Trigger SF and b-tag calibration
Created by: mmarchegiani
The present PR includes the workflow used to compute the single electron trigger Scale Factors as 2D maps in (
The final SF maps are saved in pocket_coffea/parameters/semileptonic_triggerSF
. The SF weights are now available to be included from the config file with the keyword sf_ele_trigger
. Multiple variations are stored in the weight, corresponding to the statistical uncertainty on the SF and the systematic uncertainties corresponding to the pileup reweighting, the era dependence and the difference between low/high
The b-tag SF calibration has been updated to account for additional background (single-top) and is computed after application of all the lepton and trigger SF. A dedicated closure test has been performed to ensure that after the application of the b-tag SF and the b-tag calibration SF the distributions are not changed in shape with respect to the distributions before application of the b-tag SF.