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from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import correctionlib
import awkward as ak
from higgs_dna.utils.misc_utils import choose_jet
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def SF_photon_ID(
    photons, weights, year="2017", WP="Loose", is_correction=True, **kwargs
    Applies the photon ID scale-factor and corresponding uncertainties for the customised cut on the EGamma MVA ID (Run 3)
    JLS removed the support for the EGamma MVA ID SFs from for Run 2 for now as this is not commonly used in the Hgg group
    Take action yourself or contact us if you need those!
    # era/year defined as parameter of the function
    avail_years = ["2022preEE", "2022postEE"]
    if year not in avail_years:
        print(f"\n WARNING: only scale corrections for the year strings {avail_years} are already implemented! \n Exiting. \n")
        print("If you need the SFs for the central Egamma MVA ID for Run 2 UL, take action yourself or contact us!")
    if year == "2022preEE":
        json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "JSONs/SF_photon_ID/2022/PhotonIDMVA_2022PreEE.json")
    elif year == "2022postEE":
        json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "JSONs/SF_photon_ID/2022/PhotonIDMVA_2022PostEE.json")
    evaluator = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file(json_file)["PhotonIDMVA_SF"]

    # In principle, we should use the fully correct formula
    # However, if the SF is pt-binned, the approximation of the multiplication of the two SFs is fully exact
    if "2022" in year:
        if is_correction:
            # only calculate correction to nominal weight
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].pt, "nominal"
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].pt, "nominal"
            sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead

            sfup, sfdown = None, None

            # only calculate systs

            sf = np.ones(len(weights._weight))
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].pt, "nominal"
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].pt, "nominal"
            _sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead

            sf_unc_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].pt, "uncertainty"
            sf_unc_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].pt, "uncertainty"

            sfup = (sf_lead + sf_unc_lead) * (sf_sublead + sf_unc_sublead) / _sf
            sfdown = (sf_lead - sf_unc_lead) * (sf_sublead - sf_unc_sublead) / _sf

    weights.add(name="SF_photon_ID", weight=sf, weightUp=sfup, weightDown=sfdown)

    return weights
def Pileup(events, weights, year, is_correction=True, **kwargs):
    Function to apply either the pileup correction to MC to make it match the pileup profile of a certain year/period,
    or the respective uncertainties.
    The parameter `year` needs to be specified as one of ["2022preEE", "2022postEE", "23preBPix", "23postBPix"] for Run-3 or ["2016preVFP", "2016postVFP", "2017", "2018"] for Run-2.
    By now, the Run-2 and Run-3 up to 2023D files are available from LUM POG in the correctionlib format...
    The pileup histos for Run-3 were produced by Junquan, the JSONs for Run-2 and Run-3 first need to be pulled with `scripts/`!
    path_to_json = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../systematics/JSONs/pileup/pileup_{}.json.gz".format(year))
    if "16" in year:
        name = "Collisions16_UltraLegacy_goldenJSON"
    elif "17" in year:
        name = "Collisions17_UltraLegacy_goldenJSON"
    elif "18" in year:
        name = "Collisions18_UltraLegacy_goldenJSON"
    elif "22preEE" in year:
        name = "Collisions2022_355100_357900_eraBCD_GoldenJson"
    elif "22postEE" in year:
        name = "Collisions2022_359022_362760_eraEFG_GoldenJson"
    elif "23preBPix" in year:
        name = "Collisions2023_366403_369802_eraBC_GoldenJson"
    elif "23postBPix" in year:
        name = "Collisions2023_369803_370790_eraD_GoldenJson"

    evaluator = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file(path_to_json)[name]

    if is_correction:
        sf = evaluator.evaluate(events.Pileup.nTrueInt, "nominal")
        sfup, sfdown = None, None
        sf = np.ones(len(weights._weight))
        sf_nom = evaluator.evaluate(events.Pileup.nTrueInt, "nominal")
        sfup = evaluator.evaluate(events.Pileup.nTrueInt, "up") / sf_nom
        sfdown = evaluator.evaluate(events.Pileup.nTrueInt, "down") / sf_nom

    weights.add(name="Pileup", weight=sf, weightUp=sfup, weightDown=sfdown)
def LooseMvaSF(photons, weights, year="2017", is_correction=True, **kwargs):
    LooseMvaSF: correction to the event weight on a per photon level, impacting one of the high importance input variable of the DiphotonBDT, binned in eta and r9.
    for original implementation look at:
    And for presentation on the study:

    2022: up to this point, it applies the 2017 SF with the new formula for combining the SF for the diphoton candidate.
    # era/year defined as parameter of the function, only 2017 is implemented up to now
    avail_years = ["2016", "2016preVFP", "2016postVFP", "2017", "2018", "2022preEE", "2022postEE"]
    if year not in avail_years:
        print(f"\n WARNING: only LooseMvaSF corrections for the year strings {avail_years} are already implemented! \n Exiting. \n")
    elif "2016" in year:
        year = "2016"
    # make this read the 2022 files when available!
    # 2017 file should be renamed with the year in its name...
    json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f"JSONs/LooseMvaSF/{year}/LooseMvaSF_{year}.json")
    evaluator = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file(json_file)["LooseMvaSF"]
    if year in ["2016", "2017", "2018"]:
        if is_correction:
            # only calculate correction to nominal weight
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", photons["pho_lead"].ScEta, photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta, photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead
            # only calculate systs
            sf = np.ones(len(weights._weight))
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", photons["pho_lead"].ScEta, photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta, photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            _sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead

            sfup_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "up", photons["pho_lead"].ScEta, photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sfup_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "up", photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta, photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            sfup = sfup_lead * sfup_sublead / _sf

            sfdown_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "down", photons["pho_lead"].ScEta, photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sfdown_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "down", photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta, photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            sfdown = sfdown_lead * sfdown_sublead / _sf

    elif "2022" in year:
        if is_correction:
            # only calculate correction to nominal weight
            # ToDo: include pT!!!
            sf_lead_p_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9  # photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sf_lead_p_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9  # photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sf_sublead_p_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9  # photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sf_sublead_p_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9  # photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sf = sf_lead_p_lead * sf_sublead_p_sublead + sf_lead_p_sublead * sf_sublead_p_lead - sf_lead_p_lead * sf_lead_p_sublead
            # only calculate systs
            sf = np.ones(len(weights._weight))

            # get nominal SF to divide it out
            sf_lead_p_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9  # photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sf_lead_p_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9  # photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sf_sublead_p_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9  # photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sf_sublead_p_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9  # photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            _sf = sf_lead_p_lead * sf_sublead_p_sublead + sf_lead_p_sublead * sf_sublead_p_lead - sf_lead_p_lead * sf_lead_p_sublead

            # up SF
            sfup_lead_p_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9  # photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sfup_lead_p_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9  # photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sfup_sublead_p_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9  # photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sfup_sublead_p_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9  # photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sfup = (sfup_lead_p_lead * sfup_sublead_p_sublead + sfup_lead_p_sublead * sfup_sublead_p_lead - sfup_lead_p_lead * sfup_lead_p_sublead) / _sf

            # down SF
            sfdown_lead_p_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9  # photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sfdown_lead_p_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9  # photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sfdown_sublead_p_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9  # photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sfdown_sublead_p_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9  # photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sfdown = (sfdown_lead_p_lead * sfdown_sublead_p_sublead + sfdown_lead_p_sublead * sfdown_sublead_p_lead - sfdown_lead_p_lead * sfdown_lead_p_sublead) / _sf

    weights.add(name="LooseMvaSF", weight=sf, weightUp=sfup, weightDown=sfdown)

    return weights
def ElectronVetoSF(photons, weights, year="2017", is_correction=True, **kwargs):
    ElectronVetoSF: correction to the event weight on a per photon level, Conversion safe veto efficiency with event counting method: To check if the FSR photons are passing the e-veto or not.
    binned in abs(SCeta) and r9.
    for original implementation look at:
    And for presentation on the study:

    # era/year defined as parameter of the function
    avail_years = ["2016", "2016preVFP", "2016postVFP", "2017", "2018", "2022preEE", "2022postEE"]
    if year not in avail_years:
        print(f"\n WARNING: only eVetoSF corrections for the year strings {avail_years} are already implemented! \n Exiting. \n")
    elif "2016" in year:
        year = "2016"
    if year in ["2016", "2017", "2018"]:
        # 2017 file should be renamed with the year in its name...
        json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f"JSONs/ElectronVetoSF/{year}/eVetoSF_{year}.json")
        evaluator = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file(json_file)["ElectronVetoSF"]
        if is_correction:
            # only calculate correction to nominal weight
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead
            # only calculate systs
            sf = np.ones(len(weights._weight))
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            _sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead

            sfup_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sfup_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            sfup = sfup_lead * sfup_sublead / _sf

            sfdown_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sfdown_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            sfdown = sfdown_lead * sfdown_sublead / _sf

    elif "2022" in year:
        # presentation of SF:
        if year == "2022preEE":
            json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "JSONs/ElectronVetoSF/2022/preEE_CSEV_SFcorrections.json")
            json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "JSONs/ElectronVetoSF/2022/postEE_CSEV_SFcorrections.json")
        evaluator = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file(json_file)["CSEV_SFs"]
        if is_correction:
            # only calculate correction to nominal weight
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, "nominal"
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, "nominal"
            sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead
            # only calculate systs
            sf = np.ones(len(weights._weight))
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, "nominal"
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, "nominal"
            _sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead

            unc_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, "uncertainty"
            unc_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, "uncertainty"

            sfup = (sf_lead + unc_lead) * (sf_sublead + unc_sublead) / _sf
            sfdown = (sf_lead - unc_lead) * (sf_sublead - unc_sublead) / _sf

    weights.add(name="ElectronVetoSF", weight=sf, weightUp=sfup, weightDown=sfdown)

    return weights

def PreselSF(photons, weights, year="2017", is_correction=True, **kwargs):
    Preselection SF: correction to the event weight on a per photon level for UL2017. Dt:17/11/2020
    Binned in abs(SCeta) and r9.
    For original implementation look at:
    Link to the Presentation:

    # era/year defined as parameter of the function
    avail_years = ["2016", "2016preVFP", "2016postVFP", "2017", "2018", "2022preEE", "2022postEE"]
    if year not in avail_years:
        print(f"\n WARNING: only PreselSF corrections for the year strings {avail_years} are already implemented! \n Exiting. \n")
    elif "2016" in year:
        year = "2016"
    if year in ["2016", "2017", "2018"]:
        json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f"JSONs/Preselection/{year}/PreselSF_{year}.json")
    elif year == "2022preEE":
        json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "JSONs/Preselection/2022/Preselection_2022PreEE.json")
    elif year == "2022postEE":
        json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "JSONs/Preselection/2022/Preselection_2022PostEE.json")
    if year in ["2016", "2017", "2018"]:
        evaluator = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file(json_file)["PreselSF"]
    elif "2022" in year:
        evaluator = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file(json_file)["Preselection_SF"]
    if year in ["2016", "2017", "2018"]:
        if is_correction:
            # only calculate correction to nominal weight
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead
            # only calculate systs
            sf = np.ones(len(weights._weight))
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            _sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead

            sfup_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sfup_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            sfup = sfup_lead * sfup_sublead / _sf

            sfdown_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9
            sfdown_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9
            sfdown = sfdown_lead * sfdown_sublead / _sf

    # In principle, we should use the fully correct formula
    # However, if the SF is pt-binned, the approximation of the multiplication of the two SFs is fully exact
    elif "2022" in year:
        if is_correction:
            # only calculate correction to nominal weight
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt, "nominal"
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt, "nominal"
            # Slightly different calculation compared to 2017
            # In the 2022 JSONs, the delta is saved as the uncertainty, not the up/down variations of (SF+-delta) themselves
            # Note that the uncertainty is assumed to be symmetric
            sf = np.ones(len(weights._weight))
            sf_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt, "nominal"
            sf_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt, "nominal"
            sf_unc_lead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt, "uncertainty"
            sf_unc_sublead = evaluator.evaluate(
                abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt, "uncertainty"
            sfup = (sf_lead + sf_unc_lead) * (sf_sublead + sf_unc_sublead) / _sf
            sfdown = (sf_lead - sf_unc_lead) * (sf_sublead - sf_unc_sublead) / _sf

    weights.add(name="PreselSF", weight=sf, weightUp=sfup, weightDown=sfdown)

    return weights

def TriggerSF(photons, weights, year="2017", is_correction=True, **kwargs):
    Trigger SF: for full 2017 legacy  B-F dataset. Trigger scale factors for use without HLT applied in MC
    Binned in abs(SCeta), r9 and pt.
    For original implementation look at:

    # era/year defined as parameter of the function
    avail_years = ["2016", "2016preVFP", "2016postVFP", "2017", "2018", "2022preEE", "2022postEE"]
    if year not in avail_years:
        print(f"\n WARNING: only TriggerSF corrections for the year strings {avail_years} are already implemented! \n Exiting. \n")
    elif "2016" in year:
        year = "2016"
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Florian Alexander Mausolf committed
    json_file_lead = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f"JSONs/TriggerSF/{year}/TriggerSF_lead_{year}.json")
    json_file_sublead = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f"JSONs/TriggerSF/{year}/TriggerSF_sublead_{year}.json")
    evaluator_lead = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file(json_file_lead)["TriggerSF"]
    evaluator_sublead = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file(json_file_sublead)["TriggerSF"]
    if year in ["2016", "2017", "2018"]:
        if is_correction:
            # only calculate correction to nominal weight
            sf_lead = evaluator_lead.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sf_sublead = evaluator_sublead.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead
            # only calculate systs
            sf = np.ones(len(weights._weight))
            sf_lead = evaluator_lead.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sf_sublead = evaluator_sublead.evaluate(
                "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            _sf = sf_lead * sf_sublead

            sfup_lead = evaluator_lead.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sfup_sublead = evaluator_sublead.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sfup = sfup_lead * sfup_sublead / _sf

            sfdown_lead = evaluator_lead.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sfdown_sublead = evaluator_sublead.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sfdown = sfdown_lead * sfdown_sublead / _sf

    elif "2022" in year:
Florian Alexander Mausolf's avatar
Florian Alexander Mausolf committed
        sf_lead_p_lead = evaluator_lead.evaluate(
            "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt
        sf_lead_p_sublead = evaluator_lead.evaluate(
            "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt
        sf_sublead_p_lead = evaluator_sublead.evaluate(
            "nominal", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt
        sf_sublead_p_sublead = evaluator_sublead.evaluate(
            "nominal", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt

        if is_correction:
            # only calculate correction to nominal weight
            sf = sf_lead_p_lead * sf_sublead_p_sublead + sf_lead_p_sublead * sf_sublead_p_lead - sf_lead_p_lead * sf_lead_p_sublead
            sfup, sfdown = None, None

            # only calculate systs
            sf = np.ones(len(weights._weight))
            # get nominal SF to divide it out
            _sf = sf_lead_p_lead * sf_sublead_p_sublead + sf_lead_p_sublead * sf_sublead_p_lead - sf_lead_p_lead * sf_lead_p_sublead

            # up SF
            sfup_lead_p_lead = evaluator_lead.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sfup_lead_p_sublead = evaluator_lead.evaluate(
Florian Alexander Mausolf's avatar
Florian Alexander Mausolf committed
                "up", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt
Florian Alexander Mausolf's avatar
Florian Alexander Mausolf committed
                "up", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sfup_sublead_p_sublead = evaluator_sublead.evaluate(
                "up", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sfup = (sfup_lead_p_lead * sfup_sublead_p_sublead + sfup_lead_p_sublead * sfup_sublead_p_lead - sfup_lead_p_lead * sfup_lead_p_sublead) / _sf

