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Integration tests for OPC-UA DAQ ( was Issue 1)

Brice Copy requested to merge issue-1 into master

@jusalmon @mbraeger : I suggest to introduce the failsafe plugin ( into the build, so as to support DAQ integration tests. Unlike unit tests, integration tests will only run in very specific conditions, subject to explicit maven profile activation - for instance when a simulation server or actual physical test equipment is known to be up and running.

The failsafe plugin is exactly identical to the surefire plugin, but :

  • by convention the test code lives under "src/it/java" and resources under "src/it/resources" (as opposed to src/test/java and src/test/resources)
  • It is bound to the verify phase
  • It lets you define pre and post integration tests actions

I suggest to use the OPC-UA DAQ as a proof of concept

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