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CI build option tests, Bug fixes, CMake dependency handling

Lawrence Lee Jr requested to merge leejr/Ph2_ACF:ci/buildOptions into Dev

Started in the context of #35 (closed) and in response to a discussion in Monday's meeting.

This MR expands the CI to include jobs with varying build options (as outlined in the This quickly uncovered a number of warnings (that were raised to errors in the build config) which were then fixed by @yotarid (and included in this MR).

Along the way to that goal, this also required a new feature in the dependency handling such that the CI (and end users) will have the deps automatically grabbed from GitLab by the CMake configuration and built and linked. (End users still have the ability to provide their own local installs of EUDAQ and TC_USB in the same way as always.)

This also adds the ability for anyone to launch CI pipelines manually by going to CI/CD > Pipelines > Run Pipeline. This allows a developer to quickly launch all the builds and tests without needing to create a MR.

Resolves #35 (closed)

Also tagging @enibigir @sseifeln @mersi @fravera (not sure who else should be notified... Feel free to add!)

Edited by Lawrence Lee Jr

Merge request reports