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  • 1.0.56
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Updated the standalone MCUtils build to version 1.3.3;
      - Updated FindSuperchic.cmake to find/use version >=3.05 correctly;
      - Fixed some issues in FindNjet.cmake and FindOpenLoops.cmake.
  • 2.0.39
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.38:
      - Updates to CheckerGccPlugins;
      - Reverted the symbol hiding of component libraries that was introduced in 2.0.38;
      - Introduced a different mechanism for preventing linking against component libraries, one putting statements into the compilation/link commands that would make those fail;
      - Hid the "Package build suceeded" messages when per-package log file writing is disabled.
  • 2.0.38
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.37:
      - Fixed the setup/usage of $TDAQ_RELEASE_BASE in Findtdaq.cmake and Findtdaq-common.cmake;
      - Updated the standalone builds to LHAPDF 6.2.1;
      - Updated the standalone builds to MCUtils 1.3.3;
      - Added a flake8 checker for ATLAS copyright statements in Python files;
      - Made each CMake (re-)configuration delete the project's main .rootmap file;
      - Made all symbols in component libraries hidden, to prevent clients from linking against them.
  • 1.0.55
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Made FastJet(Contrib) compile correctly in C++14/17 mode;
      - Upgraded to building LHAPDF 6.2.1;
      - Added FindHepMC3.cmake to AtlasLCG.
  • 2.0.37
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.36:
      - Updated the standalone build of Python, Boost and FastJet(Contrib) to happen correctly in C++14/17 mode;
      - Added Findhepmc3.cmake, FindNjet.cmake and FindOpenLoops.cmake to AtlasLCG.
  • 1.0.54
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Fixed the standalone build of Boost (in C++17 mode) on macOS with Clang;
      - Added FindTIFF.cmake, FindNjet.cmake and FindOpenLoops.cmake to AtlasLCG.
  • 2.0.36
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.35:
      - Added the ability to run checks on the (installed) python files of packages;
      - Added FindTIFF.cmake to AtlasLCG.
  • 2.0.35
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.34:
      - Updated to Acts v0.10.1;
      - Small update in Findmccabe.cmake to make it more future proof;
      - Multiple updates from 1.0.X that were necessary for AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals with GCC 8 on CentOS 7.
  • 1.0.53
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Taught AnalysisBaseExternals not to pick up python from /bin by default;
      - Taught AtlasLCG not to consider /bin and /lib when locally installed packages should not be used.
  • 1.0.52
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Updated AtlasLCG and AtlasCMake to use C++17 for GCC >=7;
      - Updated XRootD, KLFitter and BAT to build successfully with GCC 8 in C++17 mode;
      - Turned off the build of CheckerGccPlugins with GCC >=7;
      - Fixed a mistake in the CLHEP build that caused a build error with new CMake versions;
      - Updated FindGaudi.cmake to behave just a little bit better than it did before.
  • 2.0.34
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.33:
      - Further dependency fixes for the PyModules package, adding mccabe and backports as explicit dependencies for it.
  • 2.0.33
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.32:
      - Added a find-module for the functools32 python module/package;
      - Extended PyModules to explicitly declare all the python modules that it depends on from LCG.
  • 2.0.32
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.31:
      - Added PyModules and flake8_atlas to the AthSimulationExternals project.
  • 2.0.31
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.30:
      - Updated the PyModules package to use pip for installing flake8;
      - Introduced the flake8_atlas package;
      - Added a find-module for the futures python package;
      - Made a number of updates in AnalysisBaseExternals to make it build with GCC 8 in C++17 mode.
  • 1.0.51
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Updated KLFitter to version 1.3.2;
      - Added the correct LHAPATH from CVMFS to the environment;
      - Added extra find-modules for setting up python packages from LCG_95;
      - Updated lwtnn to version 2.9.
  • 2.0.30
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.29:
      - Fixed the dependency setup of the CINT dictionary generation to watch for changes in the used header files.
  • 2.0.29
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.28:
      - Added the PyModules package to build python modules needed by the Athena project;
      - Updated KLFitter to version 1.3.2;
      - Various updates to CheckerGccPlugins;
      - Updated Acts to version 0.9.2;
      - Added find-modules for pandas and sqlalchemy in AtlasLCG.
  • 1.0.50
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Backported the CMake 3.13 updates from the master branch;
      - Backported AtlasLCG changes necessary for LCG_95;
      - Updated lwtnn to version 2.8.1;
      - Taught AtlasCMake to remove stale .pyc files in incremental builds;
      - Updated AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals to use LCG_95.
  • 2.0.28
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.27:
      - A *lot* of updates in AtlasCMake. Tried to clean up the code in a lot of different ways;
      - Updated all LCG based projects to use LCG_95 by default;
      - Updated all "standalone externals" to be in sync with their LCG_95 versions.
  • 2.0.27
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.26:
      - Made CheckerGccPlugins only work with GCC 8, and implemented a new fix for one of its checks;
      - Updated to lwtnn 2.8.1;
      - Updated to Acts 0.8.2;
      - Added prmon to AthSimulationExternals and AthDerivationExternals;
      - Taught the CMake configuration step clean out any stale .pyc files from the build directory, whose .py files have been removed from the source.