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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.0.62
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Bumped the version of MCUtils to 1.3.4 in AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals;
      - Removed the unnecessary -c argument from the CINT dictionary generation calls;
      - Enabled the build of Minuit2 for/with ROOT 6.18/04.
  • 2.0.63
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.62:
      - Removed the clang specific patch from the Acts build, as the patch is now part of the Acts code itself;
      - Removed the deprecated -c flag from the CINT dictionary generation commands.
  • 2.0.62
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.61:
      - Updated FindCLHEP.cmake to set up the correct RPM dependency for LCG_97+.
  • 2.0.61
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.60:
      - Added new checks and warnings to CheckerGccPlugins;
      - Updated the versions of GeoModelCore, GeoModelIO and GeoModelTools;
        * Re-enabled the build of GeoModelTools in AthenaExternals at the same time.
  • 2.0.60
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.59:
      - Updated the version of GeoModelCore and GeoModelIO to 3.1.1;
        * Added a package for building GeoModelTools, but kept the package excluded from AthenaExternals for now;
        * Being able to compile GeoModelTools in a standalone setup also required adding a package for building XercesC;
      - Updated to Acts 0.18.0;
      - Cherry picked the missing macOS Catalina fixes from the 1.0 branch;
      - Added multiple updates to CheckerGccPlugins;
      - Taught flake8_atlas to recognise even more ways in which people may set the OutputLevel on components explicitly;
      - Added some fixes to AtlasLCG and VP1LightExternals to make it possible to build that project in "standalone mode" once again;
      - Added a fix to atlas_add_test(...), so that it would report failures correctly when is not available during the build.
  • 2.0.59
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.58:
      - Added onnxruntime-1.1.1 to AthenaExternals;
      - Updates to CheckerGccPlugins for allowing thread-unsafe functions in certain situations without warnings;
      - Updated AtlasCMake/scripts/ to know about the latest LCG repositories;
      - Suppressed a warning from Clang when generating dictionaries using Ninja as the build system;
      - Updated AthAnalysisExternals to use LCG_96b;
      - Updated all externals built by AnalysisBaseExternals to be in sync with the versions available in LCG_96b;
        * This included updating FastJet to version 3.3.2, which is used by most projects;
      - Reimplemented atlas_add_alias(...) to eliminate a dependency problem that it had;
      - Removed the build of FastJetContrib from all LCG based projects, and made all of them build a patched version of FastJet.
  • 1.0.61
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Updated AthAnalysisExternals to use LCG_96b;
        * Removed the build of Eigen, FastJet and FastJetContrib from the project as now "new enough" versions are coming from LCG_96b;
      - Updated all externals built by AnalysisBaseExternals to be in sync with the versions available in LCG_96b.
  • 2.0.58
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.57:
      - Various updates to make AnalysisBaseExternals behave correctly when built on macOS.
  • 2.0.57
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.56:
      - atlas_add_test(...) now always runs the post-processing script (if one is defined), even if the test executable failed;
      - Updates to CheckerGccPlugins;
      - atlas_generate_cliddb(...) no longer generates/uses a dummy_clid.db file;
      - atlas_project(...) now only calls FindDoxygen.cmake if absolutely necessary;
      - Fixed the patching of Acts when building the project with Clang;
      - Added pyAMI to the list of modules built by the PyModules package;
      - Added the AthGenerationExternals project to the master branch;
        * Updated the build configurations of FastJet(Contrib) and HepMCAnalysis to accommodate the "new" project.
  • 2.0.56
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.55:
      - Major updates in AtlasCMake and the project configurations for CMake 3.15+ compatibility;
      - Updated the repository to use FindPython.cmake instead of FindPythonInterp.cmake and FindPythonLibs.cmake everywhere;
      - Updated Findvalgrind.cmake to set up the correct PATH environment.
  • 1.0.60
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Re-organised AthGenerationExternals to take FastJet(Contrib) from LCG instead of building them itself;
      - Updated all the other projects to account for these code changes.
  • 2.0.55
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.54:
      - Updated FindPython.cmake not to use FORCESET during the Gaudi build.
  • 2.0.54
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.53:
      - Updated CheckerGccPlugins for GCC 10 compatibility;
      - Updated to handle gaudi handle properties correctly;
      - Marked the EXTRA_PATTERNS argument of atlas_add_test(...) deprecated;
      - Introduced FindPython.cmake into AtlasLCG;
      - Fixed a typo in the Acts build configuration.
  • 1.0.59
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Added FindVBFNLO.cmake to AtlasLCG.
  • 2.0.53
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.52:
      - Updated the environment setup script to be a bit leaner/faster;
      - Fixed how the OptDbg package builds would use the project's README.txt file;
      - Added FindVBFNLO.cmake to AtlasLCG.
  • 2.0.52
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.51:
      - Reverted a change to FindGaudi.cmake, which broke the RPM dependency setup for Gaudi.
  • 2.0.51
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.50:
      - Updated Acts to version 0.12.1 (fixing a bug with its file).
  • 2.0.50
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.49:
      - Updated Acts to version 0.12.0;
      - Fixed the unit test of flake8_atlas with Python 2;
      - Added support for handling/merging ConfDB2 files.
  • 1.0.58
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Updated to FastJetContrib 1.041;
      - Fixed the generation of CINT dictionaries with SIP enabled on macOS;
      - Added the nlohmann_json package for the analysis projects;
      - Made the nightly builds a bit more robust by making use of the "export sanitizers" in the external project builds.
  • 2.0.49
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.48:
      - Now building the GeoModelCore and GeoModelIO projects instead of the "old" GeoModelKernel;
      - Updated to FastJetContrib 1.041;
      - Implemented more explicit log filtering rules for atlas_add_test(...).