Repack backpressure mechanism not requeueing repack requests
While running system tests locally, I noticed that this test is failing:
STEP 1. Launching a round trip repack "just move" request
Marking the tape V01007 as REPACKING
Waiting for tape V01007 to complete transitioning to REPACKING
........Launching the repack "just move" test on VID V01007 (with backpressure)
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/ctaadmin2/krb5cc_0
Default principal: ctaadmin2@TEST.CTA
Valid starting Expires Service principal
12/04/23 16:15:06 12/05/23 16:15:06 krbtgt/TEST.CTA@TEST.CTA
Testing the repack buffer URL at root://ctaeos//eos/ctaeos/repack
Testing the insertion of a test file in the buffer URL
File /tmp/testFile.b2bl written in root://ctaeos//eos/ctaeos/repack/testFile.b2bl
Deleting test file from the test directory
Test repack buffer URL OK
Deleting existing repack request for VID V01007
Marking the tape V01007 as full before Repacking it
Backpressure test: setting too high free space requirements
name instance diskspace regexp space sleep c.user c.time m.user m.time comment
repackBuffer ctaeos repackDiskInstanceSpace root://ctaeos//eos/ctaeos/repack 111222333444555 20 ctaadmin2 ctafrontend 2023-12-04 16:15 ctaadmin2 ctafrontend 2023-12-04 16:15 toto
Launching repack request for VID V01007, bufferURL = root://ctaeos//eos/ctaeos/repack
Stopping for 120 seconds
Stopping for 300 seconds
Backpressure test: waiting to see a report of sleeping retrieve queue.
Waiting for retrieve queue for tape V01007 to be sleeping: Seconds passed = 0
Waiting for retrieve queue for tape V01007 to be sleeping: Seconds passed = 1
Waiting for retrieve queue for tape V01007 to be sleeping: Seconds passed = 2
Waiting for retrieve queue for tape V01007 to be sleeping: Seconds passed = 3
Waiting for retrieve queue for tape V01007 to be sleeping: Seconds passed = 4
Waiting for retrieve queue for tape V01007 to be sleeping: Seconds passed = 5