. Min is 2 as it must be 128bits alligned. Max is 12 as the longest burst is 1024
+    parameter g_Log2BurstSize = 10 // Determines the lenght of the data (128b) FIFO (2*2**g_Log2BurstSize)
+  t_WbInterface                  WbSlave_iot,     // Only g_Log2PageSize bits of address are used
+  input  [28-g_Log2PageSize-1:0] PageSelector_ib,
+  output                         WriteFifoEmpty_o,
+  input                          FetchPage_ip,
+  output reg                     PageFetched_o
+  t_AvalonSt_tt                  AvlStD128_ts,
+  input                          LoadStreamerBaseAddress_ip,
+  input  [25:0]                  StreamerBaseAddress_ib26, //The address in the DDR3 from which we start the streaming 'dump'
+  output [25:0]                  StreamerWriteAddress_ob26,
+  t_AvalonMMb_tt                 AvlMmBA26D128_tm
+parameter [10:0] c_PageMemDepth     = 2**(g_Log2PageSize-2);
+parameter [10:0] c_WriteBurstLenght = 2**(g_Log2BurstSize);
+typedef enum {
+    s_AvlIdle,
+    s_AvlPageRead,
+    s_AvlSingleWrite,
+    s_AvlPacketWrite
+} t_AvlState;
+logic [127:0] PageMem_mb128 [c_PageMemDepth-1:0];
+logic WriteFifoFull, WeWriteFifo;
+t_AvlState AvlState_l = s_AvlIdle, AvlNextState_l, AvlState_ld;
+logic FetchPage_x = 0;
+logic [2:0] FetchPage_xd3 = 0;
+logic FetchPage_p = 0;
+logic FetchDone_x = 0;
+logic [2:0] FetchDone_xd3 = 0;
+logic FetchRequest;
+logic [28-g_Log2PageSize-1:0] PageToFetch_b;
+logic [(g_Log2PageSize-2)-1:0] MemWrPointer_c;
+logic [25:0] MemoryWriteAddress_b26;
+logic [1:0] MemoryWriteLwSelect_b2;
+logic [31:0] MemoryWriteLw_b32;
+logic ReWriteFifo;
+logic FetchDone_p = 0;
+logic StreamerDataFifoFull, StreamerDataFifoEmpty;
+logic StreamerDataFifoRe, StreamerDataFifoWe;
+logic [127:0] StreamerDataFifoOut_b128;
+logic StreamerPacketInfoFifoFull, StreamerPacketInfoFifoEmpty;
+logic StreamerPacketInfoFifoRe, StreamerPacketInfoFifoWe;
+logic [25:0] PacketBaseAddressWr_b26, PacketBaseAddressRd_b26;
+logic [10:0] PacketSizeWr_b11, PacketSizeRd_b11;
+logic [10:0] StoredStremerWords_b11;
+logic ClosePacket;
+logic LoadStreamerBaseAddress_d;
+logic [10:0] WordsInPacketSent_c11;
+wire a_WbClk_k     = WbSlave_iot.Clk_k;
+wire a_AvlMMbClk_k = AvlMmBA26D128_tm.Clk_k;
+wire a_AvlStClk_k  = AvlStD128_ts.Clk_k;
+//=== WishBone interface
+always @(posedge a_WbClk_k)
+    if (WbSlave_iot.Cyc && WbSlave_iot.Stb) begin //Wishbone access
+        if (WbSlave_iot.We) begin //write access
+            if (~WriteFifoFull && ~WbSlave_iot.Ack) begin
+                WeWriteFifo     <= 1'b1;
+                WbSlave_iot.Ack <= 1'b1;
+            end else begin
+                WeWriteFifo <= 1'b0;
+            end
+        end else begin //read access
+            case (WbSlave_iot.Adr_b[1:0])
+                2'd0: WbSlave_iot.DatMiSo_b <= PageMem_mb128[WbSlave_iot.Adr_b[g_Log2PageSize-1:2]][ 31: 0];
+                2'd1: WbSlave_iot.DatMiSo_b <= PageMem_mb128[WbSlave_iot.Adr_b[g_Log2PageSize-1:2]][ 63:32];
+                2'd2: WbSlave_iot.DatMiSo_b <= PageMem_mb128[WbSlave_iot.Adr_b[g_Log2PageSize-1:2]][ 95:64];
+                2'd3: WbSlave_iot.DatMiSo_b <= PageMem_mb128[WbSlave_iot.Adr_b[g_Log2PageSize-1:2]][127:96];
+            endcase
+            WbSlave_iot.Ack <= 1'b1;
+        end
+    end else begin
+        WbSlave_iot.Ack <= 1'b0;
+        WeWriteFifo     <= 1'b0;
+    end//Wb access closed or simply no access
+generic_fifo_dc_gray_mod #(.dw(60), .aw(4))
+    i_WriteFifo(
+        .rd_clk(a_AvlMMbClk_k),
+        .wr_clk(a_WbClk_k),
+        .rst(1'b1),
+        .clr(1'b0),
+        .din({PageSelector_ib, WbSlave_iot.Adr_b[g_Log2PageSize-1:0], WbSlave_iot.DatMoSi_b}),
+        .we(WeWriteFifo),
+		.dout({MemoryWriteAddress_b26, MemoryWriteLwSelect_b2, MemoryWriteLw_b32}),
+        .re(ReWriteFifo),
+        .full(WriteFifoFull),
+        .empty(WriteFifoEmpty_o),
+        .wr_level(/* Not Connected */),
+        .rd_level(/* Not Connected */)
+        );
+//=== Synchronization logic
+always_ff @(posedge a_WbClk_k)
+    if (FetchPage_ip) begin
+        FetchPage_x   <= ~FetchPage_x;
+        PageToFetch_b <= PageSelector_ib;
+    end
+always_ff @(posedge a_AvlMMbClk_k)
+  FetchPage_xd3 <= {FetchPage_xd3[1:0], FetchPage_x};
+wire FetchPageAvl_p = ^FetchPage_xd3[2:1];
+always_ff @(posedge a_AvlMMbClk_k)
+    if (FetchDone_p)
+        FetchDone_x <= ~FetchDone_x;
+always_ff @(posedge a_WbClk_k)
+    FetchDone_xd3 <= {FetchDone_xd3[1:0], FetchDone_x};
+wire FetchDoneWb_p = ^FetchDone_xd3[2:1];
+always_ff @(posedge a_WbClk_k)
+    if (FetchPage_ip)
+        PageFetched_o <= 1'b0;
+    else if (FetchDoneWb_p)
+        PageFetched_o <= 1'b1;
+//=== Avalon Streaming Interface
+alias a_AvlStrClock_ik   = AvlStD128_ts.Clk_k;
+alias a_AvlStrData_ib128 = AvlStD128_ts.DataMoSi_b;
+alias a_AvlStrValid_i    = AvlStD128_ts.ValidMoSi;
+alias a_AvlStrReady_o    = AvlStD128_ts.ReadyMiSo;
+assign a_AvlStrReady_o    = ~StreamerDataFifoFull && ~StreamerPacketInfoFifoFull;
+assign StreamerDataFifoWe = a_AvlStrValid_i&&a_AvlStrReady_o;
+generic_fifo_dc_gray_mod #(.dw(128), .aw(g_Log2BurstSize+1))
+    i_StreamerDataFifo(
+        .rd_clk(a_AvlMMbClk_k),
+        .wr_clk(a_AvlStrClock_ik),
+        .rst(1'b1),
+        .clr(1'b0),
+        .din(a_AvlStrData_ib128),
+        .we(StreamerDataFifoWe),
+		.dout(StreamerDataFifoOut_b128),
+        .re(StreamerDataFifoRe),
+        .full(StreamerDataFifoFull),
+        .empty(StreamerDataFifoEmpty),
+        .wr_level(/* Not Connected */),
+        .rd_level(/* Not Connected */)
+        );
+always_ff @ (posedge a_AvlStrClock_ik)
+    LoadStreamerBaseAddress_d <= LoadStreamerBaseAddress_ip;
+assign ClosePacket = (StoredStremerWords_b11==c_WriteBurstLenght)  ||
+                     (LoadStreamerBaseAddress_d && |StoredStremerWords_b11) ||
+                     (~a_AvlStrValid_i && |StoredStremerWords_b11);
+always_ff @ (posedge a_AvlStrClock_ik)
+    if (LoadStreamerBaseAddress_ip)
+        StreamerWriteAddress_ob26 <= StreamerBaseAddress_ib26;
+    else if (a_AvlStrValid_i && a_AvlStrReady_o)
+        StreamerWriteAddress_ob26 <= StreamerWriteAddress_ob26 + 1'b1;
+always_ff @ (posedge a_AvlStrClock_ik) begin
+    StreamerPacketInfoFifoWe <= 1'b0;
+    if (ClosePacket) begin
+        PacketSizeWr_b11 <= StoredStremerWords_b11;
+        StreamerPacketInfoFifoWe <= 1'b1;
+        StoredStremerWords_b11 <= {10'b0, StreamerDataFifoWe};
+        if (StreamerDataFifoWe)
+            PacketBaseAddressWr_b26 <= StreamerWriteAddress_ob26;
+    end else if (StreamerDataFifoWe && ~|StoredStremerWords_b11)
+        PacketBaseAddressWr_b26 <= StreamerWriteAddress_ob26;
+generic_fifo_dc_gray_mod #(.dw(37), .aw(5)) // Up to 32 packet queue
+    i_StreamerPacketInfoFifo(
+        .rd_clk(a_AvlMMbClk_k),
+        .wr_clk(a_AvlStrClock_ik),
+        .rst(1'b1),
+        .clr(1'b0),
+        .din({PacketSizeWr_b11, PacketBaseAddressWr_b26}),
+        .we(StreamerPacketInfoFifoWe),
+		.dout({PacketSizeRd_b11, PacketBaseAddressRd_b26}),
+        .re(StreamerPacketInfoFifoRe),
+        .full(StreamerPacketInfoFifoFull),
+        .empty(StreamerPacketInfoFifoEmpty),
+        .wr_level(/* Not Connected */),
+        .rd_level(/* Not Connected */)
+        );
+//=== Avalon Burst MM interface
+always_ff @(posedge a_AvlMMbClk_k)
