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# Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

# AnaAlgorithm import(s):
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigBlock import ConfigBlock
from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import LHCPeriod
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigAccumulator import DataType
from enum import Enum
class SystematicsCategories(Enum):
    JETS = ['JET_']
    ELECTRONS = ['EG_', 'EL_']
    MUONS = ['MUON_']
    PHOTONS = ['EG_', 'PH_']
    TAUS = ['TAUS_']
    MET = ['MET_']
    EVENT = ['GEN_', 'PRW_']
    FTAG = ['FT_']
class CommonServicesConfig (ConfigBlock) :
    """the ConfigBlock for common services

    The idea here is that all algorithms need some common services, and I should
    provide configuration blocks for those.  For now there is just a single
    block, but in the future I might break out e.g. the systematics service.

    def __init__ (self) :
        super (CommonServicesConfig, self).__init__ ()
        self.addOption ('runSystematics', None, type=bool,
            info="whether to turn on the computation of systematic variations. "
            "The default is to run them on MC.")
        self.addOption ('filterSystematics', None, type=str,
            info="a regexp string against which the systematics names will be "
            "matched. Only positive matches are retained and used in the evaluation "
            "of the various algorithms.")
        self.addOption ('onlySystematicsCategories', None, type=list,
            info="a list of strings defining categories of systematics to enable "
            "(only recommended for studies / partial ntuple productions). Choose amongst: "
            "jets, electrons, muons, photons, taus, met, ftag, event. This option is overridden "
            "by 'filterSystematics'.")
        self.addOption ('systematicsHistogram', None , type=str,
            info="the name (string) of the histogram to which a list of executed "
            "systematics will be printed. The default is None (don't write out "
            "the histogram).")

    def makeAlgs (self, config) :

        sysService = config.createService( 'CP::SystematicsSvc', 'SystematicsSvc' )

        if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data:
            if self.runSystematics is not None :
                runSystematics = self.runSystematics
            elif config.noSystematics() is not None :
                # if option not set:
                # check to see if set in config accumulator
                self.runSystematics = not config.noSystematics()
                runSystematics = self.runSystematics
            else :
                runSystematics = True
            runSystematics = False
        if runSystematics :
            sysService.sigmaRecommended = 1
            if self.onlySystematicsCategories is not None:
                # Convert strings to enums and validate
                requested_categories = []
                for category_str in self.onlySystematicsCategories:
                        category_enum = SystematicsCategories[category_str.upper()]
                        requested_categories += category_enum.value
                    except KeyError:
                        raise ValueError(f"Invalid systematics category passed to option 'onlySystematicsCategories': {category_str}. Must be one of {', '.join( for category in SystematicsCategories)}")
                # Construct regex pattern as logical-OR of category names
                if len(requested_categories):
                    sysService.systematicsRegex = "^(?=.*(" + "|".join(requested_categories) + ")|$).*"
            if self.filterSystematics is not None:
                sysService.systematicsRegex = self.filterSystematics
        config.createService( 'CP::SelectionNameSvc', 'SelectionNameSvc')

        if self.systematicsHistogram is not None:
            sysDumper = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListDumperAlg', 'SystematicsPrinter' )
            sysDumper.histogramName = self.systematicsHistogram
class PileupReweightingBlock (ConfigBlock):
    """the ConfigBlock for pileup reweighting"""

    def __init__ (self) :
        super (PileupReweightingBlock, self).__init__ ()
        self.addOption ('campaign', None, type=None,
            info="the MC campaign for the PRW auto-configuration.")
        self.addOption ('files', None, type=None,
            info="the input files being processed (list of strings). "
            "Alternative to auto-configuration.")
        self.addOption ('useDefaultConfig', True, type=bool,
            info="whether to use the central PRW files. The default is True.")
        self.addOption ('userLumicalcFiles', None, type=None,
            info="user-provided lumicalc files (list of strings). Alternative "
            "to auto-configuration.")
        self.addOption ('userLumicalcFilesPerCampaign', None, type=None,
            info="user-provided lumicalc files (dictionary of list of strings, "
            "with MC campaigns as the keys). Alternative to auto-configuration.")
        self.addOption ('userPileupConfigs', None, type=None,
            info="user-provided PRW files (list of strings). Alternative to "
            "auto-configuration. Alternative to auto-configuration.")
        self.addOption ('userPileupConfigsPerCampaign', None, type=None,
            info="user-provided PRW files (dictionary of list of strings, with "
            "MC campaigns as the keys)")

    def makeAlgs (self, config) :

        from Campaigns.Utils import Campaign

            from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
        except ImportError:
            import logging
        log = logging.getLogger('makePileupAnalysisSequence')

