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Latest DV updates

Matthew William Kenzie requested to merge latest_dv_updates into master

Merge Request Title:

These changes are minor. I will merge them immediately.


Some minor changes for the last few DV jobs.

MR description

Fix back to NoPIDsMuons for the Jpsi mode. Otherwise just minor updates to log files tracking the latest jobs.


As before, see in NTupleProduction.


Please provide an evaluation of the clarity level of the documentation and code (specifically, is the code commented? are the variables self-explanatory?). Please tick the level of clarity of code:

  • Bare: and alike are missing. The code is not very well documented. Please try to avoid merging if the code is in this state and spend some time documenting it; this will pay off in the long run.
  • Acceptable: any other analyst should be able to understand what is being implemented by this MR with a couple of questions. Code has some comments and variables are reasonably named.
  • Complete: exists, code is commented, headers are in place and variables are self-explanatory. I have spent time making sure that this is very clear and ready out of the box. This is the gold standard.


Run new tuples. Copied completed jobs to WG eos.

/cc @bldelane

Merge request reports