+  AvlState_l <= AvlNextState_l;
+always_comb begin
+    AvlNextState_l = AvlState_l;
+    case (AvlState_l)
+    s_AvlIdle:
+        if (~WriteFifoEmpty_o && ~ReWriteFifo)   AvlNextState_l = s_AvlSingleWrite;
+        else if (FetchRequest)                   AvlNextState_l = s_AvlPageRead;
+        else if (~StreamerPacketInfoFifoRe)      AvlNextState_l = s_AvlPacketWrite;
+    s_AvlSingleWrite:
+        if (~AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WaitRequestMiSo)
+            AvlNextState_l = s_AvlIdle;
+    s_AvlPageRead:
+        if (&MemWrPointer_c && ~AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WaitRequestMiSo)
+            AvlNextState_l = s_AvlIdle;
+    s_AvlPacketWrite:
+        if (WordsInPacketSent_c11!=AvlMmBA26D128_tm.BurstCountMoSi_b
+        &&  AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WriteMoSi
+        && ~AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WaitRequestMiSo)
+            AvlNextState_l = s_AvlIdle;
+    default:
+        AvlNextState_l = s_AvlIdle;
+    endcase
+always_ff @(posedge a_AvlMMbClk_k) begin
+    FetchRequest             <= FetchPageAvl_p;
+    ReWriteFifo              <= 1'b0;
+    AvlState_ld              <= AvlState_l;
+    FetchDone_p              <= 1'b0;
+    case (AvlState_l)
+    s_AvlIdle: begin
+        MemWrPointer_c             <= 'h0;
+        AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ReadMoSi  <= 1'b0;
+        AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WriteMoSi <= 1'b0;
+        StreamerDataFifoRe         <= 1'b0;
+        StreamerPacketInfoFifoRe   <= 1'b0;
+        WordsInPacketSent_c11      <= 11'd1;
+    end
+    s_AvlPageRead: begin
+        FetchRequest                                            <= 1'b0;
+        AvlMmBA26D128_tm.BurstCountMoSi_b                       <= c_PageMemDepth;
+        AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ByteEnableMoSi                         <= 16'hFFFF;
+        AvlMmBA26D128_tm.AddressMoSi_b[26-1:(g_Log2PageSize-2)] <= PageToFetch_b;
+        AvlMmBA26D128_tm.AddressMoSi_b[(g_Log2PageSize-2)-1:0]  <= 'b0;
+        if (AvlState_ld==s_AvlIdle) //first cycle in state
+            AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ReadMoSi <= 1'b1;
+        else if (~AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WaitRequestMiSo) //Request accepted
+            AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ReadMoSi <= 1'b0;
+        if (AvlNextState_l == s_AvlIdle)
+            FetchDone_p  <= 1'b1;
+        if (AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ReadDataValidMiSo) begin
+            PageMem_mb128[MemWrPointer_c] <= AvlMmBA26D128_tm.DataReadMiSo_b;
+            MemWrPointer_c                <= MemWrPointer_c + 1'b1;
+        end
+    end
+    s_AvlSingleWrite: begin
+        if (AvlState_ld==s_AvlIdle) begin//first cycle in state
+            ReWriteFifo                       <= 1'b1;
+            AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WriteMoSi        <= 1'b1;
+            AvlMmBA26D128_tm.BurstCountMoSi_b <= 11'd1;
+            AvlMmBA26D128_tm.AddressMoSi_b    <= MemoryWriteAddress_b26;
+            case (MemoryWriteLwSelect_b2)
+                2'd0: begin
+                    AvlMmBA26D128_tm.DataWriteMoSi_b <= {96'h0, MemoryWriteLw_b32};
+                    AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ByteEnableMoSi <= 16'h000F;
+                end
+                2'd1: begin
+                    AvlMmBA26D128_tm.DataWriteMoSi_b <= {64'h0, MemoryWriteLw_b32, 32'h0};
+                    AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ByteEnableMoSi <= 16'h00F0;
+                end
+                2'd2: begin
+                    AvlMmBA26D128_tm.DataWriteMoSi_b <= {32'h0, MemoryWriteLw_b32, 64'h0};
+                    AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ByteEnableMoSi <= 16'h0F00;
+                end
+                2'd3: begin
+                    AvlMmBA26D128_tm.DataWriteMoSi_b <= {MemoryWriteLw_b32, 96'h0};
+                    AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ByteEnableMoSi <= 16'hF000;
+                end
+            endcase
+        end else begin
+            ReWriteFifo         <= 1'b0;
+            if (~AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WaitRequestMiSo) AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WriteMoSi <= 1'b0;
+        end
+    end
+    s_AvlPacketWrite: begin
+        if (AvlState_ld==s_AvlIdle) begin//first cycle in state
+            StreamerPacketInfoFifoRe           <= 1'b1;
+            StreamerDataFifoRe                 <= 1'b1;
+            AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WriteMoSi         <= 1'b1;
+            AvlMmBA26D128_tm.BurstCountMoSi_b  <= PacketSizeRd_b11;
+            AvlMmBA26D128_tm.AddressMoSi_b     <= PacketBaseAddressRd_b26;
+            AvlMmBA26D128_tm.DataWriteMoSi_b   <= StreamerDataFifoOut_b128;
+            AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ByteEnableMoSi    <= 16'hFFFF;
+        end else begin
+            StreamerPacketInfoFifoRe <= 1'b0;
+            StreamerDataFifoRe       <= 1'b0;
+            if (AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WriteMoSi&&~AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WaitRequestMiSo) begin
+                WordsInPacketSent_c11            <= WordsInPacketSent_c11 + 1'b1;
+                AvlMmBA26D128_tm.DataWriteMoSi_b <= StreamerDataFifoOut_b128;
+                if (WordsInPacketSent_c11!=AvlMmBA26D128_tm.BurstCountMoSi_b)
+                    StreamerDataFifoRe <= 1'b1;
+                else
+                    AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WriteMoSi <= 1'b0;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    default: begin
+        MemWrPointer_c <= 'h0;
+        AvlMmBA26D128_tm.ReadMoSi  <= 1'b0;
+        AvlMmBA26D128_tm.WriteMoSi <= 1'b0;
+    end
+    endcase
diff --git a/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/cmb_to_wishbone.vhd b/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/cmb_to_wishbone.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4959ea81dc66810ad45e350b7029a43a79f512c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/cmb_to_wishbone.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+--##################################   Module Information   ##################################
+-- Company: CERN (BE-BI-BL)
+-- Language: VHDL 2008
+-- Description:
+--     CMB to Wishbone bridge
+-- Libraries 
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+-- Entity
+entity cmb_to_wishbone is
+  port (
+    -- Clock and reset
+    clk_ik              : in  std_logic;
+    rst_ir              : in  std_logic;
+    cen_ie              : in  std_logic;
+    -- CMB input
+    cmb_frame_i         : in  std_logic;
+    cmb_addr_ib         : in  std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_enable_ib       : in  std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_wr_i            : in  std_logic;
+    cmb_wr_data_ib      : in  std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_rd_i            : in  std_logic;
+    cmb_rd_data_ob      : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0); 