            # down SF
            sfdown_lead_p_lead = evaluator_lead.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sfdown_lead_p_sublead = evaluator_lead.evaluate(
Florian Alexander Mausolf's avatar
Florian Alexander Mausolf committed
                "down", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt
Florian Alexander Mausolf's avatar
Florian Alexander Mausolf committed
                "down", abs(photons["pho_lead"].ScEta), photons["pho_lead"].r9, photons["pho_lead"].pt
            sfdown_sublead_p_sublead = evaluator_sublead.evaluate(
                "down", abs(photons["pho_sublead"].ScEta), photons["pho_sublead"].r9, photons["pho_sublead"].pt
            sfdown = (sfdown_lead_p_lead * sfdown_sublead_p_sublead + sfdown_lead_p_sublead * sfdown_sublead_p_lead - sfdown_lead_p_lead * sfdown_lead_p_sublead) / _sf

    weights.add(name="TriggerSF", weight=sf, weightUp=sfup, weightDown=sfdown)

    return weights

    events, dataset_name, weights, is_correction=True, generator="mcatnlo", **kwargs
    --- NNLOPS reweighting for ggH events to be applied to NLO Madgraph (and Powheg).
    Swap generator argument to 'powheg' if to be applied to powheg events
    Reweight event based on truth Higgs pt and number of jets, extracted from HTXS object
    Constructs njet-dependent linear splines based on input data, functions of Higgs pt
Jan Lukas Spah's avatar
Jan Lukas Spah committed
    Reweighting is applied always if correction is specified in runner JSON.
    Warning is thrown if ggh or glugluh is not in the name.
    json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "JSONs/NNLOPS_reweight.json")

    if is_correction:
        if 'ggh' not in dataset_name.lower() and 'glugluh' not in dataset_name.lower():
Jan Lukas Spah's avatar
Jan Lukas Spah committed
  "\n WARNING: You specified NNLOPS reweighting for dataset with {dataset_name} but this does not appear like a ggF sample. Consider checking your runner JSON Proceed with caution.")
        # Extract NNLOPS weights from json file
        with open(json_file, "r") as jf:
            nnlops_reweight = json.load(jf)

        # Load reweight factors for specific generator
        nnlops_reweight = nnlops_reweight[generator]

        # Build linear splines for different njet bins
        spline_0jet = interp1d(
            nnlops_reweight["0jet"]["pt"], nnlops_reweight["0jet"]["weight"]
        spline_1jet = interp1d(
            nnlops_reweight["1jet"]["pt"], nnlops_reweight["1jet"]["weight"]
        spline_2jet = interp1d(
            nnlops_reweight["2jet"]["pt"], nnlops_reweight["2jet"]["weight"]
        spline_ge3jet = interp1d(
            nnlops_reweight["3jet"]["pt"], nnlops_reweight["3jet"]["weight"]
Jan Lukas Spah's avatar
Jan Lukas Spah committed
        # Load truth Higgs pt and njets (pt>30) from events
        higgs_pt = events.HTXS.Higgs_pt
        njets30 = events.HTXS.njets30

        # Extract scale factors from splines and mask for different jet bins
        # Define maximum pt values as interpolated splines only go up so far
        sf = (
            (njets30 == 0) * spline_0jet(np.minimum(np.array(higgs_pt), 125.0))
            + (njets30 == 1) * spline_1jet(np.minimum(np.array(higgs_pt), 625.0))
            + (njets30 == 2) * spline_2jet(np.minimum(np.array(higgs_pt), 800.0))
            + (njets30 >= 3) * spline_ge3jet(np.minimum(np.array(higgs_pt), 925.0))
        raise RuntimeError(
            "NNLOPS reweighting is only a flat correction, not a systematic"

    weights.add("NNLOPS", sf, None, None)

    return weights
def AlphaS(photons, events, weights, dataset_name, **kwargs):
    AlphaS weights variations are the last two of the PDF replicas, e.g.,
    systematic = "AlphaS Weight"
            weightUp=events.LHEPdfWeight[:, -1],
            weightDown=events.LHEPdfWeight[:, -2],
            f"No LHEPdf Weights in dataset {dataset_name}, skip systematic: {systematic}"
        return weights

    return weights

def PartonShower(photons, events, weights, dataset_name, **kwargs):
    Parton Shower weights:
    systematic = "PartonShower weight"
            weightUp=events.PSWeight[:, 0],
            weightDown=events.PSWeight[:, 2],
            weightUp=events.PSWeight[:, 1],
            weightDown=events.PSWeight[:, 3],
            f"No PS Weights in dataset {dataset_name}, skip systematic: {systematic}"
        return weights
Jie Xiao's avatar
Jie Xiao committed

    return weights
Mintu Kumar's avatar
Mintu Kumar committed
def bTagShapeSF(events, weights, is_correction=True, year="2017", **kwargs):
    avail_years = ["2016preVFP", "2016postVFP", "2017", "2018", "2022preEE", "2022postEE", "2023preBPix", "2023postBPix"]
    if year not in avail_years:
        print(f"\n WARNING: only scale corrections for the year strings {avail_years} are already implemented! \n Exiting. \n")
    btag_systematics = [
    inputFilePath = "JSONs/bTagSF/"
    btag_correction_configs = {
        "2016preVFP": {
            "file": os.path.join(
                inputFilePath , "2016preVFP_UL/btagging.json.gz"
            "method": "deepJet_shape",
            "systs": btag_systematics,
        "2016postVFP": {
            "file": os.path.join(
                inputFilePath , "2016postVFP_UL/btagging.json.gz"
            "method": "deepJet_shape",
            "systs": btag_systematics,
        "2017": {
            "file": os.path.join(
                inputFilePath , "2017_UL/btagging.json.gz"
            "method": "deepJet_shape",
            "systs": btag_systematics,
        "2018": {
            "file": os.path.join(
                inputFilePath , "2018_UL/btagging.json.gz"
            "method": "deepJet_shape",
            "systs": btag_systematics,
            "file": os.path.join(
                inputFilePath , "2022_Summer22/btagging.json.gz"
            "method": "deepJet_shape",
            "systs": btag_systematics,
            "file": os.path.join(
                inputFilePath , "2022_Summer22EE/btagging.json.gz"
            "method": "deepJet_shape",
            "systs": btag_systematics,
            "file": os.path.join(
                inputFilePath , "2023_Summer23/btagging.json.gz"
            "method": "deepJet_shape",
            "systs": btag_systematics,
            "file": os.path.join(
                inputFilePath , "2023_Summer23BPix/btagging.json.gz"
            "method": "deepJet_shape",
            "systs": btag_systematics,
    jsonpog_file = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), btag_correction_configs[year]["file"]
    evaluator = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file(jsonpog_file)[

    dummy_sf = ak.ones_like(events["event"])

    relevant_jets = events["sel_jets"][
        np.abs(events["sel_jets"].eta) < 2.5
    # only calculate correction to nominal weight
    # we will evaluate the scale factors relative to all jets to be multiplied
    jet_pt =
    jet_eta = np.abs(relevant_jets.eta)
    jet_hFlav = relevant_jets.hFlav
    jet_btagDeepFlavB = relevant_jets.btagDeepFlavB

    # Convert the jets in one dimension array and store the orignal structure of the ak array in counts
    flat_jet_pt = ak.flatten(jet_pt)
    flat_jet_eta = ak.flatten(jet_eta)
    flat_jet_btagDeepFlavB = ak.flatten(jet_btagDeepFlavB)
    flat_jet_hFlav = ak.flatten(jet_hFlav)

    counts = ak.num(jet_hFlav)"Warning: you have to normalise b-tag weights afterwards so that they do not change the yield!")
Mintu Kumar's avatar
Mintu Kumar committed
    if is_correction:
Mintu Kumar's avatar
Mintu Kumar committed
        _sf = []
        # Evluate the scale factore per jet and unflatten the scale fatores in original structure
        _sf = ak.unflatten(
        # Multiply the scale factore of all jets in a even
        sf =,axis=1)

        sfs_up = [None for _ in btag_systematics]
        sfs_down = [None for _ in btag_systematics]

Mintu Kumar's avatar
Mintu Kumar committed
        # only calculate correction to nominal weight
        # replace by accessing partial weight!
        _sf = []
        # Evluate the scale factore per jet and unflatten the scale fatores in original structure
        _sf_central = evaluator.evaluate(
        # Multiply the scale factore of all jets in a even

        sf = ak.values_astype(dummy_sf, np.float)
        sf_central =
            ak.unflatten(_sf_central, counts),

        variations = {}

        # Define a condiation based the jet flavour because the json file are defined for the 4(c),5(b),0(lf) flavour jets
        flavour_condition = np.logical_or(jet_hFlav < 4,jet_hFlav > 5)
        # Replace the flavour to 0 (lf) if the jet flavour is neither 4 nor 5
        jet_hFlav_JSONrestricted = ak.where(flavour_condition, 0 ,jet_hFlav)
        flat_jet_hFlav_JSONrestricted = ak.flatten(jet_hFlav_JSONrestricted)
        # We need a dmmy sf array set to one to multiply for flavour dependent systentic variation
        flat_dummy_sf = ak.ones_like(flat_jet_hFlav_JSONrestricted)

        for syst_name in btag_correction_configs[year]["systs"]:

            # we will append the scale factors relative to all jets to be multiplied
            _sfup = []
            _sfdown = []
            variations[syst_name] = {}

            if "cferr" in syst_name:
                # we to remember which jet is correspond to c(hadron flv 4) jets
                cjet_masks = flat_jet_hFlav_JSONrestricted == 4

                flat_jet_hFlavC_JSONrestricted = ak.where(flat_jet_hFlav_JSONrestricted != 4, 4 ,flat_jet_hFlav_JSONrestricted)
                _Csfup = evaluator.evaluate(
                    "up_" + syst_name,

                _Csfdown = evaluator.evaluate(
                    "down_" + syst_name,
                _Csfup = ak.where(
                _Csfdown = ak.where(
                # Replace all the calculated sf with 1 when there is light jet or with flavour b otherwise keep the cerntral weight
                _sfcentral_Masked_notC = ak.where(
                _sfup = ak.unflatten(np.multiply(_sfcentral_Masked_notC,_Csfup),counts)
                _sfdown = ak.unflatten(np.multiply(_sfcentral_Masked_notC,_Csfdown),counts)
                # We to remember which jet is correspond to c(hadron flv 4) jets
                cjet_masks = flat_jet_hFlav_JSONrestricted == 4

                flat_jet_hFlavNonC_JSONrestricted = ak.where(cjet_masks, 0 ,flat_jet_hFlav_JSONrestricted)

                _NonCsfup = evaluator.evaluate(
                    "up_" + syst_name,

                _NonCsfdown = evaluator.evaluate(
                    "down_" + syst_name,

                _NonCsfup = ak.where(
                _NonCsfdown = ak.where(
                # Replace all the calculated sf with 1 when there is c jet otherwise keep the cerntral weight
                _sfcentral_Masked_C = ak.where(
                _sfup = ak.unflatten(np.multiply(_sfcentral_Masked_C,_NonCsfup),counts)
                _sfdown = ak.unflatten(np.multiply(_sfcentral_Masked_C,_NonCsfdown),counts)

            sf_up =,axis=1)
            sf_down =,axis=1)
            variations[syst_name]["up"] = sf_up
            variations[syst_name]["down"] = sf_down
        # coffea weights.add_multivariation() wants a list of arrays for the multiple up and down variations
        # we devide sf_central because cofea processor save the up and down vartion by multiplying the central weights
        sfs_up = [variations[syst_name]["up"] / sf_central for syst_name in btag_systematics]
        sfs_down = [variations[syst_name]["down"] / sf_central for syst_name in btag_systematics]

Mintu Kumar's avatar
Mintu Kumar committed

    return weights

def cTagSF(events, weights, is_correction=True, year="2017", **kwargs):
    Add c-tagging reshaping SFs as from /
    BTV scale factor Wiki:
    events must contain jet objects, moreover evaluation of SFs works by calculating the scale factors for all the jets in the event,
    to do this in columnar style the only thing I could think of was to pad the jet collection to the max(n_jets) keep track of the "fake jets" introduced
    by this procedure and fill these position wit 1s before actually setting the weights in the collection. If someone has better ideas I'm open for suggestions

    # era/year defined as parameter of the function, only Run2 is implemented up to now
    avail_years = ["2016preVFP", "2016postVFP", "2017", "2018"]
    if year not in avail_years:
        print(f"\n WARNING: only scale corrections for the year strings {avail_years} are already implemented! \n Exiting. \n")
