CTA cannot archive files on MHVTL ULTRIUM config
Using mhvtl-utils provided config from https://gitlab.cern.ch/cta/cta-dependencies/-/tree/master/mhvtl cta-taped
cannot write anything to tape.
We need to stick to STK config until this is solved.
Maybe we should decouple mhvtl library config from mhvtl-utils for now?
I tested this branch on ULTRIUM config on my dev runner with both STK and the following ULT config:
[cirunner@ctadevjleduc01 tests]$ lsscsi -g
[6:1:0:0] mediumx IBM 03584L32 0107 /dev/sch0 /dev/sg2
[6:1:1:0] tape MHVTL ULTRIUM-TD8 0107 /dev/st0 /dev/sg0
[6:1:2:0] tape MHVTL ULTRIUM-TD8 0107 /dev/st1 /dev/sg1
[6:1:3:0] tape MHVTL ULTRIUM-TD8 0107 /dev/st2 /dev/sg3
Everything was smooth there.
Drive names and others in CI environment are still using STK around the place but overall it works equally well on both configurations.
Installation steps in minikube
Just as root run:
bash ./05_cleanup_mhvtl.sh
bash ./install_mhvtl.sh -f ULT_mhvtl_config.tgz
Then reboot for mhvtl to load correctly and logical library PV to be recreated correctly.
Edited by Julien Leduc