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# 2HDM A/H > tt~ (+Interf) event generation/reweighting
The code is used to produce the signal-plus-interference pattern of BSM Higgs produced in the top-antitop quark pair final states in either a generic 2HDM or 2HDM+a model.
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#### Necessary
*   MadGraph >= 2.6.0
*   AanalysisTop,21.2.87 or similar
    - SLC6 environment is recommended to avoid conflicts due to the python2.7->3.0 transition.
*   HTCondor or similar batch systems
*   UFO model files:
    -    Generic 2HDM: ![Higgs_Effective_Couplings_FormFact]
    -    2HDM+a: ![Pseudoscalar_2HDM_FormFactor]

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#### Optional
*   IPython (for debugging)
*   coloredlogs (for debugging)

1.  setupATLAS
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2.  `git clone` this package
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    git clone --recurse-submodules
    git checkout MS_new
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3.  Modify `` to adapt to your needs
4.  source `` every time whenever you log in.
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    source ./

`./ --help` to show this help message:
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usage: [-h] [-i ISEED] [-e ECM] [--param_card PARAM_CARD]
               [-p [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]]] [-pv [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]]]
               [-t [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]]] [-tv [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]]]
               [-c CLUSTER] [--ffmt FFMT] [--model {2HDM,2HDM+a}]
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               [-s SYSTEMATICS]
               {parameters} ...
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MadgraphPythia Type-II 2HDM gg > H/A > tt~ (+ Interf) production.

positional arguments:
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    parameters          Specify a process using physical parameters.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i ISEED, --iseed ISEED
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                        Random seed number (default: 21)
  -e ECM, --ecm ECM     Central Mass Energy sqrt(s). (default: None)
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  --param_card PARAM_CARD
                        Instead of directly using the parameter set from run
                        number/parameters, import a MG5 parameter card. Only
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                        used when generating event (default: ) (Suggested to be auto)
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  -p [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]], --parton_level [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]]
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                        Parton-level simulation. Powered by MG5_aMC@NLOv2.6.7
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                        (default: None)
  -pv [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]], --parton_level_validation [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]]
                        Produce a ntuple that has all the neccessary parton-
                        level information inside. The Matrix Element will be
                        calculated as well. If <FFMT> is given, then the file
                        matching will be done and stored into the ntuples.
                        (default: None)
  -t [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]], --truth_level [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]]
                        Truth-level simulation. Powered by Pythia6 (default:
  -tv [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]], --truth_level_validation [sim_opt [sim_opt ...]]
                        Produce a ntuple that has all the neccessary truth-
                        level information. RWGT will be done at the procedure.
                        (default: None)
  -c CLUSTER, --cluster CLUSTER
                        Batch system to use. (default: condor)
  --ffmt FFMT           File format that will be produced or matched (default:
  --model {2HDM,2HDM+a}
                        Model to run. (default: None)
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                        Caculate systematics uncertainty (default: False)
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MC Generation
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LHE/DAOD_TRUTH1 Production. __You may also need this for reweighting.__
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1.  For example,
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    ./ parameters A 500 0.4 SI "[:1000000:10000]" 100 0 --model 2HDM+a -e 13000 -p (or -t or -pv or -tv) --param_card auto
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    *   The `parameters` is used to control the model parameter, following with mediator, mass of heavy Higgs, tan\beta, signal type, slicer, mass of a, sin\theta in order.
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    *   The slicer is used to control the sample size and number of events per sub-LHE file. `[:1000000:10000]` means one million events are produced and ten thousand events are stored in each sub-LHE file.
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    *   With `-p`, LHE files of ME-level events are produced. With `-s`, systematics uncertainty will be considered. Add `--param_card [File-Path]` if you want to specify a parameter card.  
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        with `-pv`, flat ntuples of ME-level events with reweighting-related information included are produced.  
        with `-t`, DAOD_TRUTH1 files of events after showering are produced.  
        with `-tv`, flat ntuples of events after showering with reweighting information (and matching information if any) included are produced.
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2.   Please remember the slicing information and use the same throughout the whole event generation/reweighting procedure.