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automatic shape systematics

Pieter David requested to merge piedavid/bamboo:autosyst into master

Closes #33 (closed)

This is work in progress, not a small feature, and there is some refactoring mixed in, so the diff may become sizeable and difficult to read - I am pushing it already such that @kjaffel can also test.

Currently scalefactor uncertainties should work, if activated by passing an additional string argument systName to get_scalefactor (the code that generates the modified weight searches for scalefactors that are explicitly marked as source of systematic uncertainty).

The name of the systematic uncertainty source also needs to be added to the systematics list under plotIt in the yml file (this is a feature, it allows the user to select which systematics to include in the plots; if systematics are available the list is printed for each sample in an info message).

Edited by Pieter David

Merge request reports