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# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
import AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig as DualUseConfig
from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import LHCPeriod, FlagEnum
def mapUserName (name, *, noSysSuffix) :
    """map an internal name to a name for systematics data handles

    Right now this just means appending a _%SYS% to the name."""
    if not noSysSuffix :
        return name + "_%SYS%"
    else :
        return name
class DataType(FlagEnum):
    """holds the various data types as an enum"""
    Data = 'data'
    """all the data for a given selection that has been registered

    the bits argument is for backward compatibility, does nothing, and will be
    removed in the future."""

    def __init__ (self, selectionName, decoration,
                  *, bits=0, preselection=None, comesFrom = '',
                  writeToOutput=True) : = selectionName
        self.decoration = decoration
        if preselection is not None :
            self.preselection = preselection
        else :
            self.preselection = (selectionName == '')
class OutputConfig :
    """all the data for a given variables in the output that has been registered"""

    def __init__ (self, origContainerName, variableName,
                  *, noSys, enabled) :
        self.origContainerName = origContainerName
        self.outputContainerName = None
        self.variableName = variableName
        self.noSys = noSys
        self.enabled = enabled

class ContainerConfig :
    """all the auto-generated meta-configuration data for a single container

    This tracks the naming of all temporary containers, as well as all the
    selection decorations."""

    def __init__ (self, name, sourceName, *, originalName = None, noSysSuffix) : = name
        self.sourceName = sourceName
        self.originalName = originalName
        self.noSysSuffix = noSysSuffix
        self.isMet = False
        self.outputs = {}
    def currentName (self) :
        if self.index == 0 :
            if self.sourceName is None :
                raise Exception ("should not get here, reading container name before created: " +
        if self.maxIndex and self.index == self.maxIndex :
            return mapUserName(, noSysSuffix = self.noSysSuffix)
        return mapUserName( + "_STEP" + str(self.index), noSysSuffix = self.noSysSuffix)
    def nextPass (self) :
        self.maxIndex = self.index
        self.index = 0
        self.viewIndex = 1
        self.outputs = {}

class ConfigAccumulator :
    """a class that accumulates a configuration from blocks into an
    algorithm sequence

    This is used as argument to the ConfigurationBlock methods, which
    need to be called in the correct order.  This class will track all
    meta-information that needs to be communicated between blocks
    during configuration, and also add the created algorithms to the

    Use/access of containers in the event store is handled via
    references that this class hands out.  This happens in a separate
    step before the algorithms are created, as the naming of
    containers will depend on where in the chain the container is

    def __init__ (self, algSeq, dataType=None, isPhyslite=False, geometry=None, dsid=0,
            campaign=None, runNumber=None, autoconfigFromFlags=None, noSysSuffix=False,
            noSystematics=None, dataYear=0):
        if autoconfigFromFlags is not None:
            if autoconfigFromFlags.Input.isMC:
                if autoconfigFromFlags.Sim.ISF.Simulator.usesFastCaloSim():
                    dataType = DataType.FastSim
                    dataType = DataType.FullSim
                dataType = DataType.Data
            isPhyslite = 'StreamDAOD_PHYSLITE' in autoconfigFromFlags.Input.ProcessingTags
            if geometry is None:
                geometry = autoconfigFromFlags.GeoModel.Run
            if dsid == 0 and dataType is not DataType.Data:
                dsid = autoconfigFromFlags.Input.MCChannelNumber
            if campaign is None:
                campaign = autoconfigFromFlags.Input.MCCampaign
            if runNumber is None:
                runNumber = int(autoconfigFromFlags.Input.RunNumbers[0])
            if dataYear == 0:
                dataYear = autoconfigFromFlags.Input.DataYear
            generatorInfo = autoconfigFromFlags.Input.GeneratorsInfo
            # legacy mappings of string arguments
            if isinstance(dataType, str):
                if dataType == 'mc':
                    dataType = DataType.FullSim
                elif dataType == 'afii':
                    dataType = DataType.FastSim
                    dataType = DataType(dataType)
            if runNumber is None:
                runNumber = 284500
        # allow possible string argument for `geometry` and convert it to enum
        geometry = LHCPeriod(geometry)
        if geometry is LHCPeriod.Run1:
            raise ValueError ("invalid Run geometry: %s" % geometry.value)
        # store also the data year for data
        self._isPhyslite = isPhyslite
        self._geometry = geometry
        self._runNumber = runNumber
        self._dataYear = dataYear
        self._generatorInfo = generatorInfo
        self._noSysSuffix = noSysSuffix
        self._outputContainers = {}
        self._pass = 0
        self._algorithms = {}
        self._currentAlg = None
        self._selectionNameExpr = re.compile ('[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]+')
        self.setSourceName ('EventInfo', 'EventInfo')
        self._eventcutflow = {}
        # If we are in an Athena environment with ComponentAccumulator configuration
        # then the AlgSequence, which is Gaudi.AthSequencer, does not support '+=',
        # and we in any case want to produce an output ComponentAccumulator
        self.CA = None
        if DualUseConfig.useComponentAccumulator:
            from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
            self.CA = ComponentAccumulator()
            # if we have a component accumulator the user is not required to pass
            # in a sequence, but if they do let's add it
            if algSeq :
    def noSystematics (self) :
        """noSystematics flag used by CommonServices block"""
        return self._noSystematics

    def autoconfigFlags (self) :
        """auto configuration flags"""
        return self._autoconfigFlags