            # PHYSLITE already has these variables defined, just need to copy them to the output
  'Physlite does not need pileup reweighting. Variables will be copied from input instead. {config.isPhyslite}')
            config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'runNumber', 'runNumber', noSys=True)
            config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'eventNumber', 'eventNumber', noSys=True)
            if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data:
                config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'mcChannelNumber', 'mcChannelNumber', noSys=True)
                config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'PileupWeight_%SYS%', 'weight_pileup')
                if config.geometry() is LHCPeriod.Run2:
                    config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'beamSpotWeight', 'weight_beamspot', noSys=True)
        # check files from autoconfig flags
        if self.files is None and config.autoconfigFlags() is not None:
            self.files = config.autoconfigFlags().Input.Files

        campaign = self.campaign
        # if user didn't explicitly configure campaign, let's try setting it from metadata
        # only needed on MC
        if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data and self.campaign is None:
            # if we used autoconfigflags, campaign is auto-determined
            if config.campaign() is not None and config.campaign() is not Campaign.Unknown:
                campaign = config.campaign()
      'Auto-configuring campaign for PRW from flags: {campaign.value}')
                # we try to determine campaign from files if above failed
                if self.files is not None:
                    from Campaigns.Utils import getMCCampaign
                    campaign = getMCCampaign(self.files)
                    if campaign and campaign is not Campaign.Unknown:
              'Auto-configuring campaign for PRW from files: {campaign.value}')
              'Campaign could not be determined.')
        toolConfigFiles = []
        toolLumicalcFiles = []

        # PRW config files should only be configured if we run on MC
        if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data:
            # check if user provides per-campaign pileup config list
            if self.userPileupConfigs is not None and self.userPileupConfigsPerCampaign is not None:
                raise ValueError('Both userPileupConfigs and userPileupConfigsPerCampaign specified, '
                                 'use only one of the options!')
            if self.userPileupConfigsPerCampaign is not None:
                if not campaign:
                    raise Exception('userPileupConfigsPerCampaign requires campaign to be configured!')
                if campaign is Campaign.Unknown:
                    raise Exception('userPileupConfigsPerCampaign used, but campaign = Unknown!')
                    toolConfigFiles = self.userPileupConfigsPerCampaign[campaign.value][:]
          'Using user provided per-campaign PRW configuration')
                except KeyError as e:
                    raise KeyError(f'Unconfigured campaign {e} for userPileupConfigsPerCampaign!')

            elif self.userPileupConfigs is not None:
                toolConfigFiles = self.userPileupConfigs[:]
      'Using user provided PRW configuration')
                from PileupReweighting.AutoconfigurePRW import getConfigurationFiles
                if campaign and campaign is not Campaign.Unknown:
                    toolConfigFiles = getConfigurationFiles(campaign=campaign,
                    if self.useDefaultConfig:
              'Auto-configuring universal/default PRW config')
              'Auto-configuring per-sample PRW config files based on input files')
          'No campaign specified, no PRW config files configured')

            # check if user provides per-campaign lumical config list
            if self.userLumicalcFilesPerCampaign is not None and self.userLumicalcFiles is not None:
                raise ValueError('Both userLumicalcFiles and userLumicalcFilesYear specified, '
                                'use only one of the options!')
            if self.userLumicalcFilesPerCampaign is not None:
                    toolLumicalcFiles = self.userLumicalcFilesPerCampaign[campaign.value][:]
          'Using user-provided per-campaign lumicalc files')
                except KeyError as e:
                    raise KeyError(f'Unconfigured campaign {e} for userLumicalcFilesPerCampaign!')
            elif self.userLumicalcFiles is not None:
                toolLumicalcFiles = self.userLumicalcFiles[:]
      'Using user-provided lumicalc files')
                if campaign and campaign is not Campaign.Unknown:
                    from PileupReweighting.AutoconfigurePRW import getLumicalcFiles
                    toolLumicalcFiles = getLumicalcFiles(campaign)
          'Using auto-configured lumicalc files')
          'No campaign specified, no lumicalc files configured for PRW')
  'Data needs no lumicalc and PRW configuration files')

