# for our 1D histograms, select where to store them
ifmyDSIDHelper.isSignalSample(int(DSID)):# for the signal hists we store them in a tree like dict: dictOfSignalTargetHists[DSID][(m4l_LowLimit, m4l_highLimit)] = TH1D
ifDSIDnotindictOfSignalTargetHists:# if the current sample is a signal one, make sure we have it in our dictOfSignalTargetHists
m34VSm4lHistoPtr=m34VSm4lHisto.GetPtr()# we need to get the pointer here for python, as m34VSm4lHisto is actually a ROOT.ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr<TH2D>
ifmyDSIDHelper.isSignalSample(int(DSID)):# for the signal hists we store them in a tree like dict: dictOfSignalTargetHists[DSID][(m4l_LowLimit, m4l_highLimit)] = TH1D
m34VSm4lDict[DSID]=m34VSm4lTemplate.Clone(DSID)# add an entry for the current DSID if it isn't in there already
postProcess.printRootCanvasPDF(writeTH2AndGetCanvas(TH2,drawOption="COLZ"),TH2Counter==len(m34VSm4lDict),"TH2Canvas.pdf",tableOfContents=targetVar+" vs m4l "+TH2.GetTitle())
# make some overview plots to put them into my powerpoints