        """the data type we run on (data, fullsim, fastsim)"""
    def isPhyslite (self) :
        """whether we run on PHYSLITE"""
        return self._isPhyslite

    def geometry (self) :
        """the LHC Run period we run on"""
        return self._geometry
    def dsid(self) :
        """the mcChannelNumber or DSID of the sample we run on"""
        return self._dsid

    def campaign(self) :
        """the MC campaign we run on"""
        return self._campaign

    def runNumber(self) :
        """the MC runNumber"""
        return self._runNumber

    def dataYear(self) :
        """for data, the corresponding year; for MC, zero"""
        return self._dataYear

    def generatorInfo(self) :
        """the dictionary of MC generators and their versions for the sample we run on"""
        return self._generatorInfo

    def createAlgorithm (self, type, name, reentrant=False) :
        """create a new algorithm and register it as the current algorithm"""
        if self._pass == 0 :
            if name in self._algorithms :
                raise Exception ('duplicate algorithms: ' + name)
            if reentrant:
                alg = DualUseConfig.createReentrantAlgorithm (type, name)
                alg = DualUseConfig.createAlgorithm (type, name)

                if self._algSeq :
                else :
            self._algorithms[name] = alg
            self._currentAlg = alg
            return alg
        else :
            if name not in self._algorithms :
                raise Exception ('unknown algorithm requested: ' + name)
            self._currentAlg = self._algorithms[name]
            if self.CA and self._currentAlg != self.CA.getEventAlgo(name) :
                raise Exception ('change to algorithm object: ' + name)
    def createService (self, type, name) :
        '''create a new service and register it as the "current algorithm"'''
        if self._pass == 0 :
            if name in self._algorithms :
                raise Exception ('duplicate service: ' + name)
            service = DualUseConfig.createService (type, name)
            # Avoid importing AthenaCommon.AppMgr in a CA Athena job
            # as it modifies Gaudi behaviour
            if DualUseConfig.isAthena:
                if DualUseConfig.useComponentAccumulator:
                # We're not, so let's remember this as a "normal" algorithm:
                self._algSeq += service
            self._algorithms[name] = service
            self._currentAlg = service
            return service
        else :
            if name not in self._algorithms :
                raise Exception ('unknown service requested: ' + name)
            self._currentAlg = self._algorithms[name]
            return self._algorithms[name]

    def createPublicTool (self, type, name) :
        '''create a new public tool and register it as the "current algorithm"'''
        if self._pass == 0 :
            if name in self._algorithms :
                raise Exception ('duplicate public tool: ' + name)
            tool = DualUseConfig.createPublicTool (type, name)
            # Avoid importing AthenaCommon.AppMgr in a CA Athena job
            # as it modifies Gaudi behaviour
            if DualUseConfig.isAthena:
                if DualUseConfig.useComponentAccumulator:
                # We're not, so let's remember this as a "normal" algorithm:
                self._algSeq += tool
            self._algorithms[name] = tool
            self._currentAlg = tool
            return tool
            if name not in self._algorithms :
                raise Exception ('unknown public tool requested: ' + name)
            self._currentAlg = self._algorithms[name]
            return self._algorithms[name]

    def addPrivateTool (self, propertyName, toolType) :
        """add a private tool to the current algorithm"""
        if self._pass == 0 :
            DualUseConfig.addPrivateTool (self._currentAlg, propertyName, toolType)
    def setSourceName (self, containerName, sourceName,
                       *, originalName = None) :
        """set the (default) name of the source/original container

        This is essentially meant to allow using e.g. the muon
        configuration and the user not having to manually specify that
        they want to use the Muons/AnalysisMuons container from the
        input file.