+    cmb_rd_valid_o      : out std_logic;
+    cmb_busy_o          : out std_logic;
+    -- WB output
+    wb_cyc_o            : out std_logic;
+    wb_stb_o            : out std_logic;
+    wb_addr_ob          : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    wb_we_o             : out std_logic;
+    wb_data_mosi_ob     : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    wb_data_miso_ib     : in  std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    wb_ack_i            : in  std_logic
+  );
+end entity;
+-- Architecture
+architecture rtl of cmb_to_wishbone is
+  -- CMB 
+  signal cmb_rd_data       : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0); 
+  signal cmb_rd_valid      : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_busy          : std_logic;
+  -- WB 
+  signal wb_cyc            : std_logic;
+  signal wb_stb            : std_logic;
+  signal wb_addr           : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal wb_we             : std_logic;
+  signal wb_data_mosi      : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  -- Status
+  signal ongoing_access    : std_logic;
+-- CMB <-> Wishbone
+p_bridge: process(clk_ik, rst_ir)
+  begin
+    if rst_ir = '1'then
+      --CMB       
+      cmb_rd_data      <= (others=>'0');
+      cmb_rd_valid     <= '0';   
+      cmb_busy         <= '0'; 
+      --WB
+      wb_cyc           <= '0';             
+      wb_stb           <= '0';          
+      wb_addr          <= (others=>'0');
+      wb_we            <= '0'; 
+      wb_data_mosi     <= (others=>'0');
+      --status
+      ongoing_access   <= '0';
+    elsif rising_edge(clk_ik) then
+      if cen_ie='1' then
+        --========================
+        --read request
+        if cmb_rd_i='1' and cmb_busy='0' then
+          --CMB
+          cmb_rd_data      <= (others=>'0');
+          cmb_rd_valid     <= '0';   
+          cmb_busy         <= '1';
+          --WB
+          wb_cyc           <= '1';             
+          wb_stb           <= '1';          
+          wb_addr          <= cmb_addr_ib;
+          wb_we            <= '0'; 
+          wb_data_mosi     <= (others=>'0');
+          --status
+          ongoing_access   <= '1';
+        --========================
+        --write request
+        elsif cmb_wr_i='1' and cmb_busy='0' then
+          --CMB
+          cmb_rd_data      <= (others=>'0');
+          cmb_rd_valid     <= '0';   
+          cmb_busy         <= '1';
+          --WB
+          wb_cyc           <= '1';             
+          wb_stb           <= '1';          
+          wb_addr          <= cmb_addr_ib;
+          wb_we            <= '1'; 
+          wb_data_mosi     <= cmb_wr_data_ib;
+          --status
+          ongoing_access   <= '1';
+        --========================
+        --access ongoing
+        elsif ongoing_access='1' and cmb_busy='1' then
+          if wb_ack_i='1' then 
+            --CMB
+            cmb_rd_data      <= wb_data_miso_ib;
+            cmb_rd_valid     <= wb_cyc and wb_stb and not(wb_we);   
+            cmb_busy         <= '1'; --access not released
+            --WB
+            wb_cyc           <= '0';             
+            wb_stb           <= '0';          
+            wb_addr          <= (others=>'0');
+            wb_we            <= '0'; 
+            wb_data_mosi     <= (others=>'0');
+            --status
+            ongoing_access   <= '0';
+          end if;
+        --========================
+        --no access
+        else
+          --CMB       
+          cmb_rd_data      <= (others=>'0');
+          cmb_rd_valid     <= '0'; 
+          --end of the access
+          if wb_ack_i='0' then 
+            cmb_busy       <= '0'; 
+          end if;
+          --WB
+          wb_cyc           <= '0';             
+          wb_stb           <= '0';          
+          wb_addr          <= (others=>'0');
+          wb_we            <= '0'; 
+          wb_data_mosi     <= (others=>'0');
+        end if;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+-- Output assignments
+--=============================================================================  +
+  --CMB       
+  cmb_rd_data_ob     <= cmb_rd_data;
+  cmb_rd_valid_o     <= cmb_rd_valid;
+  cmb_busy_o         <= cmb_busy    ;
+  --WB
+  wb_cyc_o           <= wb_cyc      ;
+  wb_stb_o           <= wb_stb      ;
+  wb_addr_ob         <= wb_addr     ;
+  wb_we_o            <= wb_we       ;
+  wb_data_mosi_ob    <= wb_data_mosi;
+end architecture;
diff --git a/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_dac_fsm.vhd b/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_dac_fsm.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d59a4f0fa42510631fc4090c63d1478753e5e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_dac_fsm.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+--##################################   Module Information   ##################################
+-- Company: CERN (BE-BI-BL)
+-- Language: VHDL 2008
+-- Description:
+--     FSM to program oscillator through SPI
+-- Libraries definition
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+-- Entity declaration 
+entity spi_dac_fsm is
+  port (                
+    clk_ik              : in std_logic;
+    rst_ir              : in std_logic;
+    cen_ie              : in std_logic;
+    new_val_i           : in std_logic;
+    --0V0 is the midscale ( 20.000MHz) for the OSC3
+    dac20_val_i         : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --0x0000=0d00000=0V0 for midrange
+    --1V6 is the midscale (125.000MHz) for the OSC2
+    dac25_val_i         : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --0x51eb=0d20971=1V6 for midrange
+    -- CMB sequence to SPI protocol 
+    cmb_frame_o         : out std_logic;
+    cmb_addr_ob         : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_enable_ob       : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_wr_o            : out std_logic;
+    cmb_wr_data_ob      : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_rd_o            : out std_logic;
+    cmb_rd_data_ib      : in  std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0); 
+    cmb_rd_valid_i      : in  std_logic;
+    cmb_busy_i          : in  std_logic
+  );
+end entity;
+-- Architecture declaration
+architecture rtl of spi_dac_fsm is
+-- Type declaration
+type vadc_array is array(7 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);  
+-- Constant declaration
+-- Signals declaration
+  --wait
+  signal first_prog   : std_logic;
+  --cmb
+  signal cmb_frame    : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_addr     : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal cmb_enable   : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal cmb_wr       : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_wr_data  : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal cmb_rd       : std_logic;
+  -- Fsm  
+  Type t_state is (
+    s_IDLE,
+    s_SET_DAC25,   --1V6 is the midscale (125.000MHz) for the OSC2
+    s_SET_DAC20    --0V0 is the midscale ( 20.000MHz) for the OSC3
+  );
+  attribute SYN_ENCODING : STRING;
+  attribute SYN_ENCODING of t_state : type is "one-hot, safe";
