# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# AnaAlgorithm import(s):
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigBlock import ConfigBlock
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigAccumulator import DataType
class MetAnalysisConfig (ConfigBlock):
"""the ConfigBlock for the MET configuration"""
def __init__ (self, containerName) :
super (MetAnalysisConfig, self).__init__ ()
self.containerName = containerName
self.addOption ('postfix', '', type=str,
info='a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm names (not needed if running a single instance of MET)')
self.addOption ('useFJVT', False, type=bool,
info='whether to use the forward JVT decision in the calculation')
self.addOption ('treatPUJets', False, type=bool,
info='whether to treat pile-up jets in the MET significance calculation')
self.addOption ('setMuonJetEMScale', True, type=bool,
info='enables the handling of muons in jets for the MET calculation. Should be turned off for analyses where muons are not reconstructed at all.')
self.addOption ('jets', "", type=str,
info='the input jet container')
self.addOption ('electrons', "", type=str,
info='the input electron container, with a possible selection, in the format `container` or `container.selection`')
self.addOption ('muons', "", type=str,
info='the input muon container, with a possible selection, in the format `container` or `container.selection`')
self.addOption ('photons', "", type=str,
info='the input photon container, with a possible selection, in the format `container` or `container.selection`')
self.addOption ('taus', "", type=str,
info='the input tau-jet container, with a possible selection, in the format `container` or `container.selection`')
self.addOption ('invisible', "", type=str,
info='any input container to be treated as invisible particles, in the format `container` (no selection)')
self.addOption ('metWP', "Tight", type=str,
info='the MET working point to use: Loose, Tight, Tighter, Tenacious')
def makeAlgs (self, config) :
postfix = self.postfix
if config.isPhyslite() :
metSuffix = 'AnalysisMET'
else :
jetContainer = config.originalName (self.jets)
metSuffix = jetContainer[:-4]
if not self.useFJVT and self.treatPUJets:
raise ValueError ("MET significance pile-up treatment requires fJVT")
# Remove b-tagging calibration from the MET suffix name
btIndex = metSuffix.find('_BTagging')
if btIndex != -1:
metSuffix = metSuffix[:btIndex]
# Set up the met maker algorithm:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MetMakerAlg', 'MetMakerAlg' + postfix)
config.addPrivateTool( 'makerTool', 'met::METMaker' )
config.addPrivateTool( 'makerTool.JvtSelTool', 'CP::NNJvtSelectionTool' )
alg.makerTool.JvtSelTool.JetContainer = config.readName (self.jets)
alg.makerTool.JetSelection = self.metWP
alg.makerTool.DoPFlow = 'PFlow' in metSuffix or metSuffix=="AnalysisMET"
alg.makerTool.DoSetMuonJetEMScale = self.setMuonJetEMScale
if self.useFJVT:
alg.makerTool.JetRejectionDec = 'passFJVT'
if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data :
config.addPrivateTool( 'systematicsTool', 'met::METSystematicsTool' )
alg.metCore = 'MET_Core_' + metSuffix
alg.metAssociation = 'METAssoc_' + metSuffix
alg.jets = config.readName (self.jets)
if self.muons != "" :
alg.muons, alg.muonsSelection = config.readNameAndSelection (self.muons, excludeFrom={'or'})
if self.electrons != "" :
alg.electrons, alg.electronsSelection = config.readNameAndSelection (self.electrons, excludeFrom={'or'})
if self.photons != "" :
alg.photons, alg.photonsSelection = config.readNameAndSelection (self.photons, excludeFrom={'or'})
if self.taus != "" :
alg.taus, alg.tausSelection = config.readNameAndSelection (self.taus, excludeFrom={'or'})
if self.invisible != "" :
alg.invisible = config.readName (self.invisible)
alg.met = config.writeName (self.containerName, isMet = True)
# Set up the met builder algorithm:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MetBuilderAlg', 'MetBuilderAlg' + postfix )
alg.met = config.readName (self.containerName)
# Set up the met significance algorithm:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MetSignificanceAlg', 'MetSignificanceAlg' + postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'significanceTool', 'met::METSignificance' )
if self.muons != "" :
config.addPrivateTool( 'significanceTool.MuonCalibTool', 'CP::MuonCalibTool' )
alg.significanceTool.MuonCalibTool.calibMode = config._muonCalibMode
alg.significanceTool.SoftTermParam = 0
alg.significanceTool.TreatPUJets = self.treatPUJets
alg.significanceTool.IsAFII = config.dataType() is DataType.FastSim
alg.met = config.readName (self.containerName)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'met', 'met')
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'phi', 'phi')
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'sumet', 'sumet')
def makeMetAnalysisConfig( seq, containerName,
postfix = None,
useFJVT = None,
treatPUJets = None,
setMuonJetEMScale = None,
jets = None,
electrons = None,
muons = None,
photons = None,
taus = None):
"""Create a met analysis algorithm config
Note that defining a jet container is mandatory, but all other input
containers are optional.
Selections on each container can also be defined
Keyword arguments:
useFJVT -- Use FJVT decision for the calculation
treatPUJets -- Treat pile-up jets in the MET significance calculation
setMuonJetEMScale -- Use consituent scale and subtract muon eloss for jets overlapping muons
config = MetAnalysisConfig (containerName)
config.setOptionValue ('postfix', postfix)
config.setOptionValue ('useFJVT', useFJVT)
config.setOptionValue ('treatPUJets', treatPUJets)
config.setOptionValue ('setMuonJetEMScale', setMuonJetEMScale)
config.setOptionValue ('jets', jets)
config.setOptionValue ('electrons', electrons)
config.setOptionValue ('muons', muons)
config.setOptionValue ('photons', photons)
config.setOptionValue ('taus', taus)
seq.append (config)