        In addition it allows to set the original name of the
        container (which may be different from the source name), which
        is mostly/exclusively used for jet containers, so that
        subsequent configurations know which jet container they
        operate on.
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            self._containerConfig[containerName] = ContainerConfig (containerName, sourceName, noSysSuffix = self._noSysSuffix, originalName = originalName)
    def writeName (self, containerName, *, isMet=None) :
        """register that the given container will be made and return
        its name"""
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            self._containerConfig[containerName] = ContainerConfig (containerName, sourceName = None, noSysSuffix = self._noSysSuffix)
        if self._containerConfig[containerName].sourceName is not None :
            raise Exception ("trying to write container configured for input: " + containerName)
        if self._containerConfig[containerName].index != 0 :
            raise Exception ("trying to write container twice: " + containerName)
        self._containerConfig[containerName].index += 1
        if isMet is not None :
            self._containerConfig[containerName].isMet = isMet
        return self._containerConfig[containerName].currentName()

    def readName (self, containerName) :
        """get the name of the "current copy" of the given container

        As extra copies get created during processing this will track
        the correct name of the current copy.  Optionally one can pass
        in the name of the container before the first copy.
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            raise Exception ("no source container for: " + containerName)
        return self._containerConfig[containerName].currentName()
    def copyName (self, containerName) :
        """register that a copy of the container will be made and return
        its name"""
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            raise Exception ("unknown container: " + containerName)
        self._containerConfig[containerName].index += 1
        return self._containerConfig[containerName].currentName()
    def wantCopy (self, containerName) :
        """ask whether we want/need a copy of the container
        This usually only happens if no copy of the container has been
        made yet and the copy is needed to allow modifications, etc.
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            raise Exception ("no source container for: " + containerName)
        return self._containerConfig[containerName].index == 0
    def originalName (self, containerName) :
        """get the "original" name of the given container

        This is mostly/exclusively used for jet containers, so that
        subsequent configurations know which jet container they
        operate on.
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            raise Exception ("container unknown: " + containerName)
        result = self._containerConfig[containerName].originalName
        if result is None :
            raise Exception ("no original name for: " + containerName)
        return result

    def isMetContainer (self, containerName) :
        """whether the given container is registered as a MET container

        This is mostly/exclusively used for determining whether to
        write out the whole container or just a single MET term.
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            raise Exception ("container unknown: " + containerName)
        return self._containerConfig[containerName].isMet

    def readNameAndSelection (self, containerName, *, excludeFrom = None) :
        """get the name of the "current copy" of the given container, and the
        selection string

        This is mostly meant for MET and OR for whom the actual object
        selection is relevant, and which as such allow to pass in the
        working point as "ObjectName.WorkingPoint".
        split = containerName.split (".")
        if len(split) == 1 :
            objectName = split[0]
            selectionName = ''
        elif len(split) == 2 :
            objectName = split[0]
            selectionName = split[1]
        else :
            raise Exception ('invalid object selection name: ' + containerName)
        return self.readName (objectName), self.getFullSelection (objectName, selectionName, excludeFrom=excludeFrom)
    def nextPass (self) :
        """switch to the next configuration pass
        Configuration happens in two steps, with all the blocks processed
        twice.  This switches from the first to the second pass.
        if self._pass != 0 :
            raise Exception ("already performed final pass")
        for name in self._containerConfig :
            self._containerConfig[name].nextPass ()
        self._pass = 1
        self._currentAlg = None
        self._outputContainers = {}
    def getPreselection (self, containerName, selectionName, *, asList = False) :

        """get the preselection string for the given selection on the given
        if selectionName != '' and not self._selectionNameExpr.fullmatch (selectionName) :
            raise ValueError ('invalid selection name: ' + selectionName)
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            return ""
        config = self._containerConfig[containerName]
        decorations = []
        for selection in config.selections :
            if ( == '' or == selectionName) and \
               selection.preselection :
                decorations += [selection.decoration]
        if asList :
            return decorations
        else :
            return '&&'.join (decorations)
    def getFullSelection (self, containerName, selectionName,
                          *, skipBase = False, excludeFrom = None) :
        """get the selection string for the given selection on the given

        This can handle both individual selections or selection
        expressions (e.g. `loose||tight`) with the later being
        properly expanded.  Either way the base selection (i.e. the
        selection without a name) will always be applied on top.

        containerName --- the container the selection is defined on
        selectionName --- the name of the selection, or a selection
                          expression based on multiple named selections
        skipBase --- will avoid the base selection, and should normally
                     not be used by the end-user.
        excludeFrom --- a set of string names of selection sources to exclude
                        e.g. to exclude OR selections from MET
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            return ""
Baptiste Ravina's avatar
Baptiste Ravina committed
            excludeFrom = set()
        elif not isinstance(excludeFrom, set) :
            raise ValueError ('invalid excludeFrom argument (need set of strings): ' + str(excludeFrom))