+  signal curr_state: t_state;
+-- FSM 
+  --state flow process (synchronous)
+  p_protocol_fsm_flow: process (rst_ir, clk_ik)
+  begin
+    if rst_ir = '1' then
+      curr_state   <= s_IDLE;
+      first_prog   <='1';
+      --CMB    
+      cmb_frame    <= '0';
+      cmb_addr     <= (others=>'0');
+      cmb_enable   <= (others=>'1');
+      cmb_wr       <= '0';
+      cmb_wr_data  <= (others=>'0');
+      cmb_rd       <= '0';
+    elsif rising_edge(clk_ik) then
+      if cen_ie = '1' then
+        --default
+        cmb_frame       <= '0';
+        cmb_enable      <= (others=>'1');
+        case curr_state is
+          -- START or STOP the programming sequence
+          when s_IDLE =>
+            if new_val_i='1' or first_prog='1' then 
+              curr_state <= s_SET_DAC25;
+              first_prog <='0';
+            end if;
+          -- set DAC25 to 1V6
+          when s_SET_DAC25 =>
+            if cmb_busy_i='0' then              --bus is free
+              if cmb_wr='0' and cmb_rd='0' then --no command on-going
+                cmb_addr     <= x"00000000";    --DAC25
+                cmb_wr       <= '1';                  
+                cmb_wr_data  <= x"0000"& dac25_val_i;
+                cmb_rd       <= '0';
+              elsif cmb_wr='1' then             --write is acknowledged
+                cmb_addr     <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_wr       <= '0';
+                cmb_wr_data  <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_rd       <= '0';
+                curr_state   <= s_SET_DAC20;
+              end if;
+            end if;
+          -- set DAC20 to 0V
+          when s_SET_DAC20 =>
+            if cmb_busy_i='0' then              --bus is free
+              if cmb_wr='0' and cmb_rd='0' then --no command on-going
+                cmb_addr     <= x"00000001";    --DAC20
+                cmb_wr       <= '1';                    
+                cmb_wr_data  <= x"0000"& dac20_val_i;
+                cmb_rd       <= '0';
+              elsif cmb_wr='1' then             --write is acknowledged
+                cmb_addr     <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_wr       <= '0';
+                cmb_wr_data  <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_rd       <= '0';
+                curr_state   <= s_IDLE;
+              end if;
+            end if;
+          -- OTHERS
+          when others =>
+            curr_state    <= s_IDLE;
+        end case;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+cmb_frame_o    <= cmb_frame   ;
+cmb_addr_ob    <= cmb_addr    ;
+cmb_enable_ob  <= cmb_enable  ;
+cmb_wr_o       <= cmb_wr      ;
+cmb_wr_data_ob <= cmb_wr_data ;
+cmb_rd_o       <= cmb_rd      ;
+end architecture;
diff --git a/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_dac_osc.qip b/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_dac_osc.qip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4524545fc9d65568ddc03b8490036260574ee15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_dac_osc.qip
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "spi_dac_fsm.vhd"]
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "spi_dac_osc.vhd"]
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "spi_protocol.vhd"]
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "cmb_to_wishbone.vhd"]
+set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "../SpiMasterWb.v"]
diff --git a/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_dac_osc.vhd b/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_dac_osc.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b48d4224ce3cc87da9835ee07ea2759bbb0a2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_dac_osc.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+--##################################   Module Information   ##################################
+-- Company: CERN 
+-- Language: VHDL 2008
+-- Description:
+-- Libraries definition
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library altera_mf;
+use altera_mf.all;
+use altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all;
+-- Entity
+entity spi_dac_osc is
+  g_CLOCK_FREQ        : integer := 100000000  --MHz
+port (
+  -- Clock:
+  clk_ik              : in  std_logic;
+  rst_ir              : in  std_logic;
+  cen_ie              : in  std_logic;
+  --input val
+  new_val_i           : in std_logic;
+  --0V0 is the midscale ( 20.000MHz) for the OSC3
+  dac20_val_i         : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --0x0000=0d00000=0V0 for midrange
+  --1V6 is the midscale (125.000MHz) for the OSC2
+  dac25_val_i         : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --0x51eb=0d20971=1V6 for midrange
+  --SPI IO
+  PllDacSclk_ok       : out std_logic;
+  PllDacDin_o         : out std_logic;
+  PllDac25Sync_o      : out std_logic;
+  PllDac20Sync_o      : out std_logic
+end entity;
+-- Architecture declaration
+architecture rtl of spi_dac_osc is
+  --CMB sequence from FSM to protocol
+  signal cmb_seq_frame              : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_seq_addr               : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal cmb_seq_enable             : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal cmb_seq_wr                 : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_seq_wr_data            : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal cmb_seq_rd                 : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_seq_rd_data            : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0); 
+  signal cmb_seq_rd_valid           : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_seq_busy               : std_logic;
+  --CMB command from protocol to SPI master
+  signal cmb_cmd_frame              : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_cmd_addr               : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal cmb_cmd_enable             : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal cmb_cmd_wr                 : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_cmd_wr_data            : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal cmb_cmd_rd                 : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_cmd_rd_data            : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0); 
+  signal cmb_cmd_rd_valid           : std_logic;
+  signal cmb_cmd_busy               : std_logic;
+  signal WbLocSpiDacCtrlCyc         : std_logic;
+  signal WbLocSpiDacCtrlStb         : std_logic;
+  signal WbLocSpiDacCtrlAdr_b32     : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal WbLocSpiDacCtrlWr          : std_logic;
+  signal WbLocSpiDacCtrlDatmosi_b32 : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal WbLocSpiDacCtrlDatmiso_b32 : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+  signal WbLocSpiDacCtrlAck         : std_logic;
+  --internal Sleave select (32 available, but only 2 are mapped)
+  signal PllDacSs_nb32              : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+  --SPI Master WB
+  component SpiMasterWb is
+  port (
+    Clk_ik                : in   std_logic;
+    Rst_irq               : in   std_logic;
+    Cyc_i                 : in   std_logic;
