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Simulation Corrections

Matthew William Kenzie requested to merge sim_corrs into master

Simulation Corrections


Implement selection for Bc -> JpsiPi using the ANA note tables and selection on the normalisation channel data samples (those with StdNoPIDsMuon) and the MC provided by Alison. Then fit this distribution for Bc signal peak and make comparison of sWeighted data with MC.

MR description

A script called which simply looks up the relevant files on eos and converts to a DataFrame holding minimal variables and having applied the Bc -> JpsiPi selection.

A script called which fits the data in B_plus_M and produces sWeights for the Bc peak. Then makes plots comparing the MC to the sWeighted data.


Create data frame for data:

python -y 2016

Create data frame for simulation:

python -y 2016 -S

Then make sWeight comparison plots:

python -y 2016 -f


Please provide an evaluation of the clarity level of the documentation and code (specifically, is the code commented? are the variables self-explanatory?). Please tick the level of clarity of code:

  • Complete: exists, code is commented, headers are in place and variables are self-explanatory. I have spent time making sure that this is very clear and ready out of the box. This is the gold standard.


Can see by eye that the plots look good


To ensure a clear documentation and a comprehensive tracking of developments, please complete the following actions:

  • Assign label(s)
  • Assign milestone
  • CC relevant developers
  • Branch has been rebased. Expect any conflicts in the MR to stem from alterations implemented by the author in this branch and not from a branch that is not up-to-date with uncorrelated changes in master. If this is not clear, please refer to this link to understand the advantages of rebasing a branch: rebasing on gitlab
  • All sanity checks have passed. Attached plots and numbers to demonstrated this.
  • ANA has been updated to include these changes.

/cc @bldelane

Merge request reports