# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# AnaAlgorithm import(s):
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigBlock import ConfigBlock
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigAccumulator import DataType
from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import LHCPeriod
class MuonCalibrationConfig (ConfigBlock):
"""the ConfigBlock for the muon four-momentum correction"""
def __init__ (self, containerName) :
super (MuonCalibrationConfig, self).__init__ ()
self.containerName = containerName
self.addOption ('postfix', "", type=str)
self.addOption ('ptSelectionOutput', False, type=bool)

R D Schaffer
self.addOption ('trackSelection', True, type=bool)
self.addOption ('recalibratePhyslite', True, type=bool)
self.addOption ('excludeNSWFromPrecisionLayers', False, type=bool,
info='only for testing purposes, turn on to ignore NSW hits and fix a crash with older derivations (p-tag <p5834)')
def makeAlgs (self, config) :
if config.isPhyslite() :
config.setSourceName (self.containerName, "AnalysisMuons")
else :
config.setSourceName (self.containerName, "Muons")
# Set up a shallow copy to decorate
if config.wantCopy (self.containerName) :
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgShallowCopyAlg', 'MuonShallowCopyAlg' + self.postfix )
alg.input = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.output = config.copyName (self.containerName)
# Set up the eta-cut on all muons prior to everything else
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg',
'MuonEtaCutAlg' + self.postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'CP::AsgPtEtaSelectionTool' )
alg.selectionDecoration = 'selectEta' + self.postfix + ',as_bits'
alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration)
# Set up the track selection algorithm:

R D Schaffer
if self.trackSelection :
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg',
'MuonTrackSelectionAlg' + self.postfix )
alg.selectionDecoration = 'trackSelection' + self.postfix + ',as_bits'
alg.maxD0Significance = 3
alg.maxDeltaZ0SinTheta = 0.5
alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration)
# Set up the muon calibration and smearing algorithm:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MuonCalibrationAndSmearingAlg',
'MuonCalibrationAndSmearingAlg' + self.postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'calibrationAndSmearingTool',

Johannes Junggeburth
'CP::MuonCalibTool' )
alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.IsRun3Geo = config.geometry() >= LHCPeriod.Run3

Johannes Junggeburth
alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.calibMode = 2 # choose ID+MS with no sagitta bias
# To be used in MetAnalysisConfig
config._muonCalibMode = alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.calibMode
alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.ExcludeNSWFromPrecisionLayers = self.excludeNSWFromPrecisionLayers and (config.geometry() >= LHCPeriod.Run3)
alg.muons = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.muonsOut = config.copyName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
if config.isPhyslite() and not self.recalibratePhyslite :
alg.skipNominal = True
# Set up the the pt selection
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'MuonPtCutAlg' + self.postfix )
alg.selectionDecoration = 'selectPt' + self.postfix + ',as_bits'
config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'CP::AsgPtEtaSelectionTool' )
alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.selectionTool.minPt = 3e3
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration,
preselection = self.ptSelectionOutput)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'pt', 'pt')
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'eta', 'eta', noSys=True)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'phi', 'phi', noSys=True)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'charge', 'charge', noSys=True)
class MuonWorkingPointConfig (ConfigBlock) :
"""the ConfigBlock for the muon working point
This may at some point be split into multiple blocks (10 Mar 22)."""

Joseph Earl Lambert
def __init__ (self, containerName, selectionName) :
super (MuonWorkingPointConfig, self).__init__ ()
self.containerName = containerName

Joseph Earl Lambert
self.selectionName = selectionName
self.addOption ('postfix', selectionName, type=str)
self.addOption ('quality', None, type=str)
self.addOption ('isolation', None, type=str)
self.addOption ('qualitySelectionOutput', True, type=bool)
self.addOption ('systematicBreakdown', False, type=bool)
self.addOption ('onlyRecoEffSF', False, type=bool)
self.addOption ('noEffSF', False, type=bool)
self.addOption ('excludeNSWFromPrecisionLayers', False, type=bool,
info='only for testing purposes, turn on to ignore NSW hits and fix a crash with older derivations (p-tag <p5834)')
def makeAlgs (self, config) :

