Column accumulator manager
Added the possibility to export collections of columns for specific samples and categories from the category.
A simple ColumnsManager
has been added to handle the filling of the requested columns.
The configuration work thanks to the ColOut
object which stores the collection and requested branches to output.
"columns": {
"common": {
"inclusive": [ ],
"bysample": {
"bycategory" : {
"semilep_LHE": [
ColOut("Parton",["pt","eta","phi", "pdgId", "provenance"]),
ColOut("PartonMatched",["pt","eta","phi", "pdgId", "provenance", "dRMatchedJet"] ),
ColOut("JetGood",["pt","eta","phi", "hadronFlavour", "btagDeepFlavB"]),
ColOut("JetGoodMatched",["pt","eta","phi", "hadronFlavour", "btagDeepFlavB","dRMatchedJet"]),
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