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Commit d72550a1 authored by Christian Weber's avatar Christian Weber
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Added output of m34VsM4l plots

parent 2f519693
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......@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ def doArithmeticOnQualifiedHistIntegrals(hist1, hist2, arithmetic = None , desir
def writeTH2AndGetCanvas( TH2 ):
def writeTH2AndGetCanvas( TH2 , drawOption = "COLZ TEXT45"):
tmpCanvas = ROOT.TCanvas( TH2.GetName() , TH2.GetTitle() ,1300/2,1300/2)
TH2.Draw("COLZ TEXT45"); #
TH2.Draw(drawOption); #
return tmpCanvas
......@@ -331,11 +331,23 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# define this as a model for the RDataFrome histograms
myTH1DModel = ROOT.RDF.TH1DModel(targetHistTemplate)
# template for showing the number of events as a function of lower and upper limits on m4l
myTH2Template = ROOT.TH2D( "templateHist2D", "templateHist2D", len(m4lRangeLow), min(m4lRangeLow)-dX/2, max(m4lRangeLow)+dX/2, len(m4lRangeHigh) , min(m4lRangeHigh)-dY/2, max(m4lRangeHigh)+dY/2 )
myTH2Template.GetXaxis().SetTitle("lower limit on m4l")
myTH2Template.GetYaxis().SetTitle("upper limit on m4l")
myTH2Template.SetStats( False) # remove stats box
# TH2D (const char *name, const char *title, Int_t nbinsx, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, Int_t nbinsy, Double_t ylow, Double_t yup)
m34VSm4lTemplate = ROOT.TH2D( "m34VSm4lTemplate", "m34VSm4lTemplate", 80, 0, 80, 150, 115, 130)
m34VSm4lTemplate.GetXaxis().SetTitle(targetVar+" [GeV]")
m34VSm4lTemplate.GetYaxis().SetTitle("m4l [GeV]")
m34VSm4lTemplate.SetStats( False) # remove stats box
# TH2DModel (const char *name, const char *title, int nbinsx, double xlow, double xup, int nbinsy, double ylow, double yup)
m34VSm4lTH2DModel = ROOT.RDF.TH2DModel( m34VSm4lTemplate )
m34VSm4lDict = {"Background": m34VSm4lTemplate.Clone("Background")}
# Do TTree selection an filtering via RDataFrame
......@@ -395,8 +407,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# we want to have multiple m4l filtered histograms. Let's define them here
RDFHistDict, RDFHistDictComplimentary = defineSetOfM4lFilteredHists( RDFrameVariables, m4lRangeLow, m4lRangeHigh , myTH1DModel = myTH1DModel, weightVariable = 'weight', targetVariable = targetVar, makeComplimentaryHists = doDeltaSigError)
# add
m34VSm4lHisto = RDFrameVariables.Histo2D(m34VSm4lTH2DModel,"m34","m4l" ,'weight')
if myDSIDHelper.isSignalSample( int(DSID) ):
# for our 1D histograms, select where to store them
if myDSIDHelper.isSignalSample( int(DSID) ): # for the signal hists we store them in a tree like dict: dictOfSignalTargetHists[DSID][(m4l_LowLimit, m4l_highLimit)] = TH1D
if DSID not in dictOfSignalTargetHists: # if the current sample is a signal one, make sure we have it in our dictOfSignalTargetHists
dictOfSignalTargetHists[DSID] = defineTargetHistograms(m4lRangeLow, m4lRangeHigh, templateHist = targetHistTemplate)
......@@ -405,13 +421,25 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
currentTarget = dictOfSignalTargetHists[DSID]
currentComplementaryTarget = dictOfSignalComplementaryHists[DSID]
else :
else : # background case is more simple
currentTarget = targetHistsBackground
currentComplementaryTarget = complimentaryHistsBackground
addToTargetHists(currentTarget , RDFHistDict , scale = myDSIDHelper.getMCScale(DSID) )
addToTargetHists(currentComplementaryTarget, RDFHistDictComplimentary, scale = myDSIDHelper.getMCScale(DSID) )
# store things here for out 2D histos
m34VSm4lHistoPtr = m34VSm4lHisto.GetPtr() # we need to get the pointer here for python, as m34VSm4lHisto is actually a ROOT.ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr<TH2D>
if myDSIDHelper.isSignalSample( int(DSID) ): # for the signal hists we store them in a tree like dict: dictOfSignalTargetHists[DSID][(m4l_LowLimit, m4l_highLimit)] = TH1D
if DSID not in m34VSm4lDict:
m34VSm4lDict[DSID] = m34VSm4lTemplate.Clone(DSID)# add an entry for the current DSID if it isn't in there already
m34VSm4lDict[DSID].SetTitle( DSID + ": " + myDSIDHelper.physicsProcessSignalByDSID[ int(DSID) ] )
m34VSm4lDict[DSID].Add( m34VSm4lHistoPtr, myDSIDHelper.getMCScale(DSID) )
else: m34VSm4lDict["Background"].Add( m34VSm4lHistoPtr, myDSIDHelper.getMCScale(DSID) )
print path + "\t Memory usage: %s kB \t Runtime: %10.1f s" % (resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/8, (time.time() - startTime ) )
......@@ -517,16 +545,26 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
currentDir = "Signal "+DSID; outputFile.mkdir(currentDir);
for TH1 in dictOfSignalTargetHists[DSID].values(): TH1.Write()
lastPlot = (DSID == DSIDlist[-1])
#lastPlot = (DSID == DSIDlist[-1]) # last plot?
postProcess.printRootCanvasPDF( writeTH2AndGetCanvas( signalOverviewDict[DSID]) , False , "TH2Canvas.pdf", tableOfContents = DSID +" "+signalOverviewDict[DSID].GetName() )
postProcess.printRootCanvasPDF( writeTH2AndGetCanvas( ratioTH2Dict[DSID]) , False , "TH2Canvas.pdf", tableOfContents = DSID +" "+ratioTH2Dict[DSID].GetName())
postProcess.printRootCanvasPDF( writeTH2AndGetCanvas( significanceTH2Dict[DSID]) , False , "TH2Canvas.pdf", tableOfContents = DSID +" "+significanceTH2Dict[DSID].GetName() )
postProcess.printRootCanvasPDF( writeTH2AndGetCanvas( deltaSignificanceTH2Dict[DSID]) , False , "TH2Canvas.pdf", tableOfContents = DSID +" "+deltaSignificanceTH2Dict[DSID].GetName() )
postProcess.printRootCanvasPDF( writeTH2AndGetCanvas( errorDeltaSignificanceTH2Dict[DSID]), lastPlot,"TH2Canvas.pdf", tableOfContents = DSID +" "+errorDeltaSignificanceTH2Dict[DSID].GetName() )
postProcess.printRootCanvasPDF( writeTH2AndGetCanvas( errorDeltaSignificanceTH2Dict[DSID]), False,"TH2Canvas.pdf", tableOfContents = DSID +" "+errorDeltaSignificanceTH2Dict[DSID].GetName() )
currentDir = "SignalComplimentary "+DSID; outputFile.mkdir(currentDir);
for TH1 in dictOfSignalComplementaryHists[DSID].values(): TH1.Write()
# draw and save the m34 vs m4l plots
currentDir = targetVar+"VSm4l"; outputFile.mkdir(currentDir);
TH2Counter = 0
m34VSm4lDictContents = m34VSm4lDict.keys(); m34VSm4lDictContents.sort()
for TH2Key in m34VSm4lDictContents:
TH2Counter += 1
TH2 = m34VSm4lDict[TH2Key]
postProcess.printRootCanvasPDF( writeTH2AndGetCanvas( TH2, drawOption = "COLZ"), TH2Counter == len(m34VSm4lDict),"TH2Canvas.pdf", tableOfContents = targetVar + " vs m4l " + TH2.GetTitle() )
# make some overview plots to put them into my powerpoints
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