        # Check if this is actually a selection expression,
        # e.g. `A||B` and if so translate it into a complex expression
        # for the user.  I'm not trying to do any complex syntax
        # recognition, but instead just produce an expression that the
        # C++ parser ought to be able to read.
        if selectionName != '' and \
           not self._selectionNameExpr.fullmatch (selectionName) :
            result = ''
            while selectionName != '' :
                match = self._selectionNameExpr.match (selectionName)
                if not match :
                    result += selectionName[0]
                    selectionName = selectionName[1:]
                else :
                    subname =
                    subresult = self.getFullSelection (containerName, subname, skipBase = True, excludeFrom=excludeFrom)
                    if subresult != '' :
                        result += '(' + subresult + ')'
                    else :
                        result += 'true'
                    selectionName = selectionName[len(subname):]
            subresult = self.getFullSelection (containerName, '', excludeFrom=excludeFrom)
            if subresult != '' :
                result = subresult + '&&(' + result + ')'
            return result

        config = self._containerConfig[containerName]
        for selection in config.selections :
            if (( == '' and not skipBase) or == selectionName) and (selection.comesFrom not in excludeFrom) :
                decorations += [selection.decoration]
            if == selectionName :
                hasSelectionName = True
        if not hasSelectionName and selectionName != '' :
            raise KeyError ('invalid selection name: ' + containerName + '.' + selectionName)
        return '&&'.join (decorations)
    def getSelectionCutFlow (self, containerName, selectionName) :

        """get the individual selections as a list for producing the cutflow for
        the given selection on the given container

        This can only handle individual selections, not selection
        expressions (e.g. `loose||tight`).

        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            return []

        # Check if this is actually a selection expression,
        # e.g. `A||B` and if so translate it into a complex expression
        # for the user.  I'm not trying to do any complex syntax
        # recognition, but instead just produce an expression that the
        # C++ parser ought to be able to read.
        if selectionName != '' and \
           not self._selectionNameExpr.fullmatch (selectionName) :
            raise ValueError ('not allowed to do cutflow on selection expression: ' + selectionName)

        config = self._containerConfig[containerName]
        decorations = []
        for selection in config.selections :
            if ( == '' or == selectionName) :
                decorations += [selection.decoration]
        return decorations

    def addEventCutFlow (self, selection, decorations) :

        """register a new event cutflow, adding it to the dictionary with key 'selection'
        and value 'decorations', a list of decorated selections
        if self._pass == 0:
            if selection in self._eventcutflow.keys():
                raise ValueError ('the event cutflow dictionary already contains an entry ' + selection)
                self._eventcutflow[selection] = decorations

    def getEventCutFlow (self, selection) :

        """get the list of decorated selections for an event cutflow,  corresponding to
        key 'selection'
        return self._eventcutflow[selection]

    def addSelection (self, containerName, selectionName, decoration,
                      **kwargs) :
        """add another selection decoration to the selection of the given
        name for the given container"""
        if selectionName != '' and not self._selectionNameExpr.fullmatch (selectionName) :
            raise ValueError ('invalid selection name: ' + selectionName)
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            self._containerConfig[containerName] = ContainerConfig (containerName, containerName, noSysSuffix=self._noSysSuffix)
        config = self._containerConfig[containerName]
        selection = SelectionConfig (selectionName, decoration, **kwargs)
        config.selections.append (selection)

    def addOutputContainer (self, containerName, outputContainerName) :
        """register a copy of a container used in outputs"""
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            raise KeyError ("container unknown: " + containerName)
        if outputContainerName in self._outputContainers :
            raise KeyError ("duplicate output container name: " + outputContainerName)
        self._outputContainers[outputContainerName] = containerName

    def getOutputContainerOrigin (self, outputContainerName) :
        """Get the name of the actual container, for which an output is registered"""
            return self._outputContainers[outputContainerName]
        except KeyError:
                return self._containerConfig[outputContainerName].name
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError ("output container unknown: " + outputContainerName)

    def addOutputVar (self, containerName, variableName, outputName,
                      *, noSys=False, enabled=True) :
        """add an output variable for the given container to the output

        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            raise KeyError ("container unknown: " + containerName)
        baseConfig = self._containerConfig[containerName].outputs
        if outputName in baseConfig :
            raise KeyError ("duplicate output variable name: " + outputName)
        config = OutputConfig (containerName, variableName, noSys=noSys, enabled=enabled)
        baseConfig[outputName] = config

    def getOutputVars (self, containerName) :
        """get the output variables for the given container"""
        if containerName in self._outputContainers :
            containerName = self._outputContainers[containerName]
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            raise KeyError ("unknown container for output: " + containerName)
        return self._containerConfig[containerName].outputs

    def getSelectionNames (self, containerName) :
        """Retrieve set of unique selections defined for a given container"""
        if containerName not in self._containerConfig :
            return []
        config = self._containerConfig[containerName]
        # because cuts are registered individually, selection names can repeat themselves
        # but we are interested in unique names only
        selectionNames = set()
        for selection in config.selections:
            # skip flags which should be disabled in output
            if selection.writeToOutput: