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14448 commits behind the upstream repository.
adding option to select different input tau container in TauAnalysisAlgorithms
adding option to select different input tau container in TauAnalysisAlgorithms
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# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# AnaAlgorithm import(s):
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigBlock import ConfigBlock
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigAccumulator import DataType
class TauCalibrationConfig (ConfigBlock):
"""the ConfigBlock for the tau four-momentum correction"""
def __init__ (self, containerName='') :
super (TauCalibrationConfig, self).__init__ ()
self.containerName = containerName
self.addOption ('inputContainer', 'TauJets', type=str,
info="select tau input container, by default set to TauJets")
self.addOption ('containerName', containerName, type=str,
info="the name of the output container after calibration.")
self.addOption ('postfix', '', type=str,
info="a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm names. "
"Typically not needed here since the calibration is common to "
"all taus.")
self.addOption ('rerunTruthMatching', True, type=bool,
info="whether to rerun truth matching (sets up an instance of "
"CP::TauTruthMatchingAlg). The default is True.")
# TODO: add info string
self.addOption ('decorateTruth', False, type=bool,
def makeAlgs (self, config) :
postfix = self.postfix
if postfix != '' and postfix[0] != '_' :
postfix = '_' + postfix
if config.isPhyslite() :
config.setSourceName (self.containerName, "AnalysisTauJets")
else :
config.setSourceName (self.containerName, self.inputContainer)
# Set up the tau truth matching algorithm:
if self.rerunTruthMatching and config.dataType() is not DataType.Data:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::TauTruthMatchingAlg',
'TauTruthMatchingAlg' + postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'matchingTool',
'TauAnalysisTools::TauTruthMatchingTool' )
alg.matchingTool.TruthJetContainerName = 'AntiKt4TruthDressedWZJets'
alg.taus = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
# decorate truth tau information on the reconstructed object:
if self.decorateTruth and config.dataType() is not DataType.Data:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::TauTruthDecorationsAlg',
'TauTruthDecorationsAlg' + postfix )
alg.taus = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
alg.doubleDecorations = ['pt_vis', 'eta_vis', 'phi_vis', 'm_vis']
alg.floatDecorations = []
alg.intDecorations = ['pdgId']
alg.charDecorations = ['IsHadronicTau']
alg.prefix = 'truth_'
# these are "_ListHelper" objects, and not "list", need to copy to lists to allow concatenate
for var in ['DecayMode'] + alg.doubleDecorations[:] + alg.floatDecorations[:] + alg.intDecorations[:] + alg.charDecorations[:]:
branchName = alg.prefix+var
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, branchName, branchName, noSys=True)
# Set up the tau 4-momentum smearing algorithm:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::TauSmearingAlg', 'TauSmearingAlg' + postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'smearingTool', 'TauAnalysisTools::TauSmearingTool' )
alg.smearingTool.isAFII = config.dataType() is DataType.FastSim
alg.taus = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.tausOut = config.copyName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'pt', 'pt')
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'eta', 'eta', noSys=True)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'phi', 'phi', noSys=True)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'charge', 'charge', noSys=True)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'NNDecayMode', 'NNDecayMode', noSys=True)
class TauWorkingPointConfig (ConfigBlock) :
"""the ConfigBlock for the tau working point
This may at some point be split into multiple blocks (16 Mar 22)."""
def __init__ (self, containerName='', selectionName='') :
super (TauWorkingPointConfig, self).__init__ ()
self.addOption ('containerName', containerName, type=str,
info="the name of the input container.")
self.addOption ('selectionName', selectionName, type=str,
info="the name of the tau-jet selection to define (e.g. tight or "
self.addOption ('postfix', None, type=str,
info="a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm names. "
"Typically not needed here as selectionName is used internally.")
self.addOption ('quality', None, type=str,
info="the ID WP (string) to use. Supported ID WPs: Tight, Medium, "
"Loose, VeryLoose, NoID.")
self.addOption ('legacyRecommendations', False, type=bool,
info="whether to use legacy tau-jet BDT and electron veto "
"recommendations. The default is False.")
self.addOption ('noEffSF', False, type=bool,
info="disables the calculation of efficiencies and scale factors. "
"Experimental! only useful to test a new WP for which scale "
"factors are not available. The default is False.")
def createCommonSelectionTool (self, config, tauSelectionAlg, configPath, postfix) :
# This should eventually be fixed in the TauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool directly...
# ---
# Create two instances of TauSelectionTool, one public and one private.
# Both should share the same configuration options.
# We attach the private tool to the CP::AsgSelectionAlg for tau selection,
# and the public one is returned, to be retrieved later by TauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool.
config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'TauAnalysisTools::TauSelectionTool' )
tauSelectionAlg.selectionTool.ConfigPath = configPath
publicTool = config.createPublicTool( 'TauAnalysisTools::TauSelectionTool',
'TauSelectionTool' + postfix)
publicTool.ConfigPath = configPath
return publicTool
def makeAlgs (self, config) :
selectionPostfix = self.selectionName
if selectionPostfix != '' and selectionPostfix[0] != '_' :
selectionPostfix = '_' + selectionPostfix
postfix = self.postfix
if postfix is None :
postfix = self.selectionName
if postfix != '' and postfix[0] != '_' :
postfix = '_' + postfix
nameFormat = 'TauAnalysisAlgorithms/tau_selection_{}.conf'
if self.legacyRecommendations:
nameFormat = 'TauAnalysisAlgorithms/tau_selection_{}_legacy.conf'
if self.quality not in ['Tight', 'Medium', 'Loose', 'VeryLoose', 'NoID', 'Baseline'] :
raise ValueError ("invalid tau quality: \"" + self.quality +
"\", allowed values are Tight, Medium, Loose, " +
"VeryLoose, NoID, Baseline")
inputfile = nameFormat.format(self.quality.lower())
# Set up the algorithm selecting taus:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'TauSelectionAlg' + postfix )
selectionTool = self.createCommonSelectionTool(config, alg, inputfile, postfix)
alg.selectionDecoration = 'selected_tau' + selectionPostfix + ',as_bits'
alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
config.addSelection (self.containerName, self.selectionName, alg.selectionDecoration)
# Set up the algorithm calculating the efficiency scale factors for the
# taus:
if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data and not self.noEffSF:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::TauEfficiencyCorrectionsAlg',
'TauEfficiencyCorrectionsAlg' + postfix )
config.addPrivateTool( 'efficiencyCorrectionsTool',
'TauAnalysisTools::TauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool' )
alg.efficiencyCorrectionsTool.TauSelectionTool = '%s/%s' % \
( selectionTool.getType(), selectionTool.getName() )
alg.efficiencyCorrectionsTool.isAFII = config.dataType() is DataType.FastSim
alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'tau_effSF' + selectionPostfix + '_%SYS%'
alg.outOfValidity = 2 #silent
alg.outOfValidityDeco = 'bad_eff' + selectionPostfix
alg.taus = config.readName (self.containerName)
alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'effSF' + postfix)
def makeTauCalibrationConfig( seq, containerName, inputContainer='TauJets',
postfix = None, rerunTruthMatching = None):
"""Create tau calibration analysis algorithms
This makes all the algorithms that need to be run first befor
all working point specific algorithms and that can be shared
between the working points.
Keyword arguments:
postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
names. this is mostly used/needed when using this
sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
names are unique.
rerunTruthMatching -- Whether or not to rerun truth matching
config = TauCalibrationConfig (containerName)
config.setOptionValue ('inputContainer', inputContainer)
if postfix is not None :
config.setOptionValue ('postfix', postfix)
if rerunTruthMatching is not None :
config.setOptionValue ('rerunTruthMatching', rerunTruthMatching)
seq.append (config)
def makeTauWorkingPointConfig( seq, containerName, workingPoint, selectionName,
legacyRecommendations = None,
noEffSF = None ):
"""Create tau analysis algorithms for a single working point
Keyword arguments:
legacyRecommendations -- use legacy tau BDT and electron veto recommendations
selectionName -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
names. this is mostly used/needed when using this
sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
names are unique.
noEffSF -- Disables the calculation of efficiencies and scale factors
config = TauWorkingPointConfig (containerName, selectionName)
if workingPoint is not None :
splitWP = workingPoint.split ('.')
if len (splitWP) != 1 :
raise ValueError ('working point should be of format "quality", not ' + workingPoint)
config.setOptionValue ('quality', splitWP[0])
config.setOptionValue ('legacyRecommendations', legacyRecommendations)
config.setOptionValue ('noEffSF', noEffSF)
seq.append (config)