        # Set up the only algorithm of the sequence:
        alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::PileupReweightingAlg', 'PileupReweightingAlg' )
        config.addPrivateTool( 'pileupReweightingTool', 'CP::PileupReweightingTool' )
        alg.pileupReweightingTool.ConfigFiles = toolConfigFiles
        if not toolConfigFiles and config.dataType() is not DataType.Data:
  "No PRW config files provided. Disabling reweighting")
            # Setting the weight decoration to the empty string disables the reweighting
            alg.pileupWeightDecoration = ""
        alg.pileupReweightingTool.LumiCalcFiles = toolLumicalcFiles
        config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'runNumber', 'runNumber', noSys=True)
        config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'eventNumber', 'eventNumber', noSys=True)
        if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data:
            config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'mcChannelNumber', 'mcChannelNumber', noSys=True)
            if toolConfigFiles:
                config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'PileupWeight_%SYS%', 'weight_pileup')
            if config.geometry() is LHCPeriod.Run2:
                config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'beamSpotWeight', 'weight_beamspot', noSys=True)
class GeneratorAnalysisBlock (ConfigBlock):
    """the ConfigBlock for generator algorithms"""

    def __init__ (self) :
        super (GeneratorAnalysisBlock, self).__init__ ()
        self.addOption ('saveCutBookkeepers', True, type=bool,
            info="whether to save the cut bookkeepers information into the "
            "output file. The default is True.")
        self.addOption ('runNumber', None, type=int,
            info="the MC runNumber (int). The default is None (autoconfigure "
            "from metadata).")
        self.addOption ('cutBookkeepersSystematics', None, type=bool,
            info="whether to also save the cut bookkeepers systematics. The "
            "default is None (follows the global systematics flag). Set to "
            "False or True to override.")
        if config.dataType() is DataType.Data:
            # there are no generator weights in data!
        if self.runNumber is None:
            self.runNumber = config.runNumber()

        if self.saveCutBookkeepers and not self.runNumber:
            raise ValueError ("invalid run number: " + str(self.runNumber))

        # Set up the CutBookkeepers algorithm:
        if self.saveCutBookkeepers:
          alg = config.createAlgorithm('CP::AsgCutBookkeeperAlg', 'CutBookkeeperAlg')
          alg.runNumber = self.runNumber
          if self.cutBookkeepersSystematics:
              alg.enableSystematics = self.cutBookkeepersSystematics
              alg.enableSystematics = not config.noSystematics()
          config.addPrivateTool( 'truthWeightTool', 'PMGTools::PMGTruthWeightTool' )

        # Set up the weights algorithm:
        alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::PMGTruthWeightAlg', 'PMGTruthWeightAlg' )
        config.addPrivateTool( 'truthWeightTool', 'PMGTools::PMGTruthWeightTool' )
        alg.decoration = 'generatorWeight_%SYS%'
        config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', 'generatorWeight_%SYS%', 'weight_mc')
class PtEtaSelectionBlock (ConfigBlock):
    """the ConfigBlock for a pt-eta selection"""

    def __init__ (self, containerName='', selectionName='') :
        super (PtEtaSelectionBlock, self).__init__ ()
        self.addOption ('containerName', containerName, type=str,
            info="the name of the input container.")
        self.addOption ('selectionName', selectionName, type=str,
            info="the name of the selection to append this to. The default is "
            "'' (empty string), meaning that the cuts are applied to every "
            "object within the container. Specifying a name (e.g. loose) "
            "applies the cut only to those object who also pass that selection.")
        self.addOption ('postfix', '', type=str,
            info="a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm names. "
            "Typically not needed here since we tend apply a single set of "
            "pT and eta cuts to a given type of object.")
        self.addOption ('minPt', None, type=float,
            info="minimum pT value to cut on, in MeV. No default value.")
        self.addOption ('maxEta', None, type=float,
            info="maximum |eta| value to cut on. No default value.")
        self.addOption ('selectionDecoration', 'selectPtEta', type=str,
            info="the name of the decoration to set.")
        self.addOption ('useClusterEta', False, type=bool,
            info="whether to use the cluster eta (etaBE(2)) instead of the object "
            "eta (for electrons and photons). The default is False.")

