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scott snyder authored
- Pass class instances by const reference, not by value.
scott snyder authored- Pass class instances by const reference, not by value.
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L1CaloRampRunPlan.cxx 4.49 KiB
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "TrigT1CaloCalibConditions/L1CaloRampRunPlan.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
// AttributeList
#include "CoralBase/AttributeListSpecification.h"
#include "AthenaPoolUtilities/AthenaAttributeList.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
L1CaloRampRunPlan::L1CaloRampRunPlan(): AbstractL1CaloPersistentCondition("AthenaAttributeList"),
this->addSpecification(eEventsPerStep, std::string("EventsPerStep"), std::string("int") );
this->addSpecification(eEnergySteps, std::string("EnergySteps"), std::string("string"));
L1CaloRampRunPlan::L1CaloRampRunPlan(int nEventsPerStep, const std::vector<double>& vEnergySteps): AbstractL1CaloPersistentCondition("AthenaAttributeList"),
this->addSpecification(eEventsPerStep, std::string("EventsPerStep"), std::string("int") );
this->addSpecification(eEnergySteps, std::string("EnergySteps"), std::string("string"));
m_itCurrentStep = m_vEnergySteps.begin();
DataObject* L1CaloRampRunPlan::makePersistent() const {
// Create AttributeListSpecification according to the attributes to be recorded
// this is required to create the AttributeList objs
coral::AttributeListSpecification* attrSpecification = this->createAttributeListSpecification();
if(!attrSpecification->size()) return NULL;
AthenaAttributeList* attrList = new AthenaAttributeList(*attrSpecification);
// Set value of each row for the current channel
int nEventsPerStep = this->eventsPerStep();
std::vector<double> vEnergySteps = this->energySteps();
(*attrList)[ this->specificationName(eEventsPerStep) ].data<int>() = nEventsPerStep;
// export energies to a string
std::ostringstream oss;
std::vector<double>::const_iterator energy_it = vEnergySteps.begin();
for (;energy_it!=vEnergySteps.end();++energy_it) {
oss << *energy_it << " ";
(*attrList)[ this->specificationName(eEnergySteps) ].data<std::string>()= oss.str();
return (DataObject*) attrList;
void L1CaloRampRunPlan::makeTransient(const AthenaAttributeList*& athenaAttributeList) {
int nEventsPerStep = (*athenaAttributeList)[ this->specificationName(eEventsPerStep) ].data<int>();
std::string strEnergySteps = (*athenaAttributeList)[ this->specificationName(eEnergySteps) ].data<std::string>();
//tokenize strTable
int buf;
std::stringstream ss(strEnergySteps); // insert the table string into a stream
std::vector<double> vEnergySteps; // create vector to hold our words
while (ss >> buf) vEnergySteps.push_back(buf);
m_nEventsPerStep = nEventsPerStep;
m_vEnergySteps = vEnergySteps;
m_itCurrentStep = m_vEnergySteps.begin();
void L1CaloRampRunPlan::nextEvent() {
if(m_bEndOfRampRun) {
//log << MSG::INFO << "No more steps to generate - End of ramp run" << endmsg;
//std::cout << "End of ramp run - No more steps to iterate" << std::endl;
if(m_iCurrentEvent==(m_nEventsPerStep)) {
if(m_itCurrentStep!=m_vEnergySteps.end()) {
//std::cout << "nEventsPerStep reached, next step: "<< *m_itCurrentStep << std::endl;
} else {
//std::cout << "nEventsPerStep reached, no more steps to iterate"<< std::endl;
m_iCurrentEvent = -1;
m_bEndOfRampRun = true;
std::string L1CaloRampRunPlan::status() {
std::ostringstream oss;
if(!m_bEndOfRampRun) {
oss << "L1CaloRampRunPlan - Current event: "<<m_iCurrentEvent<<", current step: "<<*m_itCurrentStep;
//if(m_itCurrentStep!=0) oss <<*m_itCurrentStep;
//else oss << "not initialized, there might be a problem !";
} else {
oss << "L1CaloRampRunPlan: No more events/steps to process";
return oss.str();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const L1CaloRampRunPlan& rplan) {
output << "nEventsPerStep: "<< rplan.m_nEventsPerStep<<" ";
std::vector<double> vSteps = rplan.energySteps();
output<<" nsteps: "<< vSteps.size()<<" - steps: ";
std::vector<double>::const_iterator it = vSteps.begin();
for(;it!=vSteps.end();++it) {
output << *it<<" ";
return output;