+    Stb_i                 : in   std_logic;
+    We_i                  : in   std_logic;
+    Adr_ib3               : in   std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+    Dat_ib32              : in   std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+    Dat_oab32             : out  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+    Ack_oa                : out  std_logic;
+    WaitingNewData_o      : out  std_logic;
+    ModuleIdle_o          : out  std_logic;
+    SClk_o                : out  std_logic;
+    MoSi_o                : out  std_logic;
+    MiSo_ib32             : in   std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+    SS_onb32              : out  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
+  );
+  end component;
+  --=============================================================================
+  -- Sequencing FSM
+  --=============================================================================
+    i_dac_fsm : entity work.spi_dac_fsm     
+    port map(   
+      clk_ik              => clk_ik, -- in  std_logic;
+      rst_ir              => rst_ir, -- in  std_logic;
+      cen_ie              => cen_ie, -- in  std_logic;
+      new_val_i           => new_val_i, -- in std_logic;
+      --0V0 is the midscale ( 20.000MHz) for the OSC3
+      dac20_val_i         => dac20_val_i, -- in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --0x0000=0d00000=0V0 for midrange
+      --1V6 is the midscale (125.000MHz) for the OSC2
+      dac25_val_i         => dac25_val_i, -- in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --0x51eb=0d20971=1V6 for midrange
+      -- CMB sequence to SPI protocol 
+      cmb_frame_o         => cmb_seq_frame    , -- out std_logic;
+      cmb_addr_ob         => cmb_seq_addr     , -- out std_logic_vector(g_RAM_ADDRSIZE-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_enable_ob       => cmb_seq_enable   , -- out std_logic_vector(g_RAM_DATASIZE-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_wr_o            => cmb_seq_wr       , -- out std_logic;
+      cmb_wr_data_ob      => cmb_seq_wr_data  , -- out std_logic_vector(g_RAM_DATASIZE-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_rd_o            => cmb_seq_rd       , -- out std_logic;
+      cmb_rd_data_ib      => cmb_seq_rd_data  , -- in  std_logic_vector(g_RAM_DATASIZE-1 downto 0); 
+      cmb_rd_valid_i      => cmb_seq_rd_valid , -- in  std_logic;
+      cmb_busy_i          => cmb_seq_busy       -- in  std_logic
+    );
+  --=============================================================================
+  -- SPI Protocol
+  --=============================================================================
+  i_dac_protocol : entity work.spi_protocol    
+    generic map(
+      g_CLOCK_FREQ           => g_CLOCK_FREQ      --Hz
+      )                      
+    port map(                
+      -- Clock and reset     
+      clk_ik                 => clk_ik,           -- in  std_logic;
+      rst_ir                 => rst_ir,           -- in  std_logic;
+      cen_ie                 => cen_ie,           -- in  std_logic;
+      -- CMB sequence input
+      cmb_in_frame_i         => cmb_seq_frame   , -- in  std_logic;
+      cmb_in_addr_ib         => cmb_seq_addr    , -- in  std_logic_vector(g_ADDR_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_in_enable_ib       => cmb_seq_enable  , -- in  std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_in_wr_i            => cmb_seq_wr      , -- in  std_logic;
+      cmb_in_wr_data_ib      => cmb_seq_wr_data , -- in  std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_in_rd_i            => cmb_seq_rd      , -- in  std_logic;
+      cmb_in_rd_data_ob      => cmb_seq_rd_data , -- out std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0); 
+      cmb_in_rd_valid_o      => cmb_seq_rd_valid, -- out std_logic;
+      cmb_in_busy_o          => cmb_seq_busy    , -- out std_logic;
+      -- CMB commands output
+      cmb_out_frame_o         => cmb_cmd_frame   , -- out std_logic;
+      cmb_out_addr_ob         => cmb_cmd_addr    , -- out std_logic_vector(g_ADDR_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_out_enable_ob       => cmb_cmd_enable  , -- out std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_out_wr_o            => cmb_cmd_wr      , -- out std_logic;
+      cmb_out_wr_data_ob      => cmb_cmd_wr_data , -- out std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_out_rd_o            => cmb_cmd_rd      , -- out std_logic;
+      cmb_out_rd_data_ib      => cmb_cmd_rd_data , -- in  std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0); 
+      cmb_out_rd_valid_i      => cmb_cmd_rd_valid, -- in  std_logic;
+      cmb_out_busy_i          => cmb_cmd_busy      -- in  std_logic;
+    );
+  --=============================================================================
+  -- CMB to WB bridge
+  --=============================================================================
+  i_cmb_to_wb: entity work.cmb_to_wishbone    
+    port map(
+      -- Clock and reset
+      clk_ik              => clk_ik,                     -- in  std_logic;
+      rst_ir              => rst_ir,                     -- in  std_logic;
+      cen_ie              => cen_ie,                     -- in  std_logic;
+      -- CMB input                                       
+      cmb_frame_i         => cmb_cmd_frame   ,           -- in  std_logic;
+      cmb_addr_ib         => cmb_cmd_addr    ,           -- in  std_logic_vector(g_ADDR_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_enable_ib       => cmb_cmd_enable  ,           -- in  std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_wr_i            => cmb_cmd_wr      ,           -- in  std_logic;
+      cmb_wr_data_ib      => cmb_cmd_wr_data ,           -- in  std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      cmb_rd_i            => cmb_cmd_rd      ,           -- in  std_logic;
+      cmb_rd_data_ob      => cmb_cmd_rd_data ,           -- out std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0); 
+      cmb_rd_valid_o      => cmb_cmd_rd_valid,           -- out std_logic;
+      cmb_busy_o          => cmb_cmd_busy    ,           -- out std_logic;
+      -- WB output
+      wb_cyc_o            => WbLocSpiDacCtrlCyc,         -- out std_logic;
+      wb_stb_o            => WbLocSpiDacCtrlStb,         -- out std_logic;
+      wb_addr_ob          => WbLocSpiDacCtrlAdr_b32,     -- out std_logic_vector(g_ADDR_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      wb_we_o             => WbLocSpiDacCtrlWr,          -- out std_logic;       
+      wb_data_mosi_ob     => WbLocSpiDacCtrlDatmosi_b32, -- out std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      wb_data_miso_ib     => WbLocSpiDacCtrlDatmiso_b32, -- in  std_logic_vector(g_DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+      wb_ack_i            => WbLocSpiDacCtrlAck          -- in  std_logic
+    );
+  --=============================================================================
+  -- SPI Master Wb
+  --=============================================================================
+  i_DacSpiMaster : SpiMasterWb  
+  port map(
+    Rst_irq          => rst_ir,
+    Clk_ik           => clk_ik,
+    --WB         
+    Cyc_i            => WbLocSpiDacCtrlCyc,
+    Stb_i            => WbLocSpiDacCtrlStb,
+    Adr_ib3          => WbLocSpiDacCtrlAdr_b32(2 downto 0),
+    We_i             => WbLocSpiDacCtrlWr,
+    Dat_ib32         => WbLocSpiDacCtrlDatmosi_b32,
+    Dat_oab32        => WbLocSpiDacCtrlDatmiso_b32,
+    Ack_oa           => WbLocSpiDacCtrlAck,
+    --SPI   
+    SClk_o           => PllDacSclk_ok,
+    MoSi_o           => PllDacDin_o,
+    MiSo_ib32        => (others=>'0'),
+    SS_onb32         => PllDacSs_nb32,
+    WaitingNewData_o => open,
+    ModuleIdle_o     => open
+  );
+  --Slave select outputs
+  PllDac25Sync_o <= PllDacSs_nb32(0); 
+  PllDac20Sync_o <= PllDacSs_nb32(1); 
+end architecture;
diff --git a/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_protocol.vhd b/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_protocol.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f7863cfc1ba33222ebbbe2b01ef19bc9f722588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cores_for_synthesis/spi_dac_osc/spi_protocol.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+--##################################   Module Information   ##################################
+-- Company: CERN (BE-BI-BL)
+-- Language: VHDL 2008
+-- Description:
+--     Simple SPI protocol
+-- Libraries definition
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+-- Entity declaration 
+entity spi_protocol is
+  generic (
+    g_CLOCK_FREQ        : integer   := 100000000
+    );
+  port (
+    -- Clock and reset
+    clk_ik                  : in  std_logic;
+    rst_ir                  : in  std_logic;
+    cen_ie                  : in  std_logic;
+    -- CMB sequence input
+    cmb_in_frame_i          : in  std_logic;
+    cmb_in_addr_ib          : in  std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_in_enable_ib        : in  std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_in_wr_i             : in  std_logic;
+    cmb_in_wr_data_ib       : in  std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_in_rd_i             : in  std_logic;
+    cmb_in_rd_data_ob       : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0); 
+    cmb_in_rd_valid_o       : out std_logic;
+    cmb_in_busy_o           : out std_logic;
+    -- CMB commands output  
+    cmb_out_frame_o         : out std_logic;
+    cmb_out_addr_ob         : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_out_enable_ob       : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_out_wr_o            : out std_logic;
+    cmb_out_wr_data_ob      : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+    cmb_out_rd_o            : out std_logic;
+    cmb_out_rd_data_ib      : in  std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0); 
+    cmb_out_rd_valid_i      : in  std_logic;
+    cmb_out_busy_i          : in  std_logic
+  );
+end entity;
+-- Architecture declaration
+architecture rtl of spi_protocol is
+constant c_DAC_HALFPER : integer := g_CLOCK_FREQ/(1000000*20*2); --DAC SPI 20MHz (30MHz max)
+signal wait_valid      : std_logic;
+--CMB in               
+signal cmb_in_rd_data   : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+signal cmb_in_rd_valid  : std_logic;
+signal cmb_in_busy      : std_logic;
+signal cmb_in_addr      : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+signal cmb_in_wr        : std_logic;
+signal cmb_in_wr_data   : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+--CMB output
+signal cmb_out_frame    : std_logic;
+signal cmb_out_addr     : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+signal cmb_out_enable   : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+signal cmb_out_wr       : std_logic;
+signal cmb_out_wr_data  : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);
+signal cmb_out_rd       : std_logic;
+--PSI parameters
+signal conf1        : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+signal spi_pol      : std_logic;
+signal spi_pha      : std_logic;
+signal spi_lsb1st   : std_logic;
+signal spi_cs       : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
+signal spi_length   : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+signal conf2        : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+signal spi_halfper  : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+signal spi_waittime : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+signal spi_shout    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+-- Fsm  
+  Type t_state is (
+    s_IDLE,
+    s_WR_CONF1,
+    s_WR_CONF2,
+    s_WR_SHOUT,
+    s_WAIT_SPI_FREE_2,
+    s_RD_SHIN
+  );
+  attribute SYN_ENCODING : STRING;
+  attribute SYN_ENCODING of t_state : type is "one-hot, safe";
+  signal curr_state: t_state;
+-- FSM 
+  --state flow process (synchronous)
+  p_protocol_fsm_flow: process (rst_ir, clk_ik)
+  begin
+    if rst_ir = '1' then
+      curr_state        <= s_IDLE;
+      wait_valid        <= '0';
+      --CMB input
+      cmb_in_rd_data    <= (others=>'0');
+      cmb_in_rd_valid   <= '0';
+      cmb_in_busy       <= '0';
+      cmb_in_wr         <= '0';
+      cmb_in_wr_data    <= (others=>'0');
+      cmb_in_addr       <= (others=>'0');
+      --CMB output
+      cmb_out_frame     <= '0';
+      cmb_out_addr      <= (others=>'0');
+      cmb_out_enable    <= (others=>'1');
+      cmb_out_wr        <= '0';
+      cmb_out_wr_data   <= (others=>'0');
+      cmb_out_rd        <= '0';
+    elsif rising_edge(clk_ik) then
+      if cen_ie = '1' then
+        --CMB input
+        cmb_in_rd_data    <= (others=>'0');
+        cmb_in_rd_valid   <= '0';
+        --CMB output
+        cmb_out_frame     <= '0';
+        cmb_out_addr      <= (others=>'0');
+        cmb_out_enable    <= (others=>'1');
+        cmb_out_wr        <= '0';
+        cmb_out_wr_data   <= (others=>'0');
+        cmb_out_rd        <= '0';
+        case curr_state is
+          --=============================
+          when s_IDLE =>
+          --=============================
+            if cmb_in_busy='0' then
+              if cmb_in_wr_i='1' or cmb_in_rd_i='1' then
+                curr_state     <= s_WAIT_SPI_FREE;
+                --latch address and data
+                cmb_in_wr      <= cmb_in_wr_i;
+                cmb_in_wr_data <= cmb_in_wr_data_ib;
+                cmb_in_addr    <= cmb_in_addr_ib;
+                cmb_in_busy    <= '1';
+              end if;
+            end if;
+          --=============================
+          when s_WAIT_SPI_FREE =>
+          --=============================
+            if cmb_out_busy_i = '0' and wait_valid = '0' then 
+              if cmb_out_wr='0' and cmb_out_rd='0' then 
+                --read status: @xC0 SPI free data(17..16)='00' 
+                cmb_out_addr     <= x"00000000"; --STATUS REG
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '0';
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= x"00000000"; 
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '1';                    
+              elsif cmb_out_rd = '1' then           
+                wait_valid       <='1';
+                cmb_out_addr     <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '0';
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '0';
+              end if;
+            end if;    
+            if cmb_out_rd_valid_i = '1' then 
+              wait_valid   <='0';
+              if cmb_out_rd_data_ib(17 downto 16)="00" then --SPI bus is not busy
+                curr_state   <= s_WR_CONF1;
+              end if;
+            end if;    
+          --=============================
+          when s_WR_CONF1 =>
+          --=============================
+            if cmb_out_busy_i = '0' then             
+              if cmb_out_wr='0' and cmb_out_rd='0' then 
+                cmb_out_addr     <= x"00000001"; --CONF1 REG
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '1';                     
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= conf1;
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '0';
+              elsif cmb_out_wr = '1' then           
+                cmb_out_addr     <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '0';
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '0';
+                curr_state       <= s_WR_CONF2;
+              end if;
+            end if;
+          --=============================
+          when s_WR_CONF2 =>
+          --=============================
+            if cmb_out_busy_i = '0' then             
+              if cmb_out_wr='0' and cmb_out_rd='0' then 
+                cmb_out_addr     <= x"00000002"; --CONF2 REG
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '1';                     
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= conf2;
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '0';
+              elsif cmb_out_wr = '1' then           
+                cmb_out_addr     <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '0';
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '0';
+                curr_state       <= s_WR_SHOUT;
+              end if;
+            end if;
+          --=============================
+          when s_WR_SHOUT =>
+          --=============================
+            if cmb_out_busy_i = '0' then             
+              if cmb_out_wr='0' and cmb_out_rd='0' then 
+                cmb_out_addr     <= x"00000003"; --SHIFT OUT REG
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '1';                     
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= spi_shout;
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '0';
+              elsif cmb_out_wr = '1' then           
+                cmb_out_addr     <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '0';
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '0';
+                curr_state       <= s_WAIT_SPI_FREE_2; --read access
+              end if;
+            end if;
+          --=============================
+          when s_WAIT_SPI_FREE_2 =>
+          --=============================
+            if cmb_out_busy_i = '0' and wait_valid = '0' then 
+              if cmb_out_wr='0' and cmb_out_rd='0' then 
+                --read status: @xC0 SPI free data(17..16)='00' 
+                cmb_out_addr     <= x"00000000"; --STATUS REG
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '0';
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= x"00000000"; 
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '1';                    
+              elsif cmb_out_rd = '1' then           
+                wait_valid       <='1';
+                cmb_out_addr     <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '0';
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '0';
+              end if;
+            end if;   
+            if cmb_out_rd_valid_i = '1' then 
+              wait_valid   <='0';
+              if cmb_out_rd_data_ib(17 downto 16)="00" then --SPI bus is not busy
+                if cmb_in_wr='1' then
+                  curr_state   <= s_IDLE; --end of write access
+                  cmb_in_busy  <= '0';
+                else 
+                  curr_state   <= s_RD_SHIN; --read access
+                end if;
+              end if;
+            end if;    
+          --=============================
+          when s_RD_SHIN =>
+          --=============================
+            if cmb_out_busy_i='0' and wait_valid ='0' then 
+              if cmb_out_wr='0' and cmb_out_rd='0' then 
+                cmb_out_addr     <= x"00000004"; --SHIFT IN REG
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '0';        
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= x"00000000"; 
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '1';                
+              elsif cmb_out_rd='1' then             
+                wait_valid       <='1';
+                cmb_out_addr     <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_wr       <= '0';
+                cmb_out_wr_data  <= (others=>'0');
+                cmb_out_rd       <= '0';
+              end if;
+            end if;
+            if cmb_out_rd_valid_i='1' then 
+              curr_state      <= s_IDLE;
+              cmb_in_busy     <= '0';
+              cmb_in_rd_data  <= cmb_out_rd_data_ib; --12 lsb useful only
+              cmb_in_rd_valid <= '1';
+              wait_valid      <= '0';
+            end if;  
+          --=============================
+          when others =>
+          --=============================
+            curr_state    <= s_IDLE;
+        end case;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+--SPI parameters
+--@xC4 (CPol_1b, CPha_1b, LSB1st_1b, 8b=00000000, CS_5b, 4b=0000, len_12b) 
+conf1        <= spi_pol & spi_pha & spi_lsb1st & x"00" & spi_cs & x"0" & spi_length;
+spi_pol      <= '1'; 
+spi_pha      <= '0'; 
+spi_lsb1st   <= '0'; 
+spi_cs       <=      "00000"  when cmb_in_addr(3 downto 0)=x"0" --DAC25 (IC29 OSC1 125MHz)
+                else "00001" ;--   cmb_in_addr(3 downto 0)=x"1" --DAC20 (IC30 OSC2 20MHz)
+spi_length   <=      x"018"   when cmb_in_addr(3 downto 0)=x"0"; --24bits
+--@xC8 (HalfPeriod_16b, WaitTime_16b)
+conf2        <= spi_halfper & spi_waittime;
+spi_halfper  <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_DAC_HALFPER,16));--  when cmb_in_addr(3 downto 0)=x"0"; --DAC (30MHz max)
+spi_waittime <= x"0002" ; --2 cycles
+--@xCC (Value_24b= x"00" & dac_data_16b)
+spi_shout    <= x"00" & cmb_in_wr_data(15 downto 0) & x"00";  --unsused 8 LSB
+--output assignment
+cmb_in_rd_data_ob  <= cmb_in_rd_data ;
+cmb_in_rd_valid_o  <= cmb_in_rd_valid;
+cmb_in_busy_o      <= cmb_in_busy    ;
+cmb_out_frame_o    <= cmb_out_frame  ;
+cmb_out_addr_ob    <= cmb_out_addr   ;
+cmb_out_enable_ob  <= cmb_out_enable ;
+cmb_out_wr_o       <= cmb_out_wr     ;
+cmb_out_wr_data_ob <= cmb_out_wr_data;
+cmb_out_rd_o       <= cmb_out_rd     ;
+end architecture;
diff --git a/cores_for_synthesis/vme_reset_sync_and_filter.vhd b/cores_for_synthesis/vme_reset_sync_and_filter.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb539236dd7244da948daed99ceba40206842d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cores_for_synthesis/vme_reset_sync_and_filter.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+--##################################   Module Information   ##################################
+-- Company: CERN (BE-BI-BL)
+-- Language: VHDL 2008
+-- Description:
+--     The input reset is resynchronized in the input clock domain.
+--     It is then resynchronized twice in the output clock domain.
+--     Asynchronous       |      Output clock domain
+--                        |
+--                        |
+--                        |
+--                        |              ___       ___ 
+--                        |             | R | Q   | R |
+--    reset IN -------------------------|___|-----|___|---- reset OUT
+--                        |               |         |  
+--                        |  clock OUT --------------
+--                        |    cen OUT                         
+--                ________
+--     reset IN           \___________________________
+--                   ___     ___     ___     ___
+--     clock IN   __|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |____
+--                 _________
+--     signal Q             \\\\____________________
+--                 __________________________
+--     reset OUT                             \________
+--     Glitch filter consisting of a set of chained flip-flops followed by a comparator. 
+--     The comparator toggles to '1' when all FFs in the chain are '1' and respectively to '0' 
+--     when all the FFS in the chain are '0'.
+--     A latency of filter_length+1 is added on the output
+--     with a filter_length=2 :
+--                   ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___
+--     clock IN   __|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___
+--                   _______________         _______________________         _______
+--     data IN   ___|               |_______|                       |_______|       |________________________________
+--                    1 Filtered                1  NOT filtered   0 filtered 1 filtered      0  NOT filtered
+--                                                                   _______________________________________     
+--     data OUT  ___________________________________________________|                                       |_______
+-- Libraries
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+-- Entity
+entity vme_reset_sync_and_filter is
+  port(
+    rst_ir   : in  std_logic;   -- reset input
+    clk_ik   : in  std_logic;   -- clock input
+    cen_ie   : in  std_logic;   -- clock enable input
+    -- Data input
+    data_i   : in  std_logic;   -- Data input
+    -- Data output
+    data_o   : out std_logic    -- Data output 
+  );
+end entity;
+-- Architecture
+architecture rtl of vme_reset_sync_and_filter is
+  --Function definitions
+  function and_reduced(vector : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+    variable o : std_logic;
+  begin
+    o := '1';
+    for k in vector'range loop
+      o := o and vector(k);
+    end loop;
+    return o;
+  end function and_reduced;
+  function or_reduced(vector : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+    variable o : std_logic;
+  begin
+    o := '0';
+    for k in vector'range loop
+      o := o or vector(k);
+    end loop;
+    return o;
+  end function or_reduced;
+  -- Synthesis Attributes 
+  attribute syn_preserve       : boolean; -- Do not remove those signals and registers
+  attribute syn_replicate      : boolean; -- Do not replicate those register
+  attribute syn_allow_retiming : boolean; -- Do not optimize timing by changing registers
+  -- Resynchronization
+  constant  c_NB_RESYNC_FF_MSR : natural := 2;   -- Number of resynchronization flip-flops
+  signal    reset_msr          : std_logic_vector(c_NB_RESYNC_FF_MSR-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- Metastability registers
+  attribute syn_preserve       of reset_msr : signal is true;
+  attribute syn_replicate      of reset_msr : signal is false;
+  attribute syn_allow_retiming of reset_msr : signal is false;
+  -- Glitch filter
+  constant g_FILTER_LENGTH     : positive := 4;
+  signal glitch_filter_pipe    : std_logic_vector(g_FILTER_LENGTH downto 0) := (others=>'0'); --default value for simu 
+  signal data_int              : std_logic := '0'; --default value for simu 
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- 2 stages of resynchronization in the output clock domain
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  p_resync_on_out_clock : process(clk_ik)
+  begin
+    if rising_edge(clk_ik) then
+      if ( cen_ie = '1' ) then
+        reset_msr <= reset_msr(reset_msr'left-1 downto 0) & data_i; --synchronous deassertion
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- Glitch filter
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- Glitch filtering logic
+  glitch_filter_pipe(0) <= reset_msr(reset_msr'left);
+  -- Generate glitch filter FFs
+  p_filter_pipe: process (rst_ir, clk_ik)
+  begin
+    if (rst_ir = '1') then
+      glitch_filter_pipe(g_FILTER_LENGTH downto 1) <= (others=>'0');
+      elsif rising_edge(clk_ik) then
+        if (cen_ie = '1') then
+          glitch_filter_pipe(g_FILTER_LENGTH downto 1) <= glitch_filter_pipe(g_FILTER_LENGTH-1 downto 0); --shift register
+        end if;
+      -- end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  -- Set the data output based on the state of the glitch filter
+  p_output: process(rst_ir, clk_ik)
+  begin
+    if (rst_ir = '1') then
+        data_int <= '0';
+    elsif rising_edge(clk_ik) then
+      if (cen_ie = '1') then
+        if    (and_reduced(glitch_filter_pipe) = '1') then
+          data_int <= '1';
+        elsif (or_reduced(glitch_filter_pipe) = '0') then
+          data_int <= '0';
+        else
+          data_int <= data_int;
+        end if;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  --output assignment
+  data_o <= data_int;
+end architecture;