Resolve "Jet veto maps for 2022 postEE events"
Closes #49 (closed)
@jspah @chpan @czhou @tbevilac I've updated several scripts to apply the jetvetomap selections. Option --skipJetVetoMap
is used to control if the jetvetomap selections are applied or not. E.g., I ran with commands:
### skip jetvetomap
python ../scripts/ --json-analysis test_jetmet.json --dump output --skipCQR --no-trigger --executor futures -j 4 --skipJetVetoMap
### consider jetvetomap
python ../scripts/ --json-analysis test_jetmet.json --dump output --skipCQR --no-trigger --executor futures -j 4
the json config I used is:
"samplejson": "samples_v11.json",
"workflow": "dystudies",
"metaconditions": "Era2018_legacy_v1",
"year": {
"egamma": [
"muon": [
"dy": [
"gjet": [
"taggers": [],
"systematics": {
"corrections": {