    def makeAlgs (self, config) :

        postfix = self.postfix
        if postfix != '' and postfix[0] != '_' :
            postfix = '_' + postfix

        alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'PtEtaSelectionAlg' + self.containerName + postfix )
        config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'CP::AsgPtEtaSelectionTool' )
        if self.minPt is not None :
            alg.selectionTool.minPt = self.minPt
        if self.maxEta is not None :
            alg.selectionTool.maxEta = self.maxEta
        alg.selectionTool.useClusterEta = self.useClusterEta
        alg.selectionDecoration = self.selectionDecoration
        alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
        alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
        config.addSelection (self.containerName, self.selectionName, alg.selectionDecoration)

class ObjectCutFlowBlock (ConfigBlock):
    """the ConfigBlock for an object cutflow"""

    def __init__ (self, containerName='', selectionName='') :
        super (ObjectCutFlowBlock, self).__init__ ()
        self.addOption ('containerName', containerName, type=str,
            info="the name of the input container.")
        self.addOption ('selectionName', selectionName, type=str,
            info="the name of the selection to perform the cutflow for. The "
            "default is '' (empty string), meaning that the cutflow is "
            "performed for every object within the container. Specifying a "
            "name (e.g. loose) generates the cutflow only for those object "
            "that also pass that selection.")
        self.addOption ('postfix', '', type=str,
            info="a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm names. "
            "Typically not needed here.")

    def makeAlgs (self, config) :

        postfix = self.postfix
        if postfix != '' and postfix[0] != '_' :
            postfix = '_' + postfix

        alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::ObjectCutFlowHistAlg', 'CutFlowDumperAlg_' + self.containerName + '_' + self.selectionName + postfix )
        alg.histPattern = 'cflow_' + self.containerName + "_" + self.selectionName + postfix + '_%SYS%'
        alg.selections = config.getSelectionCutFlow (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
        alg.input = config.readName (self.containerName)
        alg.histTitle = "Object Cutflow: " + self.containerName + "." + self.selectionName
class EventCutFlowBlock (ConfigBlock):
    """the ConfigBlock for an event-level cutflow"""

    def __init__ (self, containerName='', selectionName='') :
        super (EventCutFlowBlock, self).__init__ ()
        self.addOption ('containerName', containerName, type=str,
            info="the name of the input container, typically EventInfo.")
        self.addOption ('selectionName', selectionName, type=str,
            info="the name of an optional selection decoration to use.")
        self.addOption ('customSelections', [], type=None,
            info="the selections for which to generate cutflow histograms. If "
            "a single string, corresponding to a particular event selection, "
            "the event cutflow for that selection will be looked up. If a list "
            "of strings, will use explicitly those selections. If left blank, "
            "all selections attached to the container will be looked up.")
        self.addOption ('postfix', '', type=str,
            info="a postfix to apply in the naming of cutflow histograms. Set "
            "it when defining multiple cutflows.")

    def makeAlgs (self, config) :

        postfix = self.postfix
        if postfix != '' and postfix[0] != '_' :
            postfix = '_' + postfix

        alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::EventCutFlowHistAlg', 'CutFlowDumperAlg_' + self.containerName + '_' + self.selectionName + postfix )
        alg.histPattern = 'cflow_' + self.containerName + "_" + self.selectionName + postfix + '_%SYS%'
        # find out which selection decorations to use
        if isinstance(self.customSelections, str):
            # user provides a dynamic reference to selections, corresponding to an EventSelection alg
            alg.selections = config.getEventCutFlow(self.customSelections)
        elif len(self.customSelections) > 0:
            # user provides a list of hardcoded selections
            alg.selections = self.customSelections
            # user provides nothing: get all available selections from EventInfo directly
            alg.selections = config.getSelectionCutFlow (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
        if self.selectionName:
            alg.preselection = self.selectionName + '_%SYS%'
        alg.eventInfo = config.readName (self.containerName)
        alg.histTitle = "Event Cutflow: " + self.containerName + "." + self.selectionName

class OutputThinningBlock (ConfigBlock):
    """the ConfigBlock for output thinning"""

    def __init__ (self, containerName='', configName='') :
        # configName is not used. To be removed.
        super (OutputThinningBlock, self).__init__ ()
        self.addOption ('containerName', containerName, type=str,
            info="the name of the input container.")
        self.addOption ('postfix', '', type=str,
            info="a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm names. "
            "Typically not needed here.")
        self.addOption ('selection', '', type=str,
            info="the name of an optional selection decoration to use.")
        self.addOption ('selectionName', '', type=str,
            info="the name of the selection to append this to. The default is "
            "'' (empty string), meaning that the cuts are applied to every "
            "object within the container. Specifying a name (e.g. loose) "
            "applies the cut only to those object who also pass that selection.")
        self.addOption ('outputName', None, type=str,
            info="an optional name for the output container.")
        # TODO: add info string
        self.addOption ('deepCopy', False, type=bool,
        self.addOption ('sortPt', False, type=bool,
            info="whether to sort objects in pt")
        # TODO: add info string
        self.addOption ('noUniformSelection', False, type=bool,

