2.0.20dfd9ef9e · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.19: - Introduced LCG_IGNORED_SYSTEM_PATHS and LCG_SYSTEM_IGNORE_PATH for influencing globally what directories to ignore during the build and environment setup script generation. - Fixed the RPM dependency problem introduced when FindTBB.cmake started setting up TBB_VERSION using tbb/tbb_stddef.h.
1.0.45881d410b · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Made AnalysisBaseExternals functional on the PPC64 platform. - Added some dictionary improvements for detecting upstream changes more reliably that should trigger a dictionary re-generation. Also made the dictionary generation more reliable on MacOS Mojave. - Updated AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals to LCG_94a. This meant updating the version of ROOT and Davix built for AnalysisBaseExternals.
2.0.19afa5e047 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.18: - Updated Acts to allow forcing a clean re-build of the project whenever necessary. - Updated the Acts build to propagate additional build configuration settings to the external.
2.0.18901b0bac · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.17: - Updated AnalysisBaseExternals to build TBB, and make the standalone version of ROOT build against that version of TBB; - Made it possible to build AnalysisBaseExternals on PPC64 and in C++17 mode; - Updated Acts to version 0.7.3; - Updates to CheckerGccPlugins for GCC 9; - Updated all projects to use LCG_94a.
2.0.1779bc8f74 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.15: - Made the (Reflex) dictionary generation code a bit smarter, to better detect "upstream header changes".
- · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.15: - Updated the CLHEP and G4 builds to properly clean up when switching to a different version of CLHEP/G4. Allowing for CI friendly version updates of these two externals. - Updated the ROOT dictionary building CMake code to better detect when Reflex dictionaries need to be re-generated in an incremental build.
2.0.16f7caa8d5 · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.15: - Added FindSuperchic.cmake and updated FindHerwig3.cmake to work with newer Herwig versions; - Updated to CLHEP; - Updated to Geant4; - Added GeoModel as an external to AthenaExternals and AthSimulationExternals; - Added a speedup to calling find_package(LCG ...) in user projects.
1.0.4474e0f67c · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Added FindSuperchic.cmake for finding that new generator (not functional in this release yet); - Made FindHerwig3.cmake more robust, and functional with newer Herwig versions; - Backported some technical AtlasLCG updates from the master branch.
1.0.436e90219f · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Updated the build of Davix to happen on any linux system that should be able to build it. (Changed from only building it on SLC6 and CC7.) - Updated the Geant4 version to 10.1.patch03.atlas07. - Updated the lwtnn version to 2.8. - Suppressed some warnings from new CMake versions.
2.0.15d0d18c8c · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.14: - Update gcc checker plugins to avoid some false positives from the thread-safety checker and aldo to copy documentation here. - Fix ACTS version used in the build. - Update lwtnn to 2.8. - Minor cmake fixes
2.0.1443741aca · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.13: - Added FindFreetype to AtlasLCG/modules, to properly get the Freetype library shipped with LCG, instead of the system one. This fixes a runtime error in VP1 (https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-427)
1.0.42be4d2836 · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Fixed up the CMake version requirements in the code a bit; - Added a find-module for the C++ Guidelines Support Library; - Fixed the environment setup for matplotlib from LCG_94; - Upgraded KLFitter to version 1.2.1; - Added fixes for building ROOT 6.14/04 on bare-bones Ubuntu systems.
2.0.13675a4438 · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.12: - Switched to build projects in c++17 mode by default, except with GCC <7; - Added the dependencies of matplotlib to make it usable out of pyanalysis in LCG_94.
1.0.414a7c2c3a · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Upgraded to HDF5 version 1.10.3; - Added a the CMake version used for the build to the project's ReleaseData file; - Upgraded to the (currently) latest version of yampl; - Fixed an issue with the build timestamps saved into the ReleaseData file.
2.0.12210978be · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.11: - Revived the "doc" target for Doxygen documentation generation; - Updated all "standalone" externals to versions in sync with LCG_94; - Upgraded to the (currently) latest version of yampl; - Added the build's CMake version to the generated ReleaseData file; - Upgraded to HDF5-1.10.3; - Patched CLHEP to remove build warnings with GCC 8; - Added FindLibXslt.cmake, and made Findtdaq.cmake use it; - Added a fix for the build time inconsistency that we had in ReleaseData.
1.0.403a72823b · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Updated BAT and KLFitter to re-build when switching from 1.0.38 to this tag. (To account for the ROOT version change.)
1.0.39730fd771 · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Updated AtlasLCG to be compatible with LCG_94; - Upgraded all packages used by AnalysisBaseExternals to have the same version as they do in LCG_94; - Upgraded AthAnalysisExternals to build against LCG_94 by default; - Fixed a small issue in HDF5's build, where it wouldn't use ZLIB correctly from the LCG release; - Backported some technical updates from the master branch; - Added the ability to build Doxygen documentation using CMake once again.
2.0.118374db88 · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.10: - Upgraded KLFitter to version 1.2.0; - Upgraded HDF5 to version 1.10.2, and switched to building it with CMake; - Upgraded lwtnn to version 2.7.1; - Upgraded all projects to use LCG_94, with the exception of AnalysisBaseExternals (for now).
1.0.38a730dedc · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Added extra find-modules to make ART's dependencies work from >=LCG_91 versions; - Updated HDF5 to 1.10.2, and switched to building it with CMake; - Updated KLFitter to v1.2.0; - Updated lwtnn to v2.7.1.
2.0.1022f26cd0 · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.9: - Updates to AtlasLCG to handle the externals needed by ART correctly in LCG_93+; - Taught CheckerGccPlugins about the naming convention introduced in Gaudi's PluginSvc v2.