Update formula when modifying workspace
If in workspace there is an object defined as RooFormulaVar::SigXsecOverSM_ggZHbb_kappa[ actualVars=(kappaL,kappa2V,kappat,den_mu) formula="(1.+(x[0]-1.0)*0.0)/x[3]" ] = 0.999862
(bbtautau kappa_lambda workspace for example), we are not able to simply rename variables used in these formula: if we rename 'kappaL' to 'klambda', the name of variables in formula won't change, so we will get error saying that
RooFormula 'SigXsecOverSM_ggZHbb_kappa' did not compile or is invalid.
Passed over to TFormula:
This is something similar as mentioned here https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-physics/HDBS/DiHiggs/combination/hh_combination_fw/-/blob/master/deprecated/doc/troubleshooting.md?ref_type=heads#symptoms, however, since whether to specify the variables in RooFormulaVar or not is just a choice, I don't think the requirement on inputs make a lot of sense, instead, we should be able to update RooFormulaVar on the fly.
Merge request reports
added 3 commits
e0298d3b...3a24e80e - 2 commits from branch
- b248078c - Merge branch quickstats:master into master
e0298d3b...3a24e80e - 2 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 5bd7ec5d - mirror bugfix, update RooFormulaVar modifier
mentioned in merge request !117 (merged)
Please find an example here
.But for now the analysis team have updated their workspace with recommended construction method for
, so this MR is not necessary.Sorry, I am not sure what the unit test means, is it something like this https://cernbox.cern.ch/s/WCeMyonEYj21JjC?
By the way, the typo in function name (
) is still here, I'll fix it in my next MR ;)
mentioned in commit 2174eece