Christos Anastopoulos
from xAODMuon.xAODMuonEnums import xAODMuonEnums
if self.quality == 'Tight' :

Christos Anastopoulos
quality = xAODMuonEnums.Quality.Tight
elif self.quality == 'Medium' :

Christos Anastopoulos
quality = xAODMuonEnums.Quality.Medium
elif self.quality == 'Loose' :

Christos Anastopoulos
quality = xAODMuonEnums.Quality.Loose
elif self.quality == 'VeryLoose' :

Christos Anastopoulos
quality = xAODMuonEnums.Quality.VeryLoose
elif self.quality == 'HighPt' :
quality = 4
elif self.quality == 'LowPtEfficiency' :
quality = 5
else :
raise ValueError ("invalid muon quality: \"" + self.quality +
"\", allowed values are Tight, Medium, Loose, " +
"VeryLoose, HighPt, LowPtEfficiency")
# The setup below is inappropriate for Run 1
if config.geometry() is LHCPeriod.Run1:
raise ValueError ("Can't set up the MuonWorkingPointConfig with %s, there must be something wrong!" % config.geometry().value)
postfix = self.postfix
if postfix != '' and postfix[0] != '_' :
postfix = '_' + postfix
# Setup the muon quality selection
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MuonSelectionAlgV2',
'MuonSelectionAlg' + postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'CP::MuonSelectionTool' )
alg.selectionTool.MuQuality = quality
alg.selectionTool.IsRun3Geo = config.geometry() >= LHCPeriod.Run3
alg.selectionTool.ExcludeNSWFromPrecisionLayers = self.excludeNSWFromPrecisionLayers and (config.geometry() >= LHCPeriod.Run3)
alg.selectionDecoration = 'good_muon' + postfix + ',as_bits'
alg.badMuonVetoDecoration = 'is_bad' + postfix + ',as_char'
alg.muons = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
config.addSelection (self.containerName, self.selectionName,
# Set up the isolation calculation algorithm:
if self.isolation != 'NonIso' :
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MuonIsolationAlg',
'MuonIsolationAlg' + postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'isolationTool', 'CP::IsolationSelectionTool' )
alg.isolationTool.MuonWP = self.isolation
alg.isolationDecoration = 'isolated_muon' + postfix + ',as_bits'
alg.muons = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
config.addSelection (self.containerName, self.selectionName,
# Set up the reco/ID efficiency scale factor calculation algorithm:
if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data and (not self.noEffSF or self.onlyRecoEffSF):
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MuonEfficiencyScaleFactorAlg',
'MuonEfficiencyScaleFactorAlgReco' + postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'efficiencyScaleFactorTool',
'CP::MuonEfficiencyScaleFactors' )
alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'muon_reco_effSF' + postfix + "_%SYS%"
alg.outOfValidity = 2 #silent
alg.outOfValidityDeco = 'muon_reco_bad_eff' + postfix
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.WorkingPoint = self.quality
if config.geometry() >= LHCPeriod.Run3:
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.CalibrationRelease = '230309_Preliminary_r22run3'
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.BreakDownSystematics = self.systematicBreakdown
alg.muons = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'reco_effSF' + postfix)
# Set up the HighPt-specific BadMuonVeto efficiency scale factor calculation algorithm:
if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data and self.quality == 'HighPt' and not self.onlyRecoEffSF and not self.noEffSF:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MuonEfficiencyScaleFactorAlg',
'MuonEfficiencyScaleFactorAlgBMVHighPt' + postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'efficiencyScaleFactorTool',
'CP::MuonEfficiencyScaleFactors' )
alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'muon_BadMuonVeto_effSF' + postfix + "_%SYS%"
alg.outOfValidity = 2 #silent
alg.outOfValidityDeco = 'muon_BadMuonVeto_bad_eff' + postfix
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.WorkingPoint = 'BadMuonVeto_HighPt'
if config.geometry() >= LHCPeriod.Run3:
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.CalibrationRelease = '220817_Preliminary_r22run3' # not available as part of '230123_Preliminary_r22run3'!
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.BreakDownSystematics = self.systematicBreakdown
alg.muons = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'BadMuonVeto_effSF' + postfix)
# Set up the isolation efficiency scale factor calculation algorithm:
if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data and self.isolation != 'NonIso' and not self.onlyRecoEffSF and not self.noEffSF:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MuonEfficiencyScaleFactorAlg',
'MuonEfficiencyScaleFactorAlgIsol' + postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'efficiencyScaleFactorTool',
'CP::MuonEfficiencyScaleFactors' )
alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'muon_isol_effSF' + postfix + "_%SYS%"
alg.outOfValidity = 2 #silent
alg.outOfValidityDeco = 'muon_isol_bad_eff' + postfix
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.WorkingPoint = self.isolation + 'Iso'
if config.geometry() >= LHCPeriod.Run3:
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.CalibrationRelease = '230123_Preliminary_r22run3'
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.BreakDownSystematics = self.systematicBreakdown
alg.muons = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'isol_effSF' + postfix)
# Set up the TTVA scale factor calculation algorithm:
if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data and not self.onlyRecoEffSF and not self.noEffSF:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MuonEfficiencyScaleFactorAlg',
'MuonEfficiencyScaleFactorAlgTTVA' + postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'efficiencyScaleFactorTool',
'CP::MuonEfficiencyScaleFactors' )
alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'muon_TTVA_effSF' + postfix + "_%SYS%"
alg.outOfValidity = 2 #silent
alg.outOfValidityDeco = 'muon_TTVA_bad_eff' + postfix
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.WorkingPoint = 'TTVA'
if config.geometry() >= LHCPeriod.Run3:
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.CalibrationRelease = '230123_Preliminary_r22run3'
alg.efficiencyScaleFactorTool.BreakDownSystematics = self.systematicBreakdown
alg.muons = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'TTVA_effSF' + postfix)
def makeMuonCalibrationConfig( seq, containerName,
postfix = None, ptSelectionOutput = None):
"""Create muon calibration analysis algorithms
This makes all the algorithms that need to be run first befor
all working point specific algorithms and that can be shared
between the working points.
Keyword arguments:
containerName -- name of the output container
postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
names. this is mostly used/needed when using this
sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
names are unique.
ptSelectionOutput -- Whether or not to apply pt selection when creating
output containers.
config = MuonCalibrationConfig (containerName)
config.setOptionValue ('postfix', postfix)
config.setOptionValue ('ptSelectionOutput', ptSelectionOutput)
seq.append (config)

Joseph Earl Lambert
def makeMuonWorkingPointConfig( seq, containerName, workingPoint, selectionName,
qualitySelectionOutput = None,
systematicBreakdown = None,
noEffSF = None,
onlyRecoEffSF = None ):
"""Create muon analysis algorithms for a single working point
Keyword arguments:
workingPoint -- The working point to use

Joseph Earl Lambert
selectionName -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
names. this is mostly used/needed when using this
sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
names are unique.
qualitySelectionOutput -- Whether or not to apply muon quality selection
when creating output containers.
systematicBreakdown -- enables the full breakdown of eff SF systematics
noEffSF -- Disables the calculation of efficiencies and scale factors
onlyRecoEffSF -- Only enables the reconstruction scale factor

Joseph Earl Lambert
config = MuonWorkingPointConfig (containerName, selectionName)
if workingPoint is not None :
splitWP = workingPoint.split ('.')
if len (splitWP) != 2 :
raise ValueError ('working point should be of format "quality.isolation", not ' + workingPoint)
config.setOptionValue ('quality', splitWP[0])
config.setOptionValue ('isolation', splitWP[1])
config.setOptionValue ('qualitySelectionOutput', qualitySelectionOutput)
config.setOptionValue ('systematicBreakdown', systematicBreakdown)
config.setOptionValue ('noEffSF', noEffSF)
config.setOptionValue ('onlyRecoEffSF', onlyRecoEffSF)
seq.append (config)