    def makeAlgs (self, config) :

        postfix = self.postfix
        if postfix != '' and postfix[0] != '_' :
            postfix = '_' + postfix

        selection = config.getFullSelection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
        if selection == '' :
            selection = self.selection
        elif self.selection != '' :
            selection = selection + '&&' + self.selection

        if selection != '' and not self.noUniformSelection :
            alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgUnionSelectionAlg', 'UnionSelectionAlg' + self.containerName + postfix)
            alg.preselection = selection
            alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
            alg.selectionDecoration = 'outputSelect' + postfix
            selection = 'outputSelect' + postfix

        alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgViewFromSelectionAlg', 'DeepCopyAlg' + self.containerName + postfix )
        alg.input = config.readName (self.containerName)
        if self.outputName is not None :
            alg.output = self.outputName + '_%SYS%'
            config.addOutputContainer (self.containerName, self.outputName)
        else :
            alg.output = config.copyName (self.containerName)
        if selection != '' :
            alg.selection = [selection]
        alg.deepCopy = self.deepCopy
        if self.sortPt and not config.noSystematics() :
            raise ValueError ("Sorting by pt is not supported with systematics")
        alg.sortPt = self.sortPt
class IFFLeptonDecorationBlock (ConfigBlock):
    """the ConfigBlock for the IFF classification of leptons"""

    def __init__ (self, containerName='') :
        super (IFFLeptonDecorationBlock, self).__init__()
        self.addOption ('containerName', containerName, type=str,
            info="the name of the input electron or muon container.")
        self.addOption ('separateChargeFlipElectrons', True, type=bool,
            info="whether to consider charged-flip electrons as a separate class. "
            "The default is True (recommended).")
        self.addOption ('decoration', 'IFFClass_%SYS%', type=str,
            info="the name (str) of the decoration set by the IFF "
            "TruthClassificationTool. The default is 'IFFClass_%SYS%'.")

    def makeAlgs (self, config) :
        # the classification is only for MC
        if config.dataType() is DataType.Data: return

        particles = config.readName(self.containerName)

        alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgClassificationDecorationAlg', 'IFFClassifierAlg' + self.containerName )
        # the IFF classification tool
        config.addPrivateTool( 'tool', 'TruthClassificationTool')
        # label charge-flipped electrons as such
        alg.tool.separateChargeFlipElectrons = self.separateChargeFlipElectrons
        alg.decoration = self.decoration
        alg.particles = particles

        # write the decoration only once to the output
        config.addOutputVar(self.containerName, alg.decoration, alg.decoration.split("_%SYS%")[0], noSys=True)
class PerEventSFBlock (ConfigBlock):
    """the ConfigBlock for the AsgEventScaleFactorAlg"""

        super(PerEventSFBlock, self).__init__()
        self.addOption('algoName', algoName, type=str,
            info="unique name given to the underlying algorithm computing the "
            "per-event scale factors")
        self.addOption('particles', '', type=str,
            info="the input object container, with a possible selection, in the "
            "format container or container.selection.")
        self.addOption('objectSF', '', type=str,
            info="the name of the per-object SF decoration to be used.")
        self.addOption('eventSF', '', type=str,
            info="the name of the per-event SF decoration.")

    def makeAlgs(self, config):
        if config.dataType() is DataType.Data:
        particles, selection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.particles)
        alg = config.createAlgorithm('CP::AsgEventScaleFactorAlg', self.algoName)
        alg.particles = particles
        alg.preselection = selection
        alg.scaleFactorInputDecoration = self.objectSF
        alg.scaleFactorOutputDecoration = self.eventSF

        config.addOutputVar('EventInfo', alg.scaleFactorOutputDecoration,

class SelectionDecorationBlock (ConfigBlock):
    """the ConfigBlock to add selection decoration to a container"""

    def __init__ (self, containers='') :
        super (SelectionDecorationBlock, self).__init__ ()
        # TODO: add info string
        self.addOption('containers', containers, type=str,

    def makeAlgs(self, config):
        for container in self.containers:
            originContainerName = config.getOutputContainerOrigin(container)
            selectionNames = config.getSelectionNames(originContainerName)
            for selectionName in selectionNames:
                # skip default selection
                if selectionName == '':
                alg = config.createAlgorithm(
                selectionDecoration = f'baselineSelection_{selectionName}_%SYS%'
                alg.selectionDecoration =  f'{selectionDecoration},as_char'
                alg.particles = config.readName (originContainerName)
                alg.preselection = config.getFullSelection (originContainerName,
                    originContainerName, selectionDecoration, selectionName)

def makeCommonServicesConfig( seq ):
    """Create the common services config"""

    seq.append (CommonServicesConfig ())

def makePileupReweightingConfig( seq, campaign=None, files=None, useDefaultConfig=None, userLumicalcFiles=None, userPileupConfigs=None ):
    """Create a PRW analysis config

    Keyword arguments:
    # TO DO: add explanation of the keyword arguments, left to experts

    config = PileupReweightingBlock ()
    config.setOptionValue ('campaign', campaign)
    config.setOptionValue ('files', files)
    config.setOptionValue ('useDefaultConfig', useDefaultConfig)
    config.setOptionValue ('userLumicalcFiles', userLumicalcFiles)
    config.setOptionValue ('userPileupConfigs', userPileupConfigs)
def makeGeneratorAnalysisConfig( seq,
                                 cutBookkeepersSystematics=None ):
    """Create a generator analysis algorithm sequence

    Keyword arguments:
      saveCutBookkeepers -- save cut bokkeepers information into output file
      runNumber -- MC run number
      cutBookkeepersSystematics -- store CutBookkeepers systematics

    config = GeneratorAnalysisBlock ()
    config.setOptionValue ('saveCutBookkeepers', saveCutBookkeepers)
    config.setOptionValue ('runNumber', runNumber)
    config.setOptionValue ('cutBookkeepersSystematics', cutBookkeepersSystematics)
def makePtEtaSelectionConfig( seq, containerName,
                              *, postfix = None, minPt = None, maxEta = None,
                              selectionDecoration = None, selectionName = ''):
    """Create a pt-eta kinematic selection config

    Keyword arguments:
      containerName -- name of the container
      postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
                 names.  this is mostly used/needed when using this
                 sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
                 names are unique.
      minPt -- minimum pt value
      maxEta -- maximum eta value
      useClusterEta -- use cluster eta (for electrons/photons) instead of track eta
      selectionDecoration -- the name of the decoration to set
      selectionName -- the name of the selection to append this to
    config = PtEtaSelectionBlock (containerName, selectionName)
    config.setOptionValue ('postfix',postfix)
    config.setOptionValue ('minPt',minPt)
    config.setOptionValue ('maxEta',maxEta)
    config.setOptionValue ('selectionDecoration',selectionDecoration)
    config.setOptionValue ('useClusterEta',useClusterEta)
def makeObjectCutFlowConfig( seq, containerName,
                              *, postfix = None, selectionName):
    """Create a pt-eta kinematic selection config

    Keyword arguments:
      containerName -- name of the container
      postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
                 names.  this is mostly used/needed when using this
                 sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
                 names are unique.
      selectionName -- the name of the selection to do the cutflow for

    config = ObjectCutFlowBlock (containerName, selectionName)
    config.setOptionValue ('postfix',postfix)
def makeEventCutFlowConfig( seq, containerName,
                              *, postfix = None, selectionName, customSelections = None):
    """Create an event-level cutflow config

    Keyword arguments:
      containerName -- name of the container
      postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm names.
      selectionName -- the name of the selection to do the cutflow for
      customSelections -- a list of decorations to use in the cutflow, to override the retrieval of all decorations

    config = EventCutFlowBlock (containerName, selectionName)
    config.setOptionValue ('postfix', postfix)
    config.setOptionValue ('customSelections', customSelections)
    seq.append (config)

def makeOutputThinningConfig( seq, containerName,
                              *, postfix = None, selection = None, selectionName = None, outputName = None, configName='Thinning'):
    """Create an output thinning config

    This will do a consistent selection of output containers (if there
    is a preselection or a selection specified) and then creates a set
    of view containers (or deep copies) based on that selection.

    Keyword arguments:
      containerName -- name of the container
      postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
                 names.  this is mostly used/needed when using this
                 sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
                 names are unique.
      selection -- the name of an optional selection decoration to use
      outputName -- an optional name for the output container


    config = OutputThinningBlock (containerName, configName)
    config.setOptionValue ('postfix', postfix)
    config.setOptionValue ('selection', selection)
    config.setOptionValue ('selectionName', selectionName)
    config.setOptionValue ('outputName', outputName)