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Blaise Raheem Delaney requested to merge pyhf into master

Merge Request Title:


Probably poor practice, but easier in the short term to maintain on master the pyhf-based code.

MR description

Inclusing pyhf-based code in directory pyhf_Fitter.


Series of executables, snakefile prototype and a jupyter development notebok.


Please provide an evaluation of the clarity level of the documentation and code (specifically, is the code commented? are the variables self-explanatory?). Please tick the level of clarity of code:

  • Bare: and alike are missing. The code is not very well documented. Please try to avoid merging if the code is in this state and spend some time documenting it; this will pay off in the long run.
  • Acceptable: any other analyst should be able to understand what is being implemented by this MR with a couple of questions. Code has some comments and variables are reasonably named.
  • Complete: exists, code is commented, headers are in place and variables are self-explanatory. I have spent time making sure that this is very clear and ready out of the box. This is the gold standard.


Convergence of fits, correct implementation of B&Z.


To ensure a clear documentation and a comprehensive tracking of developments, please complete the following actions:

  • Assign label(s)
  • Assign milestone
  • CC relevant developers

Before submitting MR:

  • Branch has been rebased. Expect any conflicts in the MR to stem from alterations implemented by the author in this branch and not from a branch that is not up-to-date with uncorrelated changes in master. If this is not clear, please refer to this link to understand the advantages of rebasing a branch: rebasing on gitlab
  • Assign reviewer(s)
  • Code clarity evaluation performed.
  • If code clairity level is Bare: opened issue and documented the steps needed to improve upon the clarity level.
  • All sanity checks have passed. Attached plots and numbers to demonstrated this.
  • Opened issue to outline how does the ANA need to describe the accomplished improvements implemented with this MR.

/cc @bldelane

Merge request reports