Add feature to disable tape files on problematic tapes
Problem to solve
If a tape has O(100 000) files and somewhere in the middle of it there is a bad area, it is preferable to skip that area and continue elsewhere quickly in order to make the files available to the user. (Today, the system would re-try multiple times each broken file.)
Once the bulk of files has been repacked, one should go back and try to read files in that problematic area.
In CASTOR there was a command to mark a tape file as disabled (nssetsegment
), which allowed to skip that file.
In CTA, we have no way to mark a file as inaccessible on tape.
Operators will benefit from this feature when dealing with problematic tapes.
For example implement some extention to the cta-admin tapefile ch
sub-command which would mark the file as inaccessible and requests would fail with message like when whole tape is DISABLED: file exist but is